Chapter 2
Shimmer, when she heard this thought, she sprung up from her daze. I had never felt so much pain before in my life. She fought for control, but I would not let her. /I am faster./ She pleaded repeatedly in my head over and over. It was the first time my wolf had ever tried to take over, and it was the first time I ever had any progress with shifting…
/But you don’t know how. / I kept telling her. She was going to kill us. /YOU are going to kill us!/ I chastised on deaf ears.
I screamed in pain falling to the ground. My joints rearranged and became wolf like. My screams became howls and whimpers, and I felt like I had no air. I gasped as hard as I could. My wolf was trying so hard to figure it out, because no one ever taught us. No one ever thought I would.
/I have to try./ Shimmer grunted with me, motivated by the dying light. She did not want to be an Omega. She did not want to run for enjoyment’s sake, but for the sake of survival. We’d made a mistake we couldn’t help: we sounded like a Rogue as we shifted, but I didn’t think we attracted any attention to ourselves.
My erratic breathing and bone adjustment felt like it took forever. And in a way it did, the sun began to set on the stream with the dragonflies; fireflies soon danced in their stead. There were no more turtles; I saw no more fish. But I heard a crazed, bloodthirsty howl in the distance. My body was not quite right yet, but me and my wolf crawled in pain, knowing that maybe, our howls of pain set off Alpha Kaiden into a frenzy; he is not going to see a new fresh she wolf just turned, he is going to see an intruder who disrespected and challenged him in his own territory, way too close to the housing district.
We didn’t have time to figure it out, we just crawled until it was right. My muscles ached already tired from running in human form, but if I didn’t figure out how to get home, I was going to die. The monstrous wolf was closer, he was so fast I didn’t have time to think. Until I stumbled into a cedar tree, stubbing my back paw on something not used to the darkness. /Climb/ Shimmer screamed. Knowing full well we probably had no other choice, or real chance. I can only assume that his senses were perfectly tracing me, barreling down that path to slit my throat, but if he is that bloodthirsty, he might not see clearly enough to find me.
I struggled to get up the tree branch by branch, trying to stay as quiet as I could, while Shimmer whined in my head /He’s here!/ Oh, gods he was massive! I could tell that I was half his size! He was running swiftly, eyes almost glowing blood red in the half full moonlight. If this is how he is now… I couldn’t bear to imagine how strong he is when it’s full….
Then he slowed to a deliberate, confident gate. The moon goddess answered my prayers, hiding her pale hues behind the cover of dark, fluffy clouds. All I could do was practically shake like a leaf in the cedar tree… its red bark keeping me hidden in the darkness. The wind shaking the trees concealed me. I am her child; may she shield me from his wrath for my disobedience.
To my horror he circled the tree a few times, but thankfully he didn’t look up. He smelled so self-assured of himself, that I don’t think he figured someone would run away from him like I did. His presence really could be tasted… what I’d heard was true. I’d always doubted that part of their stories, until now.
[Where are you little pup?] He spat in wolf speech; his growls could be felt, [I won’t hurt you….] He closed his eyes, sniffing the air in deep robust breaths as rain pitter pattered the ground now. I was thankful again, now I might have a chance…. now I might live. He walked slowly closer to the tree, and smelled the air again.
[Where are you?!] He boomed a deafening roar, completely submitting me and Shimmer, causing me to crouch down in sheer terror on the branch. He kicked his back feet in supremacy over the ground, scattering the cedar needles. This was a message for all who live under his territory, it would tell others this is his kill and his alone. [You smell delectable. I could just eat you.] He said in a deep sinister growl, licking his chops.
/Holy shit!/ We both said to ourselves at the same time! I need Help! I need more help!! I begged the Lady Moon. I clung to the tree for dear life itself! What did I do to him to make him that angry, no amount of groveling will stop him, even if I did get down….’please help me’ I prayed, wanting to cry, but I’m no idiot: that would get me caught!
[Mmmm] he growled deeply, [… I can taste you] Lightning flashed, and thunder rumbled on a gale of wind, almost knocking me to the ground. I sunk my tiny claws into the wood as hard as I could. The rain had turned into a thunderstorm.
He ran in only what I can assume was the direction of the stream where I started my shift. I did not hesitate! I climbed as quietly as I could, limp running from my back foot trying to figure out what my scent was so I could follow it, but I didn’t know what I was doing. I didn’t know how to do anything yet, I had only been a wolf for a few hours, and honestly, some of that can’t be counted because I was so new that I didn’t even get it right.
I remember the smell of fresh cookies, and food cooking on the stove. I smelled it on the wind and followed where it led me. I may not know anything else, but I remember that. I wanted to go home to my mama and dad, hoping that maybe, since they see him so much, that he would have some kind of mercy.
I know he knew them… or at least OF them since they were part of the main crew during his office hours…. and maybe that would be enough. From my wondering thoughts, I saw another threat; the night patrol. I didn’t know if Alpha told them to stop me, but I didn’t stick around to find out.
Warriors patrolled the pack, though no one seemed to pay attention to me, and for that I was thankful. I was small, so small that they might have thought I was a teenager, and therefore not a threat to the pack. I wasn’t fast either with my slight limp, and it being the first time on four legs.
I didn’t realize how much work it was to get used to this…. Along with everything else. Now that I was a wolf proper, the sights and sounds were becoming too much. The flashes of lightning blinded me, and the pitter patter of rain sounded like drums. I didn’t want to ask the Warriors that were out on patrol for directions… they could stop me as the pack’s police force. They too were enormous, and every so often I’d see one gallop in the distance… It made it hard to focus on what I was supposed to do.
The smell of home became too faint, then too strong, as I wasn’t running in a straight line…. all the while I could hear the snarl of Alpha Kaiden in the distance. He said he wanted to eat me! /Maybe he did not mean it that way…/ Said Shimmer.
Maybe she was right, but I didn’t want to take any chances…. Home would be my best bet… maybe the smells and the rain will help me hide. He never actually saw me, and so long as I steered clear of him, maybe he would calm down, and in the morning, I could go to his office and try to explain myself.
Maybe if time went by, I could have him see reason… But all I’d ever heard about him was how unreasonable he was. The only thing I’d ever heard about him was that I didn’t want to meet him… and now he’s declared that he wants to rip me apart…
Hiding was my best option. I lived in the lower ranked housing district of the pack with my parents… that’s traditional…. Most of us lived with family until we found our mate… but what was I to do if he didn’t accept my explanation? I sounded a lot like a Rogue… but I couldn’t help it! And how come sounds of pain sound almost like Rogue disrespect anyway… who’s idea was that…?!
I never meant to anger the Alpha. I never meant to challenge.
I never wanted to ever see his wrath…
But here I am…. And gods is that a bad way to go…...I trembled