Chapter 6: Seven Continents and Two Broken Hearts
History: The Seven Continents created the sugar trials to benefit newcomers and themselves. In their eyes, everybody wins when the right ones participate. Competitors must be twenty three and run their shop for a total of three years.
Penelope kept her eyes on the woman swooning over James and could feel her temper flaring when he flirted back.
“It doesn’t matter what they're doing ,” Penelope thought. She finished her wine and kept her eyes on the table. “Because after tonight, We’re nothing but rivals.”
“So you really took over your father’s business at 17?” the woman asked.
“Yeah,” James answered half interested. He was scanning the room for Penelope and caught a glimpse of a lone woman with her signature chocolate braid down one shoulder.
“Excuse me, Beatrice? I’m afraid I’ll have to cut our conversation short,” he bowed his head in respect and left before she could respond.
James walked up to Penelope and quickly noticed her blank expression.
“You look like you’re having fun,” James said sarcastically.
“Yup,” she answered curtly. He sat next to her, but she didn’t look at him
“Are you alright?” he whispered in her ear, making her flinch.
“Don’t do that in front of these people.” she snapped.
“Do what?” James was puzzled.
“Acting like you’re concerned about me. People will assume we’re-”
“What are we then?” James raised a brow.
“We are nothing. Not even friends,” she hissed. James’ brows furrowed as her eyes went cold. The host, an older gentleman, chimed his glass for an announcement.
“Thank you all for gathering here tonight to congratulate our little bosses, James Brooks and Penelope Eve. Uh, where are they?” the host searched the room.
Penelope walked away to the front and he begrudgingly followed her up.
“There they are!” the host gestured. “Give them a round of applause everyone!”
The crowd gave them generous applause before they were guided into a private room, “Thank you! And with that please carry on, because nothing goes on with us criminals anyway right?’ he joked, getting some laughs.
He joined Penelope and James and his smile was replaced with a stern expression. “Follow me,” he ordered. And the two did as they were told, weaving down hallways until they were met with two large double doors. The host opened the door and took his seat next to six other men and women of different nationalities.
“Sit,” he ordered. And they took their seats.
An older gentleman, presumably American began to speak, “Welcome children. I will refer to you as children until the trials are over so don’t take offense,” he gave an encouraging expression. He turned to James, “Young man you look so much like Sebastian Brooks, I might as well be staring at a ghost,” he chuckled. He then turned to Penelope, “And young lady, you have some shoes to fill. Many were surprised you changed your last name. But then again, it was probably for the best for you and your brother.”
“What’s he talking about?” James whispered to Penelope. She ignored him.
“On to business. You know who we are, but let’s make this a little more formal. We are the Seven Continents. I’m North America, This is South America, Asia, You obviously know Europe, Africa, Australia, and Antarctica,” he pointed. The elder members greeted them in their native languages. North America continued, “As you know, we are the strongest gang members in the entire world. When you enter our world, we know everything about you from the day you’re born to the day you die. Now, you’re here because of the sugar trials. This is a competition, but we’re not savages (all the time anyway). We have rules,” he eyed them.
James and Penelope nodded. “Good,” he held the sheet close to his eyes as he read the rules.
“Rule One, sabotage is fair play in every sense of the word.
Two, Other gangs can assist if they want to.
Three, no stealing recipes.
Four, You can’t kill your competition. If either one of you drops dead then everyone loses.
And last but not least, a product has to be turned in. The more the better. Winner will get their pick of seven territories that can range from cities to countries where they can sell their product for a hefty fortune and be known all over the world. Are we clear?” he asked.
James and Penelope once again shook their heads in agreement and North America slid over a contract for them to sign. They both signed without hesitation and James slid it back.
“Thank you. That is all and good luck. Will you need an escort out?”
“No thank you, I remember the way,” Penelope stood. James quickly stood and they both bowed before leaving the room.
“It’s gonna be real interesting this year,” North America chuckled. The continents smiled in amusement.
Penelope walked fast, as James tried to catch up to her.
“Will you slow down?” James huffed.
“No,” she retorted, walking faster. James grabbed her arm, but she immediately pulled away, turning to face him
“What the hell is your problem?” he vexed.
"I don't have a problem. "
"Bullshit, you've been acting harsh all night."
"I'm not acting James. Did you forget that we've done nothing but try to kill each other for the last month"
"Never bothered you before," he reached for her shoulder but she evaded his touch,"Penelope-"
"Don't," she tried not to choke. She took a deep breath and clenched her fist. When she thought she was ready she locked eyes with him, "We are rivals, and that's it." her tone was blunt.
James felt a knock against his chest. "Right, I just thought-"
"Think again. All we did was have a night of fun together, right? And if you want something more than you could take that up with that woman who was clinging to you. You two seemed rather close.”
“You already know her name! I'm sure she'd be interested in an overconfident asshole like yourself. Maybe you bribe her with a lollipop like you did me," her words were now ice.
"Huh." James chewed on his tongue as he tried to keep his composure. "So that’s it, you thought that lollipop was a bribe?" his expression was bitter now.
"Mr. Brooks," he seethed. "And right now, I'm going to go finish having fun tonight instead of wasting my breath on you. See you around Miss Eve," he spat before leaving her in the hallway.
Penelope clawed the inside of her palms the longer she stayed. Tears brimmed her eyes and she quickly wiped them away before returning to the party.
When they got back, Penelope took a seat at the bar and drank another glass of wine as James flirted with Beatrice for the rest of the night.
Every time Beatrice looked away, James snuck a glance at the bar where Penelope was sitting. When he looked up later on she was gone.