Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 3: To the Rescue


The vibe of Bourbon street would turn anyone into a boozing, dancing freak, because that was the ancient spirits calling out to celebrate the dead. The several centuries old cemeteries that called with their seductive cries to enter their sacred grounds. The Witches loved the foot traffic, it acted like a battery charger, jump starting the spiritual energy laying in the tombs and crypts.

“Azalea!” Akai shouted as I watched her slug a guy that had grabbed her ass as they passed by.

“Don’t Fucking touch me!” She shouted as Nikola and Micah grabbed her around the waist, flailing her body raging pissed as Akai firmly grabbed the guy’s hand, pulling him to his feet.

“You are lucky.” He whispered growled loud enough for me to hear as the guy flinched when Akai patted his shoulder, dusting off the invisible debris.

“Feisty.” Storm laughed darkly as we watched them enter their destination.

“Pure Hell fire.” I replied as I slipped into the Bar.

Taking a seat in the far corner still able to see the group as they took their VIP seats, quickly ordering whiskey, while the girls ordered Hurricanes. Watching as they all laughed, poking fun at one another as the Bar Waitress brought their drinks.

“To us!!” They saluted as they downed their shots, quickly pouring another round as the Bartender approached me.

“Miller Lite Bottle.” I spoke as he nodded back at me as I watched Azalea sip on her Hurricane as she smiled brightly, swaying to the Dark Blues twanging seductively in the bar.

Watching as the Bartender sat my Beer down, sliding over a hundred, indicating to keep them fresh, until I left. The frosty bottle teasing my lips as the cold liquid smoothly slid down my throat as I watched my Spit Fire of a mate as she stood up to dance to the music of a remake of “House of the Rising Sun”. Her beautiful hips swaying seductively as she sipped her drink blindly, smiling with the beat.

“Azalea.” I whispered out to her, watching as she shuttered at my voice as she gently looked around the room, trying to look inconspicuous.

Thankfully, a guy leaned in front of my view as he placed his order for twelve shots of bourbon, two Jaeger bombs and twelve miller drafts. Then walked back to his table, exposing my view again, but she was gone while the rest laughed downing another round of shots. Scanning quickly as I slowly weaved through the establishment, acting like I was heading for the bathroom.

Turning the corner blindly as a petite, full figured beauty slammed into me, dropping her drink as I quickly caught it before it hit the ground.

“Oh my God! I’m so sorry.” Her voice sung seductively to my ears as I smiled, handing her drink back to her.

“My apologies.” I replied as she tucked her red hair behind her heavily pierced earlobe.

Ducking quickly into the men’s room as I took a few deep breaths, controlling myself from savagely taking her full-figured body in my arms.

“Fucking Pussy.” Storm growled annoyed as I rolled my eyes.

“We can’t. Not until she turns eighteen.” I replied annoyed as I gripped my cock that had become aroused by her scent of Irises and fresh rain.

As I was taking a leak, Nikola and Micah entered the bathroom, laughing loudly as they took the stalls on either side of me. Side glancing as I dropped my head back, shaking before zipping my jeans backup. Washing my hands as I watched the Twins swaying to the twangy Blues playing in the bathroom. Slipping out quickly, making sure I was not spotted as I took my spot back at the Bar.

“I thought I would find you here.” Her voice caught me off-guard as I snapped my eyes to catch her leaning against the Bar like she was ordering drinks.

“What you drinking?” She asked as I held up my Miller Lite as she smiled nodding to the Bartender.

“Put it on my tab.” I spoke quickly to the Bartender as he nodded.

“Two shots Top-shelf Whiskey please.” She asked as she smiled brightly at me as the Bartender smiled at her.

“Eyes to yourself asshole. Mine!” Storm growled angrily as I felt my body shake, ready to rip the bastards throat out.

Feeling the electrical snaps as I found her hand, gently placed on my trembling arm.

“To say “Thank you’.” She spoke sweetly as she held up her shot, clinking it with mine as we smiled at each other, snapping the shot down one gulp, slamming the shot glasses back down.

“Maybe I will see you around.” She whispered in my ear as she grabbed the fresh Hurricane from the Bar, walking seductively over to her siblings.

“How much?” I asked the Bartender as I watched the siblings finish off their bottle, fixing to leave.

The Bartender handed me Fifty back in change, grabbing his hand giving him a firm shake.

“Thanks.” I spoke deeply as I walked out ahead of the group, finding a shadowy corner to tuck into, seeing the nightlife bustling with heavier crowds.

“I want to play pool.” Akai spoke loudly as he handed the girls a wad of money as they headed off towards the local Billiards hall down the opposite direction.

“Fucking idiot.” Storm growled annoyed.

What idiot would openly hand a wad of cash to three women in front of drunken bastards?

Rolling my eyes as I followed the girls into another Bar, serving these crazy looking drinks. I managed to catch a glimpse of the name “Hand Grenade”.

“Shit!” I silently cursed as again I signaled to the Bartender for a Miller Lite Bottle watching the girls drink the Grenade with twisted expressions.

“This is trouble.” Storm stirred nervously.

Sure, enough all three started swaying to the mix of music as they walked out the Bar into the massive crowd of people, happily singing, hanging on one another as they slipped my sight.

“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” I whispered yelled as I scanned the street, trying to catch her scent, but the mixture of alcohol, urine, bodily fluids had me spinning.

Walking in the direction of the Hotel, loud screaming erupted from a side alley as I took off feeling this intense rage building, not mine, but hers.

“Not good.” Storm hissed darkly as we found six guys ruff-housing the girls, slamming their drunken bodies into the brick wall.

“Give us the Fucking money.” One shouted as the other five, groped each girl watching as Azalea started glowing a soft hue of red.

“Fuck.” I shouted silently as I rushed all six, slamming my fist into the one demanding the money as the other five rushed at me, easily dodging their drunken fists.

Watching as Azalea side kicked the stick figure of a guy, that had groped her breast, then spinning around connecting her fist to the other guy that tried punching her but managed to get his balls field goaled.

“Are you girls okay?” I asked as Azalea snapped her eyes to me, smiling brightly as Celia and Astoria kicked the only two still conscious.

“Yeah.” They all huffed, swaying drunkenly.

“Come on. I will help you back to your Hotel.” I offered as they silently conversed, turning towards me nodding.

Celia and Astoria hooked arms as Azalea took my arm, quietly walking through the crowded Bourbon Street, watching as they silently conversed, looking at me with bright smiles.

Making it to Bourbon Hotel as I waved to the three drunkenly wobble into the establishment.

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