Chapter Four
Chapter Four
Zen’s POV
For some reason, I found it impossible to lie to this girl. Maybe it was her breathtaking eyes, or maybe it was her wholesome and sexy laugh. She seemed so damn genuine, I felt like my mere presence was tainting her.
I went into this wanting to act princely, but I was so fucking nervous that everything that came out made me sound like an asshole. I was surprised that she hadn’t left by now, flipping me the bird on the way out.
She cocked her pretty little head to the side.
“Work? In the park?” She looked me up and down, probably taking note of my casual clothes.
“I had to meet someone.” I clarified, hoping she wouldn’t ask anymore questions. “How about you? Out for a walk?”
This girl was clearly affected by me, but it was obvious that she had no confidence. It amazed me, considering how I had to keep myself from getting hard just looking at her in her tight pink t-shirt and jeans. The girl was sex on legs, and she didn’t even know it. She fiddled with her bag strap, a nervous gesture I picked up on as soon as she sat beside me.
“Yes. Well, sort of. I normally meet Ms. Eleanor here on Wednesdays.”
“Is she a friend of yours?” I asked, even though I already knew.
“No. Well, yes. But she’s a homeless woman who lives here.” She reached into her bag, pulling out a sandwich wrapped in plastic wrap. “I normally have lunch with her.”
I suppressed the warm feeling threatening to take over my stomach when she smiled up at me. Things weren’t going as planned, and I could feel my control slipping away. I had already fucked up by telling her my real name, which was something that I had literally never done before, and now I was wasting time feeling things for the girl. I had to be quick. Any longer, and I would be a goner.
Deciding to turn on my charm, I flashed her a big smile, showing my teeth. “That is so sweet of you, Elizabeth.” I said in all honesty. Her flawless face immediately turned bright red and she squeezed her delectable thighs together. Just like that, my control was gone. I reached forward, tucking a loose strand of her beautifully soft hair behind her ear. She shivered at my touch, sending a jolt straight to my dick. She was so fucking responsive. I couldn’t tear my eyes from hers. I was no longer acting and I knew it. It felt as if she was looking straight into my rotten soul, and I equally loved and hated it. We probably looked like two people starring in a shitty RomCom with the way we were watching each other, but I didn’t give a fuck. I was blissfully drowning in Elizabeth Beyer.
Thankfully, our staring contest was interrupted by an elderly woman who approached us, snapping me back to the task at hand.
“Elizabeth. I’m terribly sorry I’m late, dearie. I forgot to tell you that my son would be
taking me out for lunch today.”
Fuck. She wasn’t supposed to be here. I had contacted her son so that Ms. Eleanor wouldn’t see me with Elizabeth. She could really fuck over my plan. Once Elizabeth goes missing, it won’t be hard for them to trace it back to the stranger she met in the park. This lady’s testimony could ruin everything.
I tried not to show my annoyance. Instead, I flashed Ms. Eleanor a charming smile. She blushed, looking between Elizabeth and I with curiosity.
“Wait, your son found you?! Ms. Eleanor, that’s amazing! I’m so glad to hear that!” Elizabeth jumped up, embracing the woman with no regard to her stench or dirty clothes. She seemed genuinely happy for this random homeless woman. She was a fucking angel.
Ms. Eleanor laughed, pushing her back after a moment.
“Don’t mind me, dearie. I’m going to go meet Peter by the gates. I don’t want to interrupt your date.” The woman gave her a wink, making me stifle a laugh.
She thinks we’re on a date.
“Oh, no, Ms. Eleanor, I think you have it-“
“Bye bye, Elizabeth!” The woman trotted off, suddenly even happier than when she arrived.
Elizabeth covered her face, turning to me slowly.
“I am so sorry about that. I can’t believe she thought that we were on a date.” Judging by the way her body tensed after she spoke, she immediately realized how rude she sounded.
“Would being on a date with me really be that bad?” I challenged. This was my chance. Her wide eyes met mine, panic evident in her entire body.
“N-no! That’s not what I meant. I just… I…” I decided to put her out of her misery.
“Then how about it?”
“How about what?”
“A date. Since your normal lunch date is indisposed, how about we get some ice cream?” I knew she had a weakness for a certain soft serve truck in the park, thanks to the packet I received. “Do you know of any good places?”
She looked completely flustered, shifting from foot to foot and crossing her arms across her chest. This only made her breasts swell, her V-neck t-shirt showing off her plump cleavage. I fought the urge to lick my lips. She was insufferable in all the right ways. As the seconds ticked by, I was seriously worried she would decline and I would have to find some other way to get through to her. Finally she sighed, meeting my eyes with newly placed determination.
“Is this how you normally pick up women?” She asked, surprisingly wounding my ego. No, I normally don’t have to try this fucking hard. Normally, I would be fucking you by now. I hid my annoyance with a chuckle.
“Only the cute ones.”