Chapter 4: The Disgrace of Cassiopeia

Ran decided to spend the rest of the Full Moon Gathering up a tree. After all, she had slapped Caph in front of all the werewolves at the Gathering. Sure, they were pretending not to be interested but nobody was fooled.

Especially not Acamar.

He saw her mess up—there was no doubt about it.

He had been too far away to hear the offensive things the arrogant Alpha of Cassiopeia's fourth son said to her but close enough to make out the slap.

She didn't need a human's EQ to understand what it looked like.

Ever since her parents' death, Ran had dreamt of one day avenging them as Alpha of Eridanus. She had worked very hard towards her goal and thought of doing nothing else since.

Her life was dedicated to becoming the best fighter in the pack, the swiftest and most powerful, so that no one would mess with her people again.

Ran picked absently at the branch she was sitting on, frustrated that even after all her efforts, all people saw when they looked at her was a jaded female heir who needed to get out of the way and let herself be protected by others.

She had been helpless and terrified during the incident ten years ago, but she was different now.

She had been useless when Eridanus was attacked. A liability. With her parents out on patrol, she had been to be protected, too weak to protect even herself.

The rogue attack as the most pivotal moment in her life.

She wasn't going to be helpless again.

Eerie howls filled the air, many werewolf voices in harmony, bidding farewell to the moon, signalling the end of the Full Moon Gathering.

She was physically strong now, feared and respected by many in her pack for her superior combat abilities.

So why was she still weak?

Ran leapt down from the tree, dusting foliage off her clothes, and came face to face with Caph.

He loomed over her, eyes bright blue now that they were away from the bonfire's yellow light.

She hadn't sensed him approaching. Hadn't even heard him.

Energy thrummed under her skin as he took a step towards her, backing her into the tree.

How did he know where to find her?

This was her secret place.

'You need to understand something, Ran,' he said, voice low, almost threatening. Anger flashed through her eyes. He might have found her but she could overpower him.

She was strong enough for that.

Caph wasn't intimidated by the warning in her eyes. It only seemed to empower him. 'I agreed to your fake arrangement because I get something out of it. I am not interested in your power. So don't be fooled. Not everyone needs your power to do whatever they want.'

He licked his lips and half-smirked.

'The world doesn't belong to you either.'

And then, he was gone.

Ran was alone once more, pressed against the rough trunk of the tree, heartbeat even more rapid than when she was training.

As Beta, it was her responsibility to politely inform the still-partying members of her pack that it was time to go home. Some of them were too inebriated to hear what she was saying, and she was in a bad mood replaying Caph's words over and over in her head like a broken record, getting angrier with every repetition.

She forcefully dragged them to her uncle by the scruff of their necks.

Her uncle's eyes flashed as Ran dropped the drunkards at her uncle's feet.

'That's everyone,' she spat. 'We can go now.'

Acamar raised himself to his full height, his black eyes glowing with dominance. She resisted the urge to bow to him in respect.

She had done so instinctively before. But right now, she was angry.

With all her willpower, she straightened herself to meet his gaze.

'I know what you're trying to do, uncle,' she hissed. 'But the right to be Alpha was given to your brother—my father. Just because you're Alpha for now doesn't make you the rightful owner of Eridanus.'

Acamar growled. 'Don't humiliate Eridanus by insulting your Alpha at a Full Moon Gathering. You don't have to like my commands, you just have to follow them. Are you going to bring shame to the pack with your arrogance? I did everything for the pack, not for myself. Your childish dreams and delusions are what's going to ruin Eridanus.'

Ran let out a snort of laughter. 'You're afraid of me. I am the youngest Beta in werewolf history and I'm about to become the first female Alpha of Eridanus.

The Regent shook his head and took a step towards her. 'Oh Ran, you're weak, just like your parents. You obviously don't know what leadership really means. Find someone who does or get out of my way.'

He turned his back on her.

Ran watched her pack disappearing into the distance without her, breathing deeply to calm down. As she morphed into her wolf, letting the heat of the transformation wash over her, she became aware of Caph's presence.

His intense blue eyes were fixed on her.

He had been listening.

Caph had watched her fight with her uncle and lose.

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