Arranged Marriage?
It's 6 am. I wake up as happy as can be, smiling from check to check as I think of Wesley. I know it's wrong because eventually he will leave but I can't help but be happy while he's around me.
Just then my phone rings.
"Hi dad, how are you doing?"
"It's time we sat down for a family dinner!"
"Is everything okay?"
"Fine….come to the house by 7 and don't be late!"
He hung up. That was the weirdest phone call ever. I put my phone down trying to imagine what's so important of having a family dinner. It's been ages since we had one of these. Now I was worried what if some how he knew I went on a date. No with anyone but a werewolf. An Alpha at that…..I'm screwed!
I went into the living space and there sat Alice and Rich. They looked at me.
Together they said "what happened?" With worried looks on there faces.
"Family dinner tonight!"
"Well no use stressing until we know what the damage is!" Stated Rich.
"Everything will be fine, just go about your day. Before you know it. It will be time" chimed in Alice.
They both knew family dinner means trouble.
Just then my phone rang. Wesley name popped up and I grinned so big. He put his number in my phone. Sneaky boy.
"Hello, love."
I melted just hearing his voice.
"Was wondering if you wanted to go out again tonight?"
Yes yes yes my insides screamed but knew I couldn't.
"Unfortunately I can't, I have a family dinner I must attend."
"Okay, I understand. I'll talk to you tomorrow, love. Maybe you can stay the weekend here."
"That would be nice. "
We hung up. The rest of the day was a blur. Before i knew it I was getting ready to go. I took a taxi over there. Knocked on the door. My dad answered.
"Good you're here," he said sternly.
"Yes, I know you like me to be early. "
I walked inside and walked towards the kitchen table.
"Dad, why is there a setting for four?"
"We have company tonight!"
Before I could say anything else the doorbell rang. Dad walked over and answered it.
"Sydney, this is my business partner Jim and his son Mitch."
I just stared not sure why a dinner over this.
"Hello, good evening. Welcome. " I managed to whisper out.
We all headed to the kitchen and sat down to eat. There was some business talk but nothing exciting. I manged to tune the conversation out. When I was done eating I noticed Mitch had been staring out at me. Like trying to figure out a puzzle.
He dark brown hair with hazel eyes. He was alright looking but was not really my type. He wasn't Wesley.
Just then I tuned back to the conversation as my dad spoke.
"So sydney, the whole reason I asked you to come to dinner and why we have company for dinner is…...Mitch and you are going to get married!"
"What??? I am not marrying someone I don't know. Why would you do this?"
I stood up ready to storm out.
"That's enough, you will not act out in front of company. You will marry Mitch next month and that's final."
I turned to run out. Knocking the vase off the shelf crashing it into my leg and cause a piece to cut my thigh. I slammed the door leaving the mess on the ground.
I walked a block or two with blood flowing down my leg. I called Rich…
"Can you come pick me up? And bring a first aid kit too please."
"Okay, ill be there in 5 minutes. "
He knew not to ask any questions but knew it wasn't good too.
Didn't take him long to find me. He bandage me up with what he had. Trying not to go far up my thigh. Then he cut a part his shirt and wrapped it around the bound to stop the bleeding. We got in the car and headed home.
We just pulled up to the apartment and he was there waiting for me. He saw Rich and immediately I saw the anger in his eyes. Then I got out of the car and started walking to him.
"Who is this? Did he do that to you?" He snarled as his hands were balled up into fits.
"No, Wesley this is Rich my other roommate. He's one of my closest friends and he came to pick me up after the horrible dinner I had."
"Well, im gonna head up. I think you got it from here." Rich stated.
I nodded my head as headed up. When Rich was out of werewolf ear shot…..Wesley looked at me sad and confused.
"Do you love him?"
"Rich?" I asked confused.
"Well yeah, but like a brother. I met Rich when I moved out and he had just left his pack house because his mate rejected him. We have always been there for each other. "
"Okay but why didn't you call me?"
"Why would I call you, I barely know you. You would have gotten angry and Rich knows what I deal with!"
He walked over to me and moved closer. Holding me in his arms.
"I'm sorry."
"What are you doing here anyway, I told you I wasn't gonna be here."
"Yeah but I just felt like you were hurt and I needed to find you."
"You could sense i was hurt?"
"Rich never told me you guys could do that??"
He pulled me closer to him and held me in his arms. I didn't want him to ever let me go. I didn't want to think about everything that just happened. I wanted to stay in Wesley's arms forever.
"I'm taking you home with me!" He commanded.
I shook my head agreeing. Normally I would argue with him but I wanted to be in his arms tonight.
We made it back to his place. I felt this strange connection to him. This closeness, not wanting to be away from him. Never felt this way with any human that I've dated.
Yet I know this won't last because he has a mate out there so I should just leave before I get hurt. But he smells so intoxicating I just want a little more.
"Here, you can wear one of my shirts to sleep in." He said in such a caring tone.
"Thank you, I'm quite tired."
I went into the bathroom and changed. When I came out he was at his desk looking over some papers.
He looked up when I got closer and got up. Kissed me gently on the head.
"Let's get to bed now."
I laid down in the bed but being nervous I put a pillow wall between us.
He started laughing. "What are you doing, love?" With a smirk on his face.
"I don't want you getting any ideas. I'm just here to sleep."
He laughed again. "That will not stop me from being near you..but do what you wish." He kissed me lightly on the forehead.
I closed my eyes and before I knew it I was asleep.