Read with BonusRead with Bonus

3: Red eyes

Warning! Sexual content


There he sat, in his comfortable black chair, head hung over a pile of paperwork, black hair covering his hazel eyes. It was at that moment that I knew I was absolutely, undeniably and royally screwed. This man, sitting so comfortably in his chair was none other than my egotistical, pain-in-the-ass boss. Of all people, it just had to be him. I was just about ready to move swiftly past the door, out of this room and literally bolt back home when suddenly, I heard a throat clear. I looked up, and almost stopped breathing as I stared up into a pair of hazel eyes. I was frozen, for a moment, and then quickly, almost instinctively, I turned the light switch off beside me in a frantic panic, forgetting completely that the fox mask I wore actually did a decent job of concealing my facial features. I then decided after a few seconds of gentle coaxing, that since I was already found out, I might as well use the situation to act on my earlier fantasies of revenge. So, with a slow, steady deep breath, the Vixen in me awoke. I closed the door behind me, dropped my coat to the floor and removed the cuffs from my underwear strap.

Mr Michaels eyed me with eyes void of any visible emotions and remained wordless as he started to shamelessly drink in the sight of my half nakedness, almost daring me to near him. Was he underestimating me? Just that thought, of him underestimating me, was igniting a sense of immense rage and frustration. Today I would show him that I was not someone to be underestimated, that I was capable of being dominant, powerful and authoritative.

Soon, I found myself right in front of him, dangling the cuffs on the tip of my index finger. It was then that he took the opportunity to speak.

"I'm guessing that my friend sent you," he began, "well, I really am not interested so you can-"

But I did not let him finish, instead, I climbed on top of him swiftly and cuffed his hands right behind his chair. He was now so close to me that I could feel his heartbeat speed up at the sudden contact, hear him gulp, and feel him shift under me. His eyes were now no longer emotionless but rather shocked and curious.

"You don't get to tell me what to do." I hissed in his ear and scratched, through gloved hands, at the skin on the surface of his arms, causing slight red marks and goosebumps to form. It was then that I felt him stiffen. And as I moved away from his ear, I saw the way his brows furrowed as he eyed me more closely and then let his eyes roam my body once again.

"Fine," he huffed, "but I will not be responsible for what happens tonight." He said almost warningly. I however, made the mistake of ignoring him and dragged a gloved hand to the hem of his shirt. I then tugged at it, and, in a quick, swift movement, ripped it clean from his body, revealing his well-defined, decadently delicious body which heaved uncontrollably as he took in short, deep breaths. I had barely touched him, and already he was like this. I then dragged my hands from his collar bone achingly slowly along his hot skin, down to the waistband of his pants, and rubbed my fingers against the very hard, very excited bulge between his legs. As soon as I did this, a low growl and slight moan ripped from his chest, and he began squirming slightly against me and tried to move his hips towards my hand- already wanting more.

I smirked to myself, enjoying this image of him being completely and utterly vulnerable, yearning and aching for my every touch. I slowly moved my hands to his belt buckle, unbuckled it, threw the belt onto the floor, unbuttoned his pants and placed my hand in them slowly just barely letting my fingers touch against him. He was throbbing with desperation and lust and as soon as my fingers wrapped around his shaft a deep, low growl was released from his chest and he let out a soft, sexy moan thereafter.

I shook my head in absolute awe at the effect this was having on him and started moving my hands, first teasingly slow, and then harder and faster against his very impressive length. Soon, I dragged my tongue on the surface of the hot skin on his chest. It was smooth and surprisingly soft. I then glided my tongue over one of his nipples, which made him arch his back and emit a breathy groan through his already gaping mouth as I bit and sucked. I could feel him trying to move closer to me, itching to touch me, and so, I used my free hand to push him back, forcefully against the back of the chair, removed my tongue from his nipple and looked up at his face which was contorted and flushed red with pleasure and desire.

"Uh uh. No touching." I purred lowly into his ear, and then took the opportunity to attack his earlobe which I bit and licked violently and then forcefully tugged at his hair with my free hand.

"Fuck! If you carry on the way you are, I am going to have you bent over this desk crying in pleasure within the next few seconds."

Those words... they made a tight knot form in my stomach and caused a warm, tingling sensation between my thighs- something which only seemed to occur when I was around Mr Michaels. The feeling grew even more intense, as Mr Michaels' growls and moans became louder with my violent strokes against his length, and I eventually removed my hand, and opened my legs wider, allowing his throbbing self to be right between my thighs. Then, I began grinding my hips against his. My movements were slow and light at first but began turning desperate and grew faster and deeper as I grew wetter and wetter.

"Oh fuck! I'm about to... aah!" He could not even finish his sentence without it being taken over by another of his moans which he dragged out and let echo against the walls of the room. I was so intoxicated by his reactions and the sexy sounds he was emitting that I completely forgot that I was actually here on business. Instead, I focused on the wet, hot feeling which was welling up between my thighs as I rubbed against him lustfully and desperately. This was completely against policy, but I honestly could not care anymore, and eventually I let out a string of my own moans and breathy pants and sunk my nails into his shoulders as the knot forming in my stomach grew tighter. I was completely drenched in my own lust. When Mr Michaels’ voice grew even louder and his breathing became even more uneven, I took it as a sign that he was about to cum, and I stopped grinding against him, which took every ounce of will power I could possibly summon.

"Why are you stopping?" He huffed out, trying to grind his own hips up against mine. I however used my hands to pin them down as well as my knees which I placed forcefully and painfully against his hips. And my next words, were the words which turned the entire evening in a completely new direction.

"I want you to beg me for it. I want you to beg me to make you release and have you dripping wet. I want you to be a complete mess in front of me, weak, vulnerable and shaking in pleasure."

It was then that his hazel eyes widened, and he stared at me... only they were no longer hazel brown, but a brilliant, deep shade of bright red. They caught me off guard and I found myself falling off of the chair and onto the cold, wooden floor. I took the time to wipe my eyes quickly, certain that hallucinations were part of being as horny as I was at that point. However, when I looked up, I realised that this had to be anything but a hallucination. Mr Michaels had broken free from the hand cuffs and was now towering over me. But Mr Michaels did not look like Mr Michaels. His red eyes remained red, and he now had long protruding fangs which poked out from his lips and glinted in the moonlight which poured in from the window.

"I warned you, Jasmine." And with that, my mask was ripped from my face in a quick motion and ended up dropping to the floor right next to me. I did not know what was more frightening about the situation: the fact that my boss had abnormally long teeth and red eyes, or the fact that he knew I was a Vixen the entire time. "Did you really think that I would not find out who you were? The moment you waltzed yourself in here, I knew. Those piercing blue eyes… that intoxicating smell, of course I knew."

He began to walk closer to me, while I just lay there on the ground, stunned, shocked and completely frozen. Slowly he leaned in, until his lips were right next to my ear. "I like to play with my prey, so I will give you a head start of ten seconds."

It took me a moment to realise what he meant, and as soon as he began counting, I took it as my cue to unfreeze myself and try to get the hell out of this mansion. It was therefore completely logical for me to bolt to the front door of the mansion and try to open it. My effort was, however, proven futile as I realised that it was locked, and so, I began running around the house frantically searching for a key. By the time I’d made it to the kitchen, he was already on three seconds left. So, after a few more attempts at frantic searching, I exited the kitchen and began running down a dimly lit passageway.


As soon as this word left his mouth, I heard him begin to walk, his shoes thudding against the wooden floors. My heart sank to the bottom of my stomach as I realised the gravity of the situation- I was being chased around the house by my psychopathic, most likely serial killer, boss. After another turn into another corridor, I noticed an open room. I immediately ran into it, shut the door behind me and ran and hid in a closet towards the end of the room. By then I was panting, sweating and frantically coming up with an escape plan. Yes, I was terrified, but I was also a Vixen, and Vixens knew how to get out of sticky situations. However, red-eyed, sharp-fanged, psychopathic bosses weren’t specifically dealt with in self-defence 101.

Before I could even muster up a logical thought toward my escape plan, I heard the sound of his voice again. "Come out, come out little Vixen... I don't bite. You belong to me now!"

It was silent for a few moments, almost too silent, and so, I took it as an opportunity to exit the cupboard. This was yet another miserable mistake of mine. Mr Michaels sat comfortably on the bed in front of me with a sadistic smile plastered on his face as his red eyes drank in the sight of me.

"Found you!"

So this was my first attempt at a "slightly" mature chapter, thoughts?

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