Read with BonusRead with Bonus


"Come in," Mac Rodriguez Logan said to his secretary knocking at his door.

"Good morning sir, I came to remind you about your outings today. If you don't mind I can go along with the excursion team," Mrs. Roosevelt said as she stood before Logan.

"It is fine, Mrs. Roosevelt. I love excursions, just check the packages before we get going,” he said with a smile.

"I will do that, sir" Mrs. Roosevelt bowed and left immediately.

Logan has always made a lot of donations. He had everything in excess, much more than he ever wanted, so he spent as much as he could. He managed his self-made business well along with that of his late father. Logan had always loved games, and today his company was among the top companies producing the best online games. Being the only son of his father, he was able to manage his father's estates, hotels and event halls as well as other mini businesses. He left his step mum with the broadcasting company and the cinema buildings.

His phone rang again. "Hello, Dumbbell." It was his business partner and hitherto, his closest friend.

"I am sorry. I think our meeting should happen today. I will be leaving the country tomorrow for an urgent affair," said Dumbbell on the other end.

"It is fine, we should just talk over dinner then. I have somewhere I have to be right now."

"Its fine, Logan. I will see you at dinner, I will make a reservation at Burritoville."

"That's good," he hung up immediately.

Logan was feeling suspicious and worried because he did not trust Dumbbell

He had met Dumbbell through Isabella Ryan, one of Logan's former girlfriends, at a dinner in Paris. He had caught Isabella in bed at Dumbbell's house when he went visiting. He cut all ties since then until recently when Dumbbell had introduced to him the idea of a car dealership. Since he loved the idea, he decided to give it a trial while still keeping his relationship with Dumbbell business-like.

His thoughts were interrupted by a knock, and his secretary came in.

"The team is waiting, sir."

"Okay, cancel all my other appointments for the day, and make sure to handle other issues while I am away.

"yes, sir," she answered.

Logan hurried outside along with two of his personal guards, Andrew and Drake, towards the elevator. He had always loved visiting schools and orphanage with gifts.

"Mr. Rodriguez, this is the list of schools and orphanage for a visit today,” Andrew said giving Logan a document he brought out from a file.

Logan looked briefly at it and handed it back to him. “If we can not go to every listed institution today, let's do it next time." By now they were almost at the car, Drake opened the door while Andrew got in the front seat while the excursion team drove behind in one of the company buses.

Ava had just finished her lecture. As she stepped out of the door her phone rang.

“Hello Ava," it was her mum.

"Hi mum, is everything alright?”

"Everything is fine. I just want to let you know I won't be coming home tonight."

"Okay mum," she smiled.

"Bye," she hung up.

Her mum still went on dates and kept Ava informed each time.

"Miss Miller did you check your email?” Mrs. Grace asked with a moody face. She looked tired – the kind of fatigue that came from being heavily pregnant.

"No, Mrs. Grace. Is everything alright?" Ava asked worriedly, seeing the look on her face

"My baby just wants to see the day. Asides that, I am fine," she smiled and continued, "About the mail, you and Mr. Raymond are to receive visitors from Gamelt company today."

"Wow. I've not even seen my mail. I should probably let you go, I will check it out myself. Thank you Mrs. Grace, and make sure you rest," Ava said with a smile.

"I will," Mrs. Grace replied as she left. Just immediately after Ava took two steps, Mr. Raymond walked up to her

"Miss Miller, our guests just arrived. We have to meet them now," Mr. Raymond stretched his hands towards her.

"I have to drop my teaching materials, Mr Raymond. If you don't mind, I will come on my own,” Ava said quickly and walked as fast as she could to her office. She finally realized Mr. Raymond must have spoken with the director to let him meet the guest. He was definitely not among the committee who received visitors at school. She prayed silently not to get to the edge of her anger with him today .she hurriedly dropped her materials, adjusted her hair, and stepped outside to meet their guests.

"We are so glad to receive you, Mr. Rodriguez. My colleague and I have been assigned to receive you," Mr. Raymond said as he looked so keenly at Logan.

He has heard a lot about the young billionaire but has never seen him before, and that was why he had used his influence as a relative to the school director to meet with the famous billionaire.

"We have a lot of places to go, so we will just get straight to business," Logan said with a straight gaze at Raymond. Just then Ava came by.

"Miss Miller, meet Mr. Rodriguez, CEO of Gamelet company." Mr. Raymond ended the introduction and stepped back so the two can have a handshake.

"It's a pleasure meeting you, sir. I have heard so much about you," Ava said with a smile,

“Same here, Miss Miller. Nice meeting you."

She could swear he was so hot and sexy. His muscular shoulders made her mouth watery, and of course, she loved his beard. He was definitely anything more than how the papers printed out his pictures. He was attractive she must confess.

“Now shall we?" Logan said as he walked behind Raymond while the others followed suit.

Ava tried to drag down her short gown as she walked behind Logan after being sure his security and team were not watching. "I should have been more decent,” Ava soliloquized as she walked behind Raymond and Logan. If only she had known earlier about the email, she would have prevented this situation.

Ava followed behind with little self-esteem, praying silently that Logan does not perceive her discomfort.

“Miss Miller, is everything alright?”

She raised her head to see the face behind the baritone voice that just questioned her.

"I am fine, Mr. Raymond. I just got carried away by the moment,” Ava said with a smile.

The tour went well. Mr Raymond just kept talking and talking. Ava was sure that Logan was probably pissed, because he kept cutting him off his conversations, Logan along with his team distributed gifts to available students as well as a big amount of money to the school while Ava finally got to play her part by rendering a vote of thanks to Logan and his team before they left.

Andy had already driven to Ava's place of work to pick her. She was fuming with anger as she sighted Ava who was walking slowly towards her.

"Seriously? Are you still walking like that after keeping me waiting for so long?" Andy finally burst out.

"I am sorry, Andy. I was so busy all day," Ava said as she hugged her friend.

"I totally forgot we were hanging out after work today," Ava said as they both got into the car.

"It is fine. How was work today? You look like you need alcohol," Andy said.

"Hell no, Andy. Don't even go there. The last time I drank with you, I made out with a total stranger," Ava covered her face with her hands like she was ashamed of herself.

"You enjoyed yourself though. It was not that bad, and Christian is not a stranger," Andy said as she packed.

"I don't know him that well, Andy," Ava spread her hands wide apart in demonstration.

"That was because you did not give him a chance, Ava," Andy said as she unbuckled her seatbelt.

"And why are we talking about Christian? I don't want to talk about stuff like that this night, Andy" she got down and adjusted her gown properly.

"And, Andy, why are we at a restaurant? Since when did you know to go to nice places?" Ava smiled as Andy face turned bitter.

"That’s not fair, Ava. You shouldn’t say it that way. Let’s go in."

Ava was starting to suspect Andy as she wanted them to wait a while before they ordered anything. "Why do I feel like you are up to something, Andy?" Ava closed her eyes partly as she continued, “You planned a blind date for me again?" Ava smiled as she pinched her friend.

"I wanted it to be a surprise, I met with one of the top billionaire sponsors to our company today, the famous Williams Dumbbell. We agreed to dinner; he is bringing a friend along. He said I could come with a friend too," Andy finished with a smile.

“But you should have told me earlier, Andy, this is all too much to swallow," Ava said as she stared at Andy's apologetic face and continued, "l am schvitzing my ass out already. You know how shy I am at dates." Ava looked around her.

"Calm down, Ava. Just act your normal self I ..." Andy kept quiet as she sighted Dumbbell coming in with his friend. Andy kept quiet as she sighted Dumbbell Williams.

"Hello ladies," Dumbbell said as he hugged and pecked Andy first, then Ava, before he sat beside Andy. Andy stood up to do the introduction.

As Logan sat down beside Ava who turned to see her set up date, she could not believe her eyes, her eyes were locked on him until he finally looked away when Andy spoke.

"Ava, this is Mr. Dumbbell Williams whom I told you about," she winked and continued, "Mr. Dumbbell, meet Ava Miller." Andy smiled to Ava who was starting to get uncomfortable, for crying out loud this only happens in movies. Ava simply kept staring at Logan.

"Miss Miller, Miss Grant, meet my friend, Logan. I am sure you must have heard about him," Dumbbell said as he smiled at Logan who looked out of space. Dumbbell beckoned on the waiter who came by instantly with the menu. Ava felt Logan must have been looking at her as she kept feeling restless; she even lost her appetite due to her situation. She kept hoping she was not the only one feeling uncomfortable as she looked at Logan who seemed quite unshaken.

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