Chapter 8: Frenemies
History: Before gangs took to candy to distribute their drugs, many were in the alcohol business. When they found out candy was an easier distributor, many secret bars were abandoned.
Penelope and Marlene followed the address written on the note early the next morning until they reached a basement in the alleyway. The women pulled out guns and posted themselves next to the door. She tapped the door with her gun. A voice shouted “Come in!” and Penelope opened the door with one hand, staying posted by the wall. Nothing happened so she and Marlene drew their guns up and entered a warm pub with quiet lighting. James sat at the center table while Tommy poured tea at the bar. In front of James was a white box.
“Morning ladies! If you could not shoot the place up and alert the neighbors, I would greatly appreciate it,” James smiled. The women put their guns away and Penelope sat at the table in front of James. She peeked at the white box, this time wrapped in a green and gold bow. James took notice and slid it over, “For you.” he grinned, but Penelope kept her hands in her lap. Tommy served them tea and sweets and asked Marlene to step out. Penelope nodded and they both left without a word.
“What’s the special occasion?” she asked, watching James drink his tea.
“I arranged this for a couple of reasons.”
“I still don’t have anything to say to you,” she sipped her tea. She was surprised at how well it was made.
“That’s too bad because I do,” he leaned on his elbows.
“Hear me out,” he interjected. “I understand that you just want to be rivals and that we have no personal connections. But I don’t think you don’t really believe that” he looked as she kept her eyes down. She stayed silent, and he continued. “I want to get to know you without having to know you. So, I am proposing we have a tea session for an hour and a half, at least once a week, for a month. What do you say?”
Penelope kept her eyes on her tea while she drank and after a few moments responded,
“Why are you doing this?”
“Not because I miss you or anything,” he grumbled.
Penelope gave him a perplexed expression, “You can’t miss what you never had,” she smirked.
“I meant a friend you twat,” he cracked a smile. Penelope suppressed a laugh but James could still see it.
“It won’t work.” she shook her head.
“ I fully intend to sabotage you.”
So? I plan to sabotage you as well, it’s kind of our thing.”
“Well when all of this is through and one of us wins, the other is going to be bitter about it. And that can lead to some nasty reactions.”
“Or we could be happy for each other.”
Penelope stared at him in confusion. James ate a small cake nonchalantly as she struggled to word her response respectfully. But all that came out was, “My God, how you survived in this business for so long with that kind of thinking is honestly fascinating,” she said. Her expression was more dumbfounded than irritated.
James dusted the crumbs off his suit and checked his watch, “Never said I spared people, love. You’re just a special case.” he stood up and Penelope did the same.
“I don’t see why,” she shook her head. Without thinking James lifted her chin and smiled.
“I don't get challenged often. But when I do, I tend to enjoy myself a lot more,” his voice was low, making her purse her lips. He took his hand away and the warmth faded making her almost shiver. She looked down at the box on the table and took it in hand.
“Right, you never opened my present,” he tapped on the box.
She slowly unraveled the bow and was happy to see a lollipop, this time with a green and white swirl with her name carefully etched in on the sides.
“It’s vanilla and mint. I don’t know your favorite flavor, but-”
“I love it.” she beamed, making him smile. She kissed his cheek gently and he could feel his temperature rising. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” he choked.
“You better be careful, if your girlfriend finds out you’re giving candy to other women, she might have your head,” she winked.
“Worth it,” he mumbled under his breath.”
“So next week, maybe Wednesday at two in the afternoon?” she held the box to her chest.
“I’ll be here.” he nodded.
“I’ll see you then,” she waved. She walked towards the door and James looked her up and down like he did the first day they met.
The assistants stood outside in silence. Every few seconds, Marlene would sneak glances of Tommy keeping vigilant.
“Tommy right?” Marlene spoke up. Once again Tommy didn’t answer so she took it as an invite. “How are your ribs?”
Tommy took a deep inhale before looking at her giving him a cheeky grin.
“Fine, thanks,” he words clipped.
“That’s good. I worried I hit you a little too hard. No hard feelings then?”
“Do you even take your job seriously? We’re supposed to be quiet and keep a lookout,” he clenched his fist.
“I do take my job seriously. That’s why you’re healing from having your ribs broken,” her tone was a bit cynical as she smiled at him.
“I don’t hit women, but damn are you making it hard,” Tommy stood over her, but she simply shrugged.
“I can make something else hard if you have the time,” she said sweetly, swiftly caressing his face, making him scarlet. He backed away and she let out a delightful laugh. “Too much for you?”
“No. I just… I take my profession seriously,” he fumbled. He could feel the embarrassment in his face and blushed harder.
“I can see that. Thank you by the way.”
“Don’t play dense,” she pinched his face. “I know you talked to Mr. Brooks into speaking with Miss Eve. They both seem stubborn. And I can only guess you had something to do with it.”
Tommy crossed his arms and leaned against the wall, attempting to be nonchalant. “Don’t know what you’re talking about. Boss, just made me deliver a note.”
“Yeah, okay,” she said, kissing him on the cheek. “Miss means a lot to me, and it meant a lot when she got the note, so thank you.”
Penelope opened the door and Marlene waved goodbye as Penelope took her leave. When she looked back she could make out Tommy rubbing the side of his face, smiling.
Tommy went in and finished the dishes and the boys headed off to work. Outside, a man watched them from a side alley before scurrying off to a manor outside of London. When he reached the manor, he was greeted by the housekeepers as he headed straight for a room on the far left. When he went through the office, Beatrice was smoking a cigarette.
“Mason, doll, what can I do for you?” she jeered.
“I have some news you may not like. I saw Miss Eve join Mr. Brooks for a meeting behind closed doors.” he blurted out.
“Oh?’ her smile quickly replaced with animosity.
“Tell me more.”