Chapter 4
“Ok!” She chirped. I was excited, but I mentally slapped myself at how innocent my mate was…
I had just one conversation with her, and not only did she accept the offer of a stranger, but she even told me her apartment complex and floor. It was only 5 apartments on that floor, so if I was a mugger or delinquent, it wouldn’t be that hard to guess…
I walked briskly, alert since I was walking on the outskirts of my territory. The border was something I took pride in patrolling myself regularly in my car. As Alpha, I am to meet challengers. I am to fight them in the Red Room, a sound proof room in the supernatural portion of the hospital, on the basement floor. Since the city is absolutely teeming with humans, the stunt I pulled last night was actually illegal, but no one saw it, not even my mate.
If she did, she would probably hate me, but thankfully that wasn’t a problem yet. I’ll follow human customs as best as I can until I figure all this out.
I heard her heartrate beating out of her chest, and facepalmed. She couldn’t keep my stride. “I’m so sorry Autumn, here hold my hand.” I offered her my hand and she hesitated.
“How do you know my name?” She asked, I could smell her fear. Shit…
Nametag. Dumbass. Growled my wolf. Damnit East…
I pointed to her nametag on her blouse, and she relaxed, taking my hand.
I know she felt the sparks, I know she could feel everything and loved me. I was happy just like this. As long as she stayed by my side… I would make my peace with having her grow old in my arms. I would be happy with hybrid pups. I would be content with having loved now, and pain later. I can barely keep a thought straight in my mind with her around.
I got to the apartment, and got a bowed nod from a warrior assigned to watch the apartment. “Good Afternoon Al-Oliver.” He stuttered respectfully, looking to the ground, realizing what he had done on instinct.
No! I mind link him freaking out, and I looked at her. She looked confused.
She curtsied. “Good Afternoon, gentleman.” She giggled, faking a royal accent. I followed.
I got to keep the façade. “… Good afternoon Clint.” I glared, making him gulp…
submitting to a simple guard. It made me sick. East shut me out.
We went inside the lobby and got on the elevator, that I already had to pay to get fixed to code. It was worth it being so close to her. It wasn’t awkward in the silence; we just enjoyed each other’s company.
“I can tell you’re not from New Apple.” I say, breaking the silence.
“I’m from Sapphire City! It’s a really small town, and I promised my mom and dad that I would make it big here. I want to be a baker, and I’m saving so one day, I can buy Granny’s Best.” She beamed.
“Like I said, I’m moved out from my folks house, I work at the hospital.” I half lie. I OWN the hospital, and I will buy that tiny store. It was decided. The elevator pinged and opened, revealing the ratty carpeted hall.
We got to her apartment, and mine, and I didn’t want to let her hand go. “Well this is my stop!” She giggled.
I pointed to 1003, the door directly next to hers. “I guess that means we're neighbors!”
I beam, forcing myself to let her go. I fought my wolf, who thought that kissing her would help her realize, but I shut him out. He really is going to mess it up for me if he tries that. I watched the door slowly close, and my heart ached to go inside, just to be with her.
I went into my apartment and shifted into my massive wolf, so I could lay on the floor like I was dead and whine in the living room like an idiot. It felt like rejection that she didn’t let me in. she didn’t know that, but I wanted nothing more than to be with her, and I was in here, feeling stupid.
Just TELL her! screamed East howling in my mind.
“Oh my god you poor doggy!” I heard her squeal. I had left my door open. And she selflessly threw herself on me.
She rubbed my belly and my fur, sending sparks down my body. I didn’t care that I was a little wierdo, I let her pet me like a dog. I would be a dog tonight.
She got up to leave and closed the door. I whined and I barked, making her jump. I followed her to the door.
“You’re a really big doggo…. But it would be weird to leave you here by yourself so homesick, and I can’t stay in here…. He left his door open, so he must have just stepped out forgetting something…. I guess you can stay with me.” She hugged me and put her breasts on my face.
Yes. I wagged my tail. I followed her into her apartment and jumped in her bed, rolling around in her scent. I was in heaven.
“You’re a really big doggo…. But it would be weird to leave you here by yourself so homesick, and I can’t stay in here…. He left his door open, so he must have just stepped out forgetting something…. I guess you can stay with me.” She hugged me and put her breasts on my face.
Yes. I wagged my tail. I followed her into her apartment and jumped in her bed, rolling around in her scent. I was in heaven.
I was teleported to a field of flowers in summer, and nothing would make my day brighter. Then, I swished my tail on all her clothes in her closet. I don’t shed, and everyone would know she was mine.
I ran into her living room and rolled on her couch. “No! Bad dog!” she chastised and grabbed me by the scruff. I got down, scoffed, and rolled my eyes at her. Woman I am an Alpha werewolf not a German shepherd, I thought. She froze. “There’s no way…” She scrunched her eyebrows.
Fuck, do dumb dog things! Yelled East. I tilted my head to the side and started panting with a smile.
She looked suspicious, but dropped it, because how could I possibly be a 6’6 man who is being a weird ass stalker boy able to turn into a wolf for affection?
She opened her empty fridge, pulled out some old looking rice takeout and put it in the microwave. “Sorry boy, we’ll have to share… I forgot to get your kibble before I locked Oliver’s door.” She sighed, sitting on the couch. I jumped up and she petted my head while watching the news.
This. will. Not. Due. I held in a growl; I knew that would scare her.
Clint! I mind Link him. Yes Alpha Oliver! He stuttered so hard I had a hard time understanding him.
Buy my Luna Groceries. Now. Lots of fresh human food and get me about 10 pounds of beef.
Yes! Of course, Alpha! he linked back.
She offered me rice while she watched TV, but I didn’t want to accidently bite her or anything, so I kept my mouth closed. She petted me, and I was content to lay my head in her lap. Anyone else would have questioned a dog the size of a grizzly, but she was happy about it.
“You know, you remind me of the dogs in Sapphire.” She smiled. I laid still, but wagged my tail harder to let her know I was listening. It hadn’t stopped since I came in.
“Mayor Alpha had a no leash law, and people could let their doggies be free. They were always really smart and well trained. I think they were the same breed as you…” She said happily.
Mayor Alpha? I thought. There was a firm knock on the door, and she answered the door without asking who it was, assuming it was me. “I got a grocery delivery... For Oliver...” Said Clint with a gulp. He was nervous, and I approached behind her, and stood there, tail high.
“Alpha!” He Squealed, almost bowing but stopped himself. I growled loudly.
“Hush you!” She scolded, surprising me. “Cool! You know his dog’s name! I was wondering what it was! He accidentally left his door open in a rush, I guess I’ll put them in my fridge until he gets back.” She said with a smile.
Tell her that she can eat whatever. I mind link him.
“Uh, A-Oliver said that he would be gone a while, and that you can eat whatever you like, and doesn’t want it to go bad. Oh, and the beef is for Alpha.” He handed her the heavy bags and I narrowed my eyes at him, but I didn’t want him in here either, so I let it slide.
I could hear him running down the stairs, forgetting about the elevator, and laughed to myself.
She looked so happy making herself some Mac n’ Cheese, drinking a can of soda, and some oven baked chicken. She was about to cook my beef for me, but I snatched it out of her hand. She didn’t have to do that for me!