Chapter 10: Tea for Two
History: Swearing on the honor of God and the Queen was created during the time of Queen Victoria and continued on after she was no longer Queen. Anyone who swears on this oath, has served the Queen of their time in some way shape or form. Whether int times of peace, or war. If they break the oath by lying, they are allowing the person they lied to full permission to behead them.
Penelope slipped down into the bar for another visit and James sat at the table where he was before. He checked his watch and smiled as the assistants went outside.
“Right on time. Were you excited or something?” James greeted. Tea and sweets were set on the table as she took her seat. She removed her jacket wearing a warm green dress, and James took a moment to appreciate the open collar.
“I just like to keep my appointments,” she sipped her tea. “So what do we do now?”
“We talk. We can either talk business, have breakfast, or just be civil.”
“Okay.” she picked out a small treat and quietly ate. James surveyed her as she kept her eyes away from his.
“Not really. I don’t know what to say. Give enough away and it’ll be used against me later.”
“How about…” James thought for a moment. “What do you like to do for fun?”
Penelope pondered the question before she simply answered, “I don’t do much outside of work, so nothing.”
“There is a port I like to visit now and then. The Swinton Port close to the countryside. I always visit it when I feel down and it’s lovely there “
“That’s doing something,” he snickered.
“Yes, but other than that I mostly drink and sleep.What about you?”
“About the same as you, love. I love reading when I get the time to myself.”
“Did that a lot didn’t you?”
“What?” he put a piece of cake on his plate.
“I’m guessing you fought in the war. Or am I talking to a coward?” she raised a brow.
James smiled, as he stabbed a fork into his cake. “Even if I fought, I wasn’t a hero either.” he swallowed.
“...What is it like? War I mean?” she asked. They locked eyes and he took a bite of cake.
“Easier than here. Over there, I knew who the enemy was. Here, I have to talk to the enemy just to get some insight.”
“You kill anyone?” she gave an excited grin.
“Yes but I’ve been doing that since I was young. Sometimes it was a little harder because they were our age. Other times it was just effortless.”
“I bet I got more kills than you,” she bragged. James couldn’t tell if she was joking. She was giving him a cheeky grin so he could only assume she meant on the home front.
“You mean here right?” he asked, but Penelope shook her head. She moved to a seat closerto him and pulled out her wallet. Inside was a small pendant reading ‘The Order of the Garter’ in beautiful lettering.
James felt his jaw drop as she put her wallet back in her dress pocket.”That’s…”
“As I said, I don’t travel like I used to. But when I did Marlene and I went everywhere on the orders of her majesty.”
“Bullshite. That’s a fake. There’s no way you could have been in the service. You’re a woman.” James laughed hard. She cupped his face in his hands and leaned in close like she did when she wanted to tease him.
“I swear on the honor of God and the Queen,” she whispered. James clenched his fist in restraint as she held her position. “Believe me?”
“Absolutely.” he felt his forehead press into hers until she let go and leaned back in her seat. James fixed his jacket and kept his hands in his lap.
He wanted to pull her into his space, run his fingers through her hair while she curled her fingers into him. Feel her breath go shallow when his lips touched her neck. Penelope noticed him staring with a sense of nostalgia and flicked his forehead.
“Ow, what was that for?” he asked, rubbing the area.
“You’re staring too much.” she giggled.
“Sorry,” he said, his voice filled with gloom.
“Don’t apologize to me. Apologize to that girlfriend you’ve got.” she crossed her arms.
“Why? I didn’t move seats.”
“No, but you’re looking a little sad for a man who’s happily seeing someone else.” her eyes narrowed.
“I still don’t get what you have against her. She’s a good looking woman who aims to please every time we’re together,”
“Oh, I bet your conversations are so fulfilling,” she rolled her eyes.
"Better than having no one to talk to."
"With how her brain works, that might as well be the case," she muttered under her breath. The two huffed at each other and the air filled with malice.
"Why do you even care?" James sighed.
Penelope bit her tongue and mulled over the question. “I don’t. She’s delightful.”
“You’re a shite liar,” he scoffed, pulling out a fag. He lit it and took a long drag and Penelope reached over and took the cigarette out of his hand, taking her own drag before giving it back.
“Wasn’t trying to be a good one,” she said, releasing smoke.
Tommy and Marlene waited outside as they normally did. Marlene looked over at Tommy who seemed to be enjoying a treat from his pocket.
“What are you eating?” she asked, and Tommy swallowed his treat, pulling a piece of chocolate from his pocket.
“Truffle. Want one?” he offered.
“What if it’s poisonous?” she eyed him.
“Suit yourself,” he shrugged, popping the truffle in his mouth before Marlene could protest.
“I changed my mind, can I try one?” she held out her hand.
“Nope, that was the last one.” he looked over to see her face sullen and grinned. He pulled out a truffle and gently placed it in her hand. Her face brightened and she ate it cheerfully.
“What do you think they’re talking about in there?” she pointed towards the door.
“Don’t know and don’t care. Not part of the job.”
“Knowing what our boss is thinking is our job. It just gets more frustrating when we have to play a guessing game with them,” Marlene leaned against the wall. “And with that hag Miss Wells running around, we’ve had to be extra cautious.”
“She has been...something,” Tommy admitted.
“I’m sure,” her voice piqued.
Tommy raised a brow. He wasn’t used to seeing her as serious as she was. He lightly nudged her and gave her another truffle, making her smile return.
“Why are you being so nice today?... Oh God is there really poison in these?” she gave a worried expression, but he shook his head.
“No. I just want to get rid of these truffles so I can spare my teeth.” he smiled. She took a bite out of the chocolate and he watched her savor it.
“You’re a shite liar,” she giggled.
“Who said I was trying to be a good one?” he winked, making her blush. He offered her another truffle and she took it without thinking. When she tried to take a bite, he caught her hand.
“Forgetting something?” he asked, keeping a light grip on her hand. Marlene shrugged, and he took the truffle away. “Maybe something along the lines of please and thank you?” he waved the chocolate.
“Fine, can I please have one?” she mocked. He gave her the chocolate and stopped her again when she tried to eat it.
“And?” he asked.
“Bite me,” she smirked, popping the truffle in her mouth, as though she had won. Tommy turned her face to his, closing the distance.
“Don’t tempt me,” he remarked, making her face turn scarlet.
The two ate truffles until it was time for the women to leave. In the side alley, Mason surveyed them, taking notes.