Chapter 7 The Snakes Intentions
“That’s what I’d like to know?” Anna said quietly as she stared Isabel down. “Why on earth would you be here so early?”
“I... I wanted to see if you guys wanted to get an early start on the move.” Isabel stuttered out looking foolish. Isabel hardly ever appeared with a hair out of place and now she looked downright flustered. Anna loved this look on her.
“Eager today aren’t we?” Anna asked trying hard not to smile as she asked the seemingly innocent question. “What exactly do you need our help with? “Or was it John you needed?”
“I didn’t need anyone in particular.” Isabel stuttered as she looked down at her immaculately polished nails. “I just wanted to get started.”
“Obviously we are not going to be doing anything at seven am.” John said in disbelief looking at Isabel with irritation. “At least nothing we want anyone else to see.”
Isabel flushed and Anna could see now that anger hid beneath the blush on her face. Everyone fell for the innocent lady in distress act, hell Anna had even believed it too. Now she could see her cousin clearly for what she was, a cold hearted snake.
“Of course,” Isabel said in disbelief, her words as John kissed Anna deeply. Anna pulled away and smiled up at Isabel from the crook of Johns arm.
“Why don’t you come back in about an hour or so, we’ll be more put together then.” Anna said with a smile that dared her cousin to protest or say anything else.
“Better make it two.” John said with a laugh as he grabbed Anna’s arm and pulled her away. Before the door shut Anna looked back and saw the hatred in Isabel’s eyes for just a minute. The chilling stare cut through to her soul and she knew that Isabel was an even more dangerous enemy than she had anticipated.
Anna saluted Isabel and slammed the door shut. Anna was not afraid. John gripped her hand tightly and she knew that if she wanted a different future she was going to have to make it happen. She was so ready to make it happen.
John pulled her into his arms and kissed her so deeply that her head swam. Anna’s heart filled with longing for the man in her arms. She was worried about a lot of things, why she was here, why she’d gotten a second chance, but in this moment she didn’t care. Five years of loneliness and sorrow ensured misery, but now with John in her arms it felt like no time had passed at all.
“I think I owe you a distraction.”
“Really, I don’t seem to remember that.” Anna said with sly smile
“Hmm, maybe I should remind you.” He growled out as he lifted her against him. Anna wrapped her legs around him and held on.The feel of him was hard yet he was gentle as he held her. Anna had always loved that about him, his gentleness.
“I guess I could spare a few minutes.”
John growled and marched toward the bed tossing her onto it. She bounced with a laugh but the laugh turned not a gasp as he stalked toward her. His eyes glowed in the morning light as he slid his sleep pants down and crawled toward her on the bed. His muscles bunched and rippled as he moved and Anna shivered watching him. She’d tried to forget what he looked like, what his touch felt like, but now she knew she’d been lying to herself every day.
“A few minutes” he scoffed “We’ll see about that.”
“I dare you.” She said with a smile as his hands slowly unlaced her robe kissing each inch of flesh he revealed. Anna arched into his mouth as the morning air hit her body. Jon pulled the robe off her and laid her back on it, the blue color contrasting with the neutral sheets. John gripped her legs and pulled her to him. Desire exploded deep inside her as his hands slid up her legs until his hands found her panties. His hands pulled and they ripped off with a whisper of lace.
“Those were my favorite panties.” Anna said on as gasp as his lips worshiped her body inch by inch and she opened herself to him, welcoming him.
“I’ll buy you a hundred more.” He growled as his lips found her and caressed her center. Anna arched with a cry as his lips moved over her making her brain swim.
Anna tried to bury her head and hide her eyes but John would not let her escape. His eyes blazed as he braced himself and gently tipped her face up to his as he loved her.
“Don’t hide from me.” He breathed as he kissed her again “Don’t ever hide what you are feeling.”
“John” She moaned his name harshly as she pulled him closer and opened her legs for him. John pushed inside and she held him closer letting him see all the emotions rolling through her eyes. She didn’t want this moment to end and she held onto him tightly as they let go together.
“You are amazing.” John breathed as he pulled her tired body against his own. He pushed her sweaty hair off her forehead and smiled into her eyes.
“You’re not so bad yourself.”
“Told you it would take more than a few minutes for what I had in mind.” John said with a smile as he stretched out beside her.
“Ehh, “she said with a laugh shrugging her shoulders nonchalantly.
“Really?” he asked with a growl as he pulled her back to him, “Maybe I didn’t show you the advantages here.”
“Hmm, maybe you should show me again?” She said with an eye roll as he growled and bit her neck.
John reached for her and pulled her under him. She lost herself in the kiss and groaned aloud as her cell phone on the bedside stand rang. John’s head dropped to the pillow and he groaned.
“Saved by the bell.” Answer it so they will go away.” John groaned.
She wished she could ignore it, but knew it wouldn’t stop until she picked up.
She rolled over and picked up the phone and hit talk.