Chapter 6


“You’ve glared at me the whole walk here.” She said about to look down and submit to me again, but I kneeled my head down, pressing my forehead against hers. It was something I rarely did with even family, and I felt some of her fear subside.

She was taken aback by this, but she was still timid. “I cannot ever get mad at you. You are the reason I feel whole. I was staring at you, because for the first time, I had someone that has the capacity to complete me if she chooses. I will be back my Luna,”

I could understand the fear, I’m sure since her parents work at the prison, they have seen personally all the stupid sadistic shit I’ve done, half the time for no reason in their eyes. I gave her a reassuring kiss on the forehead, and she let out a small whimper.

I needed a cold shower. Now, pronto.

“I’ll be back. Get comfortable.” I tried reassuring her, but I knew better. I’d brought her real fear. She misinterpreted my intentions from the moment I found her until now. Her entire life, I could bet money that she’d heard of every bloodstained misdeed I’d done in Horizon, but I’d never blame her parents for that. She probably thinks I’m a deranged rabid wolf, and I can’t blame her for that either…

Off to the guest room I sped walked, and into the shower I went. The soap would help with some of my aggressive Alpha scent, but that was the most I could do about it… The cold water helped calm down my Horney wolf, but knowing him he would get excited again when we got to the room. I don’t see how he couldn’t be, as she was a beautiful she wolf, but I would have to work at earning her trust… I’d scared her so badly that I could feel that she was out of sync with her wolf.

I hadn’t seen that that often, but rest would fix that… They were both so small too… it was almost as if the goddess still punishes me for my attitude….My ill temper got me into this, that could not be denied.

…My actions cursed me because people who Had mates Didn’t after I killed them. Pairs that would have been happy, never got a chance to meet, and for it, the Goddess in her mercy remolds pairs in cases like that so only the perpetrator is punished…. yet I didn’t deserve someone who seemed so sweet… but it was selfish to accept her.

My wolf disagreed, and ultimately, I did with him. I waited TOO long to be without my true… but what I’d done was selfish. Alpha males mate high ranking females, ones who know how to run a pack… ones who will not be so fresh to the shift that they don’t know How to interpret my intentions or my aura… I wrapped a towel around my waist when I was out the shower…. The only thing I’d done was frustrate myself.

I went into my office, looking up her file. I changed her last name to mine in the system since she marked me back, and I looked at her family history. She was born in SnowMoon…her parents were two of only ten known survivors since the others either died at that pack or in the infirmary…. Her parents were janitors on the most violent floor, another strike against me.

She was young, only 21, but for a wolf our 20’s to 90’s was more like 18 to 19. We stay young a long time because we do not die unless we’re killed…. Her file other than that was standard, nothing stood out other than she was registered as an Omega until now, so I had to change that as well to Kappa, the next lowest in wolf’s strength, but Luna as her title….

Any other Alpha would have been pressured to reject her, but I waited so Long for this… and we only get One. As selfish as it was, I would choose her... This also meant I would eventually have to teach her how to shift properly, as she’d missed all of that training in high school.

Since she graduated from the Omega track, she knew damn near Nothing. I’d have to teach her Luna duties…. Luna training… and dominance training… and court etiquette… but that could Definitely Wait… those vultures… if they saw her anytime soon, it’d be like throwing her in chummed ocean water…

My wolf was silent, allowing me to skim through the rest of her information, and there was a light tap on the door.

“Knock knock.” Sang Beta Connor.

“Not in the mood.” I warned.

“When are you ever though?” He said with a smile, though I gave him a warning snarl. He liked to fuck with me, but at the moment I Really Wasn’t in the mood for his antics. “I’ve come with the report from last night’s incident.” He put it on my desk.

“At least they won’t be an issue anymore.” I grumbled. Those damn Rogues had been lurking in the woods at the edge of the pack, mugging anyone close enough to go to the border, and had my Luna left yesterday for that same run, she would have been attacked. I growled with my wolf.

“Oh, and Congratulations.” He said with a smile. “She’s literally the smallest wolf I’ve ever seen. Don’t smoosh her.” He joked.

“Thank you.” I mumbled, though I know he heard me.

…. I actually ran right past her house that night now that I thought of it, hot in pursuit of them. Their only real purpose in life was to make life hard for the surrounding packs since they didn’t want to join. They were roaming bandits, wanted in damn near every pack this side of the Mississippie. I’d finally gotten my teeth into them, and I wonder did she hear that? That would explain a lot…

“I’ll see you tomorrow. You seem to have a lot on your mind.” He said leaving, and I did.

But for now, I would go back to my timid Luna, and I hoped she would see me in a bit of a better light.


My heart beat a mile a minute, I was struck dumfounded that he would care about anything I had to say. Why did I not just tell him what he wanted to hear? Why did I speak my mind like we were equals in this room?

/Because we are damnit/, snorted Shimmer, playing off that his advances were overbearingly powerful, and I was in no place to reject them. /That is not how I feel. You think too much./

I probably do, but it doesn’t stop the fact that I am now in the danger zone, sitting in his lap. I thought to myself. /We are his mate. Mates do not hurt mates…./ Said Shimmer. Again, she opted to go to her own place of thought for herself. We usually agreed on everything but right now it was like we couldn’t see eye to eye. We were out of sync, and it was driving me crazy. I was still skeptical…

He left the room to go shower and a female warrior brought some of my clothes from home in a large duffle bag. I needed this. I locked the door and took a long hot shower. My foot was still feeling a little sore, but honestly it was a tiny scrape. The thing with stubbed toes is that they hurt because they want attention. And Lady knows they get it. I ignored that stupid toe, I might not have gotten caught if not for it….. But then I would have never met my mate.

I like his smile, he can be gentle, but I’m still cautious about him. He really could just bully the hell out of me just by saying things in a demanding way. An Alpha can do that, so can a Luna, but who is going to follow a wolf who doesn’t even know how to shift right yet?

/We will learn./ Shimmer yawned.

I yawned back…. I felt like a pup again waiting for mom to come tuck me in, but I am not unlocking the door. The room was large, with a large dark wood bed and matching wood nightstands, an alarm clock, a large closet full of clothes, and a master bathroom. The walls were the same as the living room with crown molding. I tried soaking in all the details while I looked through my old clothes to find something to sleep in.

His black and gold comforter covered bed was cozy. I sat on it to change into my plain pink pajamas, but I could not sleep, I was on high alert. Shimmer may have trusted them so easily, but I will not, especially that scoundrel of a wolf of his. I hear a deep amused chuckle with a light tap on the door.

“Let me in my little mate.” He sounded like he was teasing me. What was he laughing for? Was it funny that he could smell my terror? Honestly, I tried to get up, but my fear had me in a chokehold. “Do you want me to sleep in my own guestroom babygirl?” he jingled keys, my eyes grew wide, “…. or do I need to open the door?” He almost whispered.

I remained quiet. It was disrespectful to do so but I couldn’t think of anything to say. /You’re dead./ Shimmer yawned jokingly /All because someone asked you to open a door./

I heard another chuckle from the other side of the door.

Wait …can he hear us? Can he hear us?! All the shit I’ve said all night?! The door unlocked with a loud click. He leaned against the door in a blue bathrobe, but underneath were pajama pants. I stared at how calm and amused he looked, like I just uncovered a secret everyone in the room knew but me. Wait a minute, Shimmer knew! /You bitch!/ I hissed at her, she laughed at me, sticking out her tongue.

I didn’t see him in the doorway anymore, he was walking to the bed. I put my hands in front of me for defense, he grabbed my left hand and kissed it. “Don’t be such a worry wart, like I said you can’t make me mad, but it does bother me how creative that imagination of yours is.” he said lying in bed, pulling me next to him.

What the hell was I going to do? Sleep?! NEVER! I shall die on this rock of stubbornness! He yawned a deep, low rumble, and pulled me under the covers. It was so quick I don’t think that if I tried, he would let me up, who would have guessed I would ever see this place, yet alone be in his bed.

“Our bed.” He yawned, it sent shivers up and down my spine. It felt right to be included, but it worries me that he hears my thoughts. Why can’t I hear his though? I think to myself looking at him, his toned tan body making deep steady breaths.

[…Do you want to?] I heard his wolf link me, while his face held a curious sly grin.

[I actually would], I responded, maybe now I can know what he thinks of me. Talk is cheap. He said he wouldn’t hurt me, but if he really feels that way, I figured this could test it…

His eyes were red with his wolf. He rolled on top of me and in an instant, my heart raced. He was going to do what he said anyway, knowing that I was too weak to stop him. I tried pushing his massive weight off of me, but it was like I was under a wall.

The alpha’s hands went under my shirt, and I didn’t know what to do! It was exciting to Shimmer, she got a kick out of it, asking for more while I pleaded him to see reason. He kissed me on the lips, rubbed his chin on my hair, and rolled back over. What the actual hell?! My eyes were wide with panic He stopped, flipping me around, so he held me like a stuffed animal.

“I had to try.” said his wolf devilishly. “If I cannot have you now, then I will have to settle with my scent all over you.” He growled possessively, having taken over Alpha.

He held me tighter, smelling my hair as he pressed me against his body as if it would comfort me. My body was so awake, yet exhausted. What if he tries again? Shimmer was disappointed but I have to be the responsible one around here. Her mind is clouded with the thought of mate, mine was clouded with the fact that my mate was a monster.

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