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Chapter 2: Musk Scent

With a deep yawn, Harper reclined back as much as her chair would allow and glanced at the time. 1:10 A.M. She pressed her palms against her eyes before taking a generous sip of chamomile tea and setting the half-filled cup on the table next to the sofa.

She had been trying to shake off the unfortunate event she had witnessed just hours ago. But nothing. She tried to drain herself and decided to pull an all-nighter, go over the procurement document for Lucas, and make pages of notes on her laptop.

Still nothing. The images of what she saw in Alex’s office were now engraved on her mind.

“Shit!” She hissed. A few more minutes into her work, and she gave up. She couldn’t just concentrate, and the silence in her apartment wasn’t helping. So, she turned on the news podcast to have some company and distraction from her own thoughts.

Her attention immediately tuned in to the news about the body of an unidentified John Doe. As per the podcaster, the body was found floating on the river near the neighborhood where Harper lived. The body was apparently mauled, and the head was missing, so no positive ID yet. Deep gnaw marks all around the body, so authorities were already saying it might have been another animal attack as the cause of death.

But why was the head missing, though?

Then the podcaster went on to talk about a possible psycho killer on the loose. Harper thought he could be right since only insane people could do such things. But she soon went on a brief rant when the podcaster shared how the people from the medieval times also used to kill alleged werewolves by removing their heads.

She shook her head in disbelief at the foolish idea. After a few minutes, she went back to work, then walked to her kitchen and rummaged the fridge for any snack when she heard her stomach growl.

While deciding between her housemate’s leftover pizza and a sandwich, she gasped at a heavy thud that came from her bedroom - like someone sneaked in through her window, tripped over something, and relented to the floor.

Then more thuds followed.

Could it be Kendal? What would she be doing in her room?

Harper froze with the fridge door open. Shaking her head, she told herself that she must have left her window open again, and the wind must have knocked something inside the room.

She closed the fridge and slowly walked over to her room. She noticed that Kendal’s door to her left was shut closed. Gently, she turned the doorknob to her room and inched her way in. She desperately tried to listen for any tell-tale signs that it was just some strong wind toying with her imagination and not the sadistic animal that took John Doe’s head.

"Hello?" she called out, then felt stupid for doing so. Calling out only meant an admission on her part that someone might actually really be there. But how? Her apartment room was on the third floor. And if there really was something, should it have woken up Kendal too?

When Harper got in, she saw that her window was indeed opened. Then, a slight breeze came through and carried with it a whiff of scent.

"What the hell is that smell?" she murmured. It was that indescribable musky smell, no doubt about it. She peeked out from the lace-curtains and looked down on the deserted street.

Then another loud thud broke the silence. The noise was coming from the living room this time. She shuddered for a split second and grabbed the baseball bat next to her bedside table and sprinted out of her room. “Shit!”

The ran to the living room seemed long and brief at the same time, and she was swinging the baseball bat before shit knew it.

“Die!” she closed her eyes and screamed, swinging the bat blindly in the air. “Die, monster! Die!

“Harper! Stop, it's me!"

The sound of Luca's voice snapped her out of the frenzy. She opened her eyes and saw that there was no monster, just her boss curled up on the sofa, forearms raised in front of his face as if to protect it from her assault.

"Lucas? What are you doing in my living room!" she shrieked.

“What the fuck, Harper? You could have knocked me out.

“I am so sorry! I didn’t know! I was listening to the news after some decapitated John Doe, and then some weird noises followed!” Harper immediately dropped the baseball bat with a heavy thud.

“Well, you almost lost it, woman,” Lucas whined and sat upright.

“I said I’m sorry,” she said, more apologetically this time. Then, her brows furrowed. “And how did you get in here anyway?”

"I knocked. You didn’t open. I tried the doorknob. It was unlocked," Lucas mumbled, not looking at her.

"And then what, you decided to get in?" she scowled. "I know you’re my boss and forgive me for saying this but, what’s wrong with you? A normal person would actually wait until someone opens the door for then, and they normally wait to be invited in.” She looked around, looking suspicious.

“What?” Lucas asked, picking up the suspicious look on her face.

“I swear I hear a loud thud.”

Lucas shook his head. “You clearly need to get some sleep, Harper,” he said as soon as he noticed her laptop and the stack of paper on the coffee table.

“I couldn’t sleep. But don’t worry about me. How about you? What are you doing in my living at such ungodly hours?” Harper said, glancing over at the clock hanging on the wall.

“How am I supposed to sleep after that call, might just have to start interviewing candidates for your position later.” Lucas chuckled to himself.

Harper only scowled at his quip. “Well, I have made up my mind. There’s nothing you could say that could change it.”

“Oh! So I need a drink then.” Lucas stood up and strolled to the kitchen.

Harper grunted. "Kinda early for a drink, isn't it? And I only have a couple of beers. Well, they’re not even mine. I’m not a big drinker. You should know that already."

Lucas grabbed a bottle from the fridge. “That’s right. I know you, and you know me. And I don’t want you to fuckin resign.”

Harper’s brows bunched. There was something odd about his movements. Could he be drunk already? “Did you drink before coming here?”

Her boss joined her back on the sofa and took a swig before slamming the bottle on the table. “I did. I just had to when you told me you want to quit on me.”

She glared at the bottle for a second as the action didn’t sit right well with her. She reached for her cup of tea and downed the rest of it. “You know what? You’re overreacting, Lucas.”

But as Lucas moved closer, her stomach suddenly churned at the sideways glance he was giving her.

“Am I really, Harper? You’re one of my closest friends in college. I’m sorry, but I can’t help it and feel bad that you’ve suddenly decided to leave the company. And it makes me even pissed to know that I have no idea why.” Lucas stared into her eyes for a moment.

“Is it me? Have I been so hard on you lately?”

Her eyes unconsciously flicked to the bulge in his pants. Harper’s breath hitched. She shut her eyes.

What’s wrong with me? she asked herself in silence before finally letting out an exasperated sigh and slightly shaking her head. "No. It’s no you. You know what, I am actually tired, and you’re a bit tipsy. And I obviously still have to work later. So why don’t we talk about it later?”

“Why don’t you tell me now? Did something happen at the office?” Lucas asked.

Harper cringed at the image of Alex and the woman getting it on the table.

“Harper?” he asked, his eyes tracing her collarbone.

She thought she had done an excellent job keeping control over her feelings for her boss. Moreover, she didn’t have the slightest intention to do anything stupid to ruin their friendship and professional relationship. No matter how much she had dreamed of him. And no matter how some of those dreams were oddly erotic―where they’d make love, and he would make this growling noise every time his huge and very hard―.

“Harper? Are you okay?”

She pursed her lips. Lucas really needed to leave now. “Later. Let’s talk about it later at the office.” She shot up from the couch and motioned toward the door.

Lucas took the hint and stood up. “Okay. Well, I just really came by to speak to you and convince you to change your mind. Please just think about it, okay?

Harper nodded. “Good night.”

“You too.”

“Take care.”

“I will.” Then he walked over to the door and smiled. “Sweet dreams.”

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