
“The jewels on this blade is worth the exact amount you are bargaining for the blade, Orel.” Cale said heatedly as I rolled my eyes, they have been arguing back and forth since for a blade that caught Orel eye, it was small for him and although it was my size, I doubt it was for me. It was too fanciful for my taste.

My eyes were on the small pair of thin like swords that will allow for throwing and at the same time for sword combats, I have been drawn to those blades since I set my sights on them, there was something about them that felt familiar, like they were meant to be mine.

“Themis, you see anything you like.” Orel said behind me as I gave a little jump, I was so lost staring at the twin swords that I didn’t noticed that they have stopped their arguments since or from the way Lord Cale was staring at me, I feel like they were asking for my opinion.

“Nothing.” I lied as I removed my eyes from the blades.

“My wife eyes jewelries the way you eye those blades, you wish they were yours right?” Lord Cale said as I paused then nodded looking at Orel who smiled at me.

“I am not poor to the extent, I cannot get my wife extra pieces of jewelries and blades that she wants, I will even encourage you to look around more, if you want throwing knives, dirk, dagger, spears, whips. Anything that you want you can have it.” Orel said as I laughed.

“Slow down husband, you need to slow down. I just want the twin swords and maybe some jewelries, I don’t like the ones that was picked out for me.” I said with a smile as I picked the twin swords.

“Why, is anything wrong with them?” Lord Cale demands as I laughed again.

“They are in perfect shape and they are beautiful. That is not why I don’t like them.” I shrugged as I swung the blade as Orel eyes gleamed with approval, I am sure that he was happy since it looks like he could train me.

“Then why don’t you like them.” Cale asked curiously

“They are too loud, I like the hidden gems, the ones that is overlooked but mean much more.” I said as Cale nodded.

“I have some pieces like that”

“You should not have told him that they mean more, he will use it as an excuse to charge me more.” Orel complains as Themis laughs again. Orel knew that he would provide his wife with as much jewelries as possible if it kept her happy.

Much after her new weapons and jewelry box filed with some pieces that were prefect for her and others Orel liked on her and insisted that she should have.

When they moved into the slaves tents which separated the people viewing the ladies in shackles and blindfolded that rose Themis eyebrows up and when she realized what was about to happen.

“You will not buy me a slave as a companion. These are my people.” Themis argues as Cale cuts in.

“No they are not, they are from Idrom, and I made sure of it.” Cale voiced

“They are from the tribes, they are my people. I refuse to buy one of them.” I argued as Orel nodded.

“That is good since, I will be buying her and gifting her to you as a gift.” Orel said in a firm voice not up for changing.

“Orel. I started, not knowing how to change the mind of my stubborn husband.

“Themis, you know you cannot fight me on this.” Orel cuts in. there was no way, he would leave this tent without choosing one for Themis.

“How would the tribes take it when they hear that one of my fellow tribe is acting as a slave for me? They will not take it lightly with my tribe.” I complained, willing my husband to see reason, but when his expression didn’t change I knew he still haven’t.

“Your tribe turned their backs on you, they don’t even deserve you thinking about them with any sympathy.”

“Orel, I don’t want a slave.”

“Themis, you don’t have a choice in this issue.” Orel replied as I growled frustrated.

Turning to Cale, I said to him. “Lord Cale, tell him that I don’t need a slave.”

“I am not getting in the middle of a new couple argument.” Cale said shaking his head. “But if I was, I would say that your husband is right. You need loyal females by your side, females that can fight and defend you.”

I would not have asked for his opinion. “You must be joking. I already have guards who can protect me, why do I need a female slave for that too.” I cried out as Orel paused then nodded.

“In that case. We are not buying a female slave who can fight, we want the one who can amend clothes, dress my wife up, have some knowledge in healing and can keep her wits around danger.” Orel said to Cale who nodded and left this tent to bark out orders to his servants.

“I don’t need any of such maid. I can handle all you just mentioned on my own. Except healing though.” I added sending a glower at Orel who shook his head at my anger, all I might represent to him now is a probably a rabbit trying to scratch someone skin off with nails that are not sharp.

“True, you can handle all those activities by yourself but it doesn’t change the fact that you need a female companion you can talk to and build a friendship with. If it is the status of a slave that you don’t like then it is okay because I don’t like it too, all we will don is after buying her, we tell her she is free but she has to be in your company for five years and during those years we will be paying her some stipend which she can use to start her life after the five years has been exhausted. How does that sound.” Orel explained to me as tears filled my eyes.

Orel might be a warrior who doesn’t display emotions or doesn’t understand some simple concepts which everybody does like compassion but that doesn’t mean that he didn’t have feelings of what was right and he tries as much as he can to do them, even when it digs into his pockets in non-profitable means.

For the first time since I met him, I walked willingly into his arms without him asking for it, first time I embraced him, “Thank you Orel.” I whispered to his ears as he nods as I felt a brush of his lips on my head as if he was kissing my hair.

Before I could think of what it meant, the tent flapped opened as Lord Cale walked in talking a mile a minute.

“There you two are, I was wondering where you went and which of my merchandised has caught your eyes… “He paused mid words when he realized what position I was in.

“Am I interrupting anything?” He asked as I quickly flung myself out of Orel arms with my cheeks a bright red.

Orel smiled at me before answering Cale “No you weren’t but if you had come in two minutes later, you will have.”

“Orel.” I exclaimed mortified as Cale lets out a booming laugh.

“Come along, let us sort out business then you go to your home or tent and continued where you stopped from.” Cale said as he stepped outside and we also stepped out following Cale who led us to a tent where a woman my age was standing, her hair was the most attractive part of her, it was like fire was surrounding her face and I am sure that when the grime and dirt is washed of her, the hair will shine even brighter.

Like other slaves, her eyes were blindfolded.

“Why only her.” Orel asked with an eyebrow raised.

“She was her tribe’s healer, a wife who stayed at home and also maltreated by her husband.” Cale answered

“How did she enter your hold?” Orel asked as Cale laughs.

“I cannot get anything past you can I? Her village people sold her to me when she murdered her husband through some poisonous herbs. They were scared of her.”

“They were not, they despise me because my will could not break...” the woman said as Cale roared.

“SILENCE, you know better than speaking when I am talking to potential buyers. I am sorry warlord, she does this often.” Cale apologies as Orel looked at the slave.

“She killed her husband you said.” Orel asked.

“A lot of people are concerned with that, which is why she goes at a very low price.” Cale offers.

“I want her.” I said from Orel side, the first thing which I said since entering the tent and when her face adjusted a fraction to look at me, I knew that blindfolded or not, she could see me because she had the gift of healing, very rare among the tribes but considered a gift from the gods, she could see the auras of people.

“What.” Orel asked looking at me.

“I want her as my companion.” I replied staring at my husband.

“She killed her husband.” Orel said.

“I heard Lord Cale when he mentioned it, that doesn’t change the fact that she is a good companion or are you worried that I might kill you later through her help.” I snorted at the ridiculous idea.

“Still she is dangerous. I am not concerned about me, I am concerned about you, what if she gained your trust only for her to use it against you. You might not see it but you are very important to the Dar Empire. Anything happen to you, I will tear the world apart looking for the person who caused it.” Orel said as my face went soft.

Aware or not, he just declared that he will do everything in his power to ensure that I am safe regardless of what happens, my last worries about our match melted away, maybe it was time I try to be happy in my new life.

“She will not harm me, she would not Dare.” I said wryly and smiled when she released a growl. “Besides, I can tell that we are going to be very good friends.” At my words, she took a step back as I smiled.

“What are you?” She asked me, my aura must be strange for her to comprehend and that scared her.

“Can we have her?” I turned my pleading eyes to my husband who nodded.

“Fine, since you want to have her and are not even laying complaints anymore then fine. How much is she?” Orel said as spat a curse when Cale named an amount. “You said she was cheap.”

“Slaves from the tribes are way more expensive than slaves from spoils of war. I have to pay the chiefs for the people.” Cale said as Orel glared at him.

I left them arguing about the price as I took, Orel boot knife and approached the woman who shifted away from me. “Be at ease, I will not harm you.” I told her as I cut the blindfold away from her eyes.

“Your husband is still haggling with the merchant king, are you sure that you should be doing this.” She asked as I started to free her hands

“They love arguing about prices, we are leaving here today with you no matter the price.” I said as Cale raised his voice.

“I would not be sure about that.” she said rubbing her hands which were swollen from the bonds.

“Trust me, you will love being my companion.” I tell her “What is your name, I am lady Themis.”

“Dyane. You are from Sagedge, how are you a lady?”

“Long story. Tell you later.” I replied Dyane only to turn to face my husband only to see that he was watching me.

“And she has bonded with her already.” Cale said as Orel released a growl and threw a pouch at Cale who looked at it.

“This is more than our agreed price.” Cale said with his brows in confusion.

“Think of it as a bonus for keeping my wife happy. And when you buy more things, I hope you buy them with my wife in mind, she would need more gown and of finer quality too.” Orel said as Cale nodded.

“For this amount, I will even throw in ten free dresses for the slave or a jewelry piece for your wife.” Cale added as Orel glared at him.

“When you do deeds like this, I start wondering how much you have made off my head.” Orel said as I let out a laugh.

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