Saved By A Sire King - Freya Rose Book Five
In this fifth episode of the Freya Rose series, we meet some new fantastical characters, and we lose some much-loved ones too. With plenty of drama, humor, and new love interests, I doubt you're going to want to miss what happens next.
In this book, we also have a character called Lucy popping in for a visit. Lucy is from the Angels and Demons series written by the amazing J.C. Seal. She has collaborated with me and helped me add in some new excitement, and possibly a happily ever after for one of my characters.
I know right!? A happily ever after, in my series? I hear poor Freya asking, "what's one of those?"
Anywho, jump into the next instalment of the Freya Rose series to find answers to many of the questions you had at the end of Heartbroken By A Hunter.
About Author
Latest Chapters
#20 Chapter Twenty - I'll make you pay
#19 Chapter Nineteen - Trust me
#18 Chapter Eighteen - How could I?
#17 Chapter Seventeen - I need you
#16 Chapter Sixteen - What is it now?
#15 Chapter Fifteen - X-rated performance
#14 Chapter Fourteen - You remember me?
#13 Chapter Thirteen - Could she help me?
#12 Chapter Twelve - I didn't belong here
#11 Chapter Eleven - I'm really sorry
Mechelle Gould
where is the 6th book?
04/18/2023 18:17Hope Colwell
I’ve been looking for the story Sacrificed by a Sire King and haven’t been able to find it yet. I’m hoping everything is ok with the Author of the series.
12/20/2021 16:22Robin Supko Huneycutt
did you change where your publishing the 6th book? based on the dates of when you said you were going to start writing it, I hope everything is okay! it’s been almost a year! Everyone needs to take time off and regroup…I just didn’t know if I had to look on a different book site. Take care. Can’t wait to start Tristan’s series. 😊
07/29/2021 08:13Robin Supko Huneycutt
where can I find the 6th book
06/07/2021 10:08NacoleJ5
will there be another book
05/05/2021 02:00Heather pittman
I dine read all 5 plz when is sarificed by sire king coming out i read all 5 in 2 days i can put it down now im waiting I want to know what will happen to freya rose plz dont let us wait to long
03/02/2021 03:08Crystal Cosgrove
an update on Sacrificed by a sire king would great.
11/22/2020 09:01Megan Smith
when will you start to release chapters to sacrificed by a sire king?
11/09/2020 07:14Kim
is there a way to get a notification when you start publishing for your next book “sacrificed by a sire king”????
10/12/2020 03:38Anna Greenwood
The Freya Rose series is amazing! I'd say my fave out of all my years reading. Thank you so very much for writing these books. Are they or will they ever be in hard cover?
09/24/2020 17:59