Chapter 6
The pain has stopped. I'm drifting in darkness from the intensity of it when a knock snatches me back to reality like a cruel game.
Groaning, I reach for my dress shirt and throw it over my head before opening the door. How long was I that position?
"Hey, guess what?" Sophia smirks. Both her and Dylan stand outside my door seemingly ecstatic. It quickly disappears once they notice my expression. "You look dead, what happened?!" she shrieks, I wave it off and gesture for them to enter.
"It's not important. Why are you guys here?" I ask, gently falling onto my bed. She seems hesitant to change the subject but eventually relents.
"We're going shopping!" Sophia smirks, I raise my brows at the thought. Shopping, huh? I've never done that before. Contrary to Sophia's beaming enthusiasm, Dylan seems to be dreading the idea.
"You good, Charming?" I muse, watching a small pout adorn his features. We've never been shopping together because surviving to see tomorrow was always my main priority.
It wasn't that I wanted to survive. If it weren't for Dylan, I'd have killed myself a long time ago.
When my father took my bonds and disowned me, I was alone in an alien world. I was no longer a slave to cruelty. I was free. My father tore my shackles, and I didn't know how to live without them. So I chain myself to revenge instead.
"I don't like shopping," Dylan grumbles, falling onto the bed beside me. I snicker as he throws his arm over my shoulder lazily.
"I don't exactly complain when you raid restaurants," Sophia argues. I scoff because Charming has an unhealthy obsession devoting hours of his time in restaurants. I'm surprised he isn't fat.
"That's different Red, eating doesn't expel my energy," he retorts. A soft smile plays onto his lips. I observe the intensity of his love for her devour his eyes. I've never seen anything like it before.
"If you don't like it, then stay. No one's forcing you to tag along," I shrug, just as Sophia's attention grows wide with excitement.
"Does that mean your coming?!" Sophia squeals at me.
"You need me to liven shit up," he argues, although I somehow doubt his words. Something tells me he's going to be a little kid throwing a tantrum in the park.
"Sure, why not. I've never been shopping before, seems like fun," I smile, pushing out of Dylan's grip. A rush of excitement chorusing through my veins as I follow them out the door. Just one day, I need one day to feel normal.
"You've never been shopping?" She repeats. I can't decide if she's confused or shocked, but I reply regardless.
"It never really crossed my mind," I shrug. We leave the mansion, Sophia's eyes glowing bright green as she looks into the distance.
"Okay, both of you hold on," Sophia orders. I settle my hand onto her shoulder. We disappear to reappear outside a mall packed with stores. Creatures ran around with bags hanging loosely off their arms.
The glass building is magnificent. A beautiful crystal fountain sat in the middle, its light reflected the sun but in different shades of a rainbow. I had to squint slightly to see the dome, four floors high stretching as far as the eye can see. I'm amazed by the sight.
"Okay, let's go over there!" Sophia chuckles, dragging me along to different stores. I didn't have coins to buy anything, but I appreciate the numerous designs on the computers, the projector revealing various clothing, everything.
I allow my finger to run along the different variety of fabrics. We even stopped at Urtium - a store for creatures that specialise in elemental magic. They have everything - pets, potions of all kinds, magic, even silver.
Silver is deadly to even the most powerful creatures. The slightest touch can scar you permanently, even then its venomous bite stays with you forever.
Two hours in and I haven't lost my energy, excitement still rolls off me in waves – sometimes twice, for the fun of it - it's electrifying. I admire the shoes. And I was mainly in 'awe' of the jewellery. The rare jewels found deep in the caves of Caiden known as Nairn.
They are as enchanting as everyone says, and of course, incredibly expensive. Next to indestructible, its only weakness being the eternal fire found deep in the caves Caiden. Legends say it has burned since the beginning of Eldora.
Many have tried to find it, but no one succeeded. Its sacred land protected by the Qusayr being they are the only direct descendants of the Gods - or so the creatures whisper.
"Wolfe, stick with Red, I'll be back," Charming yells, rushing out of the store desperately. I stand on the tips of my toes, searching for Sophia's bright red hair only to stop when Nia awakens to something.
I'm familiar to the feeling prickles at my nerves. It's like an itch crawling up my spine - danger.
My eyes dart in every direction, my heart loses its rhythm, searching for the source to my unease.
I can't explain it, but unlike thousands of times before it feels disturbing this time. A cold, harsh breeze sweeps past me, forcing a shiver to rattle my bones. Unlike other times, Nia doesn't growl for the urge to taste their blood.
I catch a glimpse of a woman with hair so long it touches her ankles. Her hair isn't like mine - though it is white, hers seems dull, as if her roots are wrapped in ice.
She drifted through the bodies of creatures like a phantom. Her power is unlike anything I've sensed before - it howls at my soul and freezes me stiff.
"Ahh-..." Nia whines painfully; I couldn't breathe in the presence of this-... thing. An evil aura wafts off her in greedy waves. I can see it swirling in the air, but it touches no one.
Why does no one else sense it?
"Wolfe?" Dylan snaps me from my daze, his hand sitting over my shoulder, bringing me back to reality. "Is everything okay? You're freezing!" Worry paints his features as he tries to read my expression.
I snap my attention back to the woman, but she is no longer there.
Who was that?
"C-Can we leave?" He seems slightly surprised; brows drew together confused. I'm surprised myself; I didn't expect my words to sound so… desperate.
No longer excited, Dylan strolled off to find Sophia, and my gaze lingered to where I'd seen that woman. Her mere presence drowned me in fear, fear not even my father could invoke from me. Who the hell was that? Forget it! I don't want to know.
"Come on, let's go," Sophia smiles, gently placing her hand on my shoulder as we disappear and reappear outside the large mansion. Sophia wanted to say something, but I leave before she can.
Goosebumps trail along my skin. Even now, I can still feel the cold atmosphere around her.
Everything about her was just… wrong. Completely wrong.
I snatch my bag with shaky hands, searching until I find a syringe filled with purple liquid and plunge the thin needle into my veins, injecting the poison. Though that woman felt real, she also feels like a distant dream one I never want to encounter again.
As the wolfsbane burns through my veins, Nia grows weaker. The full moon is tomorrow, and she'll be stronger, forcing my body to turn. I won't be strong enough to fight her, but the wolfbane should help. The only unfortunate side effect is that it weakens the mind, and an unpleasant memory surfaces without my consent.
*Alone, I shiver in the dungeon. The days blur away. Time is my enemy; darkness becomes my accomplice. It wraps me in its shadowy figure and keeps my pain hidden from the world.
Fear traps me. I pray the darkness will swallow me and consume me completely. But no, in this dungeon, he always finds me.
"Turn around."
It was an order. No wolf can fight an Alpha's command. No matter how much I fight, my body dances on my bloody feet to the strings he commands.
The object appears painful, but I obliged like an obedient pet.
Father's words are coated in anticipation, watching my every move with an ugly gleam illuminating his face.
"Do not move."
Painful tears sear down my face as I try to fight his power. Father's command spoke to every cell in my body, re-wiring my brain to his amusement.
I can't move. I can't run. I can't hide!
The silver licks across my back and scars my flesh, unhealed wounds once again burn with rage. I scream, yet he laughs - the puppet show continues.
And the nightmare continued, the pain intensified—an alpha abusing his power for his own sick enjoyment. I suffered. At one point, his command seemed futile. I gave up, hoping I was a stroke away from death.
Even that, he did not allow.*
"Valerie!" Sophia's screams pull me back to my room. My blood continues to burn, but it didn't feel so bad anymore.
Her scream shook the entire mansion. It vibrates through every bone in my body. The air in the room grows vicious, swirling around us chaotically. The current is so strong that my body slightly levitates in the air.
"What the actual…" I want to growl my displeasure, but stop abruptly, when I see tears rolling down her face.
Sophia stumbles back, ripping her hand from my shoulder as though I just burned her. Her eyes glow a vicious red, searing her gaze into mine.
Her lips quiver, her legs tremble, her body shakes as she retreats from my room. Her hands sit over her face. I try to figure out what the hell happened to put her in such a state? She trips over her feet; midfall a strong arm catches her.
The siblings remain in their position, eyes glazed over. I watch in sheer fascination - and curiosity - as the events unfold.
They pull away as I give each of them a confused look. "Why are you crying?!" I ask Sophia. Jaxson seems on the brink of murder.
"Who the fuck was that?" That was unexpected coming from him. He sounds cold. Distant. It was a whisper, but from the intensity, it howls at my soul. He isn't angry; he is calm. Too calm that he scares me.
"W-What are you talking about?!" I whisper I shortly piece the puzzle together. Dread holding my eyes.
"I-I didn't mean too. I touched you, and that memory just flowed through me so freely and I-I…" Sophia pauses just as I rise to my feet. I'm grateful the wolfsbane weakened Nia because pain grips me so tightly.
"I want a name, Valerie," I'm dazed momentarily from the way my name rolls off his lips so perfectly, unprepared for him to speak my name for the first time. I don't think he expected it himself, but his face remains stoic.
Jaxson's lips curl into a growl expressing his displeasure, but I am not going to relent. It's when I notice his figure blur into his wolf, to realise how angry he truly is - or is that his wolf?
"I'll find out, and I will kill him," he promises, his voice sounded darker and deadlier, a sign his Lycan is present. I didn't say anything and push past him, walking in long and purposeful strides to one place.
The art room.