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Chapter Three: Where Has His Animal Gone?

Brody Huntington

Age Twenty-Three

I was home. Well, almost home, we were in Dallas. Sure, I'd been home on occasion during leave over the past six years, but this time I was here to stay. I really wasn't sure how I felt. I don't think I was very happy. Brock picked me up from the airport after work today. Despite being twins, he looked older, and yet I'd been the one on the battlefields. It was settled that I would be working alongside Brock in the office. I managed to get a degree while I served. Though I'd probably be just as happy running a farm or ranch. I love to move, the outdoors, and to get my hands dirty. I know Brock is the same deep down. Or maybe he's not. He seems content in his job. But he's not the same boy that I remember when I left. He is all work and business.

I can feel that we've drifted. Considering where I've been, it makes sense. I made friends, buddies, most of which were wolf shifters. The funny thing about the government is they know shifters exist, but only wolves and they know very little. That is something that group in Austin has done a great job keeping secret and behind closed doors. The Emersons do not mess with security or the protection of our kind. So, in order to get to do the dangerous sneaky stuff, I had to be in wolf form. They were all good-natured guys who loved the hunt. They were all so loyal to each other. They were a real family. The kind of family I wished our pack was like.

But every time I talked to Mom or Brock, I knew we were different. Brock changed. It's like he'd given up on dreams or a life outside the bears. I knew he felt responsible for the bears that are left but sometimes I wonder how much good he is really doing? I mean it's important to train up the next generation. I am a firm believer in that and discipline in combat, but you have to live and enjoy life. Mom sure doesn't seem to be holding back in living her new, best life. Grrrr. I wonder if Dad knew the outcome. Sure, we all want people to move on and be happy in life if they lose someone they love. But it was so quick, and she practically threw herself at Jeremey from all Brock told me. I wouldn't be shocked if she had gotten a hold of some type of love potion. I've always loved my mother, but I don't know how you can claim the love of your life is gone and move on in the blink of an eye. It just seemed wrong. Maybe even disloyal. But who am I to judge? I don't know anything really when it comes to love and relationships, just what I've heard.

Being in life and death situations reminded me that I want to live. Hell, I want to love probably more than anything. Sure, I've had women. A high school girlfriend and whatnot, but I'm holding out.

I know, and I've heard the legends that there is one perfect creature out there for me. Well, technically for Brock and me. We are twin Alphas. Though I'm currently Beta, the idea is the same. Throughout our kind's history, anytime an Alpha had a twin, they were Fated for the same Mate. Brock never wanted to discuss this, but I was prepared. He only believed Alphas for great packs that needed power would find their Mate. He just didn't believe it as I did.

Whenever we've talked over the past few years, he is either working late, setting up something for the pack, watching football, or about to go to bed. He is a machine. Where has his animal gone? At least overseas I could unleash. I was stationed up in the Himalayans near…well, that part isn't important. But even before I left, I would go out late into the woods and roam. I embraced the wild. It was freeing, passionate, and made me feel alive.

I knew we were celebrating my return, but tonight my goal was to get my brother to open up, let his non-existent hair down, and get laid. As far as I know, he doesn't go out. The clothes he was wearing when I walked in further proved my point. After his quick change, he looked our age. Now he just needed to loosen up. I pulled out my phone and started clicking through the clubs on Instagram. There were so many choices. The ones I was looking at were all dark and decadent. I didn't really care about the ambiance because they all looked the same. But I started looking at who was there. What kind of women were partying it up.

One of the clubs kept getting tagged every few minutes by a wild group of women with sashes. A little more stalking. Were these twenty-first birthday or bridesmaids? Both could be dangerous groups. Lots of alcohol will be consumed. If it's early enough, they should be fun but not tipsy. Bridesmaids could be divided into two categories, those happy for the bride and those who were angry and horny. The kind of girl you wanted to date and marry was the ones that loved and congratulated their friend and spent the night watching over them. They helped them make good decisions and kept them safe. The others, those were the ones you took home for angry sex. I don't know if Brock was up for that.

I don't know what kind of woman he needed, but he needed one. I was making him my priority tonight, but I still needed to take care of myself as well. What was I in the mood for? I kept scrolling through the pictures. As I swiped and clicked, I kept coming across jewel tones and red hair in the background. I never saw a face, just flashes of color. I couldn't take my eyes away from my phone. I felt like a stalker, but then again, my animal was kicking in. I needed to find her.

"Hurry up, Brody. We need to go."

I saw the flashes in the background in several hashtags. It looked like she was progressing north in Deep Ellum. Goddess, I was in full stalker mode. I looked at the map, and I could tell where she was heading next. I didn't care if she had a date or a boyfriend. Nothing was going to stand in my way. We were finding my little ruby rose. Brody didn't need to know that I was on the hunt. Maybe he'd join me. Maybe she would be the test for us. Maybe I should let him fend for himself? But deep down, I know he needs me, and we need her.

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