Chapter 2 - Charming Escapee ~ Part 2
Fidelia demanded to know what he was talking about and the human just continued to cower below him, like an ant! Helpless and small and weak! He couldn’t accept it, he refused to accept this! He commanded two guards to take her to the cells, away from his sight! He had to think and her scent was distracting him, he needed to clear his mind.
He heard her whimper as the guards took her away and it made his heartache with every inch that she was further away. The bond had started for him, she wouldn’t feel it as a human until she was marked, but he felt it! It was already torturing him! She was weak and she was going to make him weaker the longer he was around her! She had to be kept away!
Fidelia shrieked and screamed as the guards took away her friend, she cursed and swore at Axel and then stormed off to her room. No one dared go near the Alpha after that performance and he didn’t want them near him.
That’s when he marched up to his new office and found the bottle of amber whiskey with a bow around it. Clearly a gift from his father and he would have probably wanted to have a drink with his son once he got back from his ‘run’ with mum, But Axel needed the drink immediately.
It had been hours now since he had her sent to the cells. Fidelia had blocked him from her mind-link, clearly not wishing to speak, while he mulled over the information in his head.
He took another sip from the tumbler and felt the smooth liquid burn down his throat.
“A fucking human…” He breathed under his breath, running his hand through his hair for the millionth time.
‘Stupid pup…’ He heard a voice sigh in his mind.
‘Back are we?’ Axel asked, rolling his eyes and taking another sip of whiskey.
‘You hurt our Mate! You locked her away!’ Leon hissed and accused.
‘Well, what did you expect? We are Alpha’s, we can’t have a puny human as our Mate! Never!’ He thought back savagely.
‘But…’ Leon started but then seemed hesitate.
‘But what?’ Axel groaned, he was getting a bit impatient with his wolf in these last twenty four hours.
There was a long pause of silence, where Axel decided to take another sip of whiskey, before Leon answered.
‘Mate isn’t human.’ He answered, causing Axel to spit out the whiskey in his mouth from shock.
‘What!?’ He coughed, choking.
‘Mate is not a human.’ He repeated matter-of-factly.
‘What do you mean!? She’s not a wolf, so she must be a human!’ Axel stilled, feelng his heart beat a hundred miles per hour. His muscles tensed as he awaited a response from Leon.
‘No Mate is definitely not human, and couldn’t hear wolf either.’
‘Then what the hell is she?’ He asked, still tense.
‘Not sure…’ Leon huffed, clearly not happy with his own lack of information. ‘Mate has hidden it somehow…She is making herself look like a human…’
Axel thought about this for a moment.
‘Why?’ He asked, trying to figure out why she would do that.
‘Don’t know…’ He paused.* ‘Maybe Mate is hiding from danger!’* He growled and so did Axel.
No on would hurt his Mate! She wasn’t human and he had no idea what she was, but it was now his job to keep her safe, even if that meant keeping her in the cells away from anyone and everything forever. Leon growled at that thought but he didn’t have a chance to argue because someone had suddenly burst through his office door.
At first he had expected it to be either Fidelia, come to argue with him about throwing her friend in the cells and demand she be freed or his parents, come to chide him about throwing the resident human in the cells after they had conveniently left for a midnight ‘run.’ But it was neither of them. It was his newly appointed Beta and best friend, Oscar. He’d recently returned along with Axel from University where they had been dorm mates, as well as friends.
At that moment though, he burst in to the office gasping for air as he looked at Axel with a grave expression on his face.
“She’s gone!” He gasped, looking his friend and Alpha in the eye. “Axel, she’s gone!”
“What? Who?” Axel asked, rising from his chair slowly. He could feel it though, he already knew the answer.
“The girl! The human! She’s just gone! Vanished! There were guards by the cell’s entrance the entire time! But she’s just gone!” He gasped for air as he explained
Axel could feel the blood drain from him as he heard these words.
‘Mate has runaway…’ Leon whimpered sadly in his mind and again, Axel snapped.
He crushed the glass tumbler in his hand and felt the sting of the whiskey splash over the glass shards now embedded in his skin, but he didn’t care. He was numb and he was angry. He roared in frustration, pushed past his Beta and rushed out of the office, out of the pack house and to the cells.
The pack members he passed were smart enough to dash out of his way as he steamrolled passed them. When he reached the cells, he didn’t even need to ask which one she had been in, he could still smell the faint scent of winter berries and blossoms taunting his senses. He didn’t even wait to be given the keys, he ripped the cell door from it’s hinges, further imbedding the glass already in his hand and threw it away crashing behind him.
He entered the cell and his eyes wildly searched for any clues as to how she escaped and where she was heading. There was nothing! The cell was empty, devoid of the woman who was supposed to be there. How had she done it? Where had she gone!?
He punched the solid wall in his frustration and watched as dirt and grime fell to the floor. That’s when he saw it. He slowly calmed, removing his fist from the wall and lowered himself to the floor and picked up the thing he noticed. Once it was in his hands he started laughing ruefully, shaking from the hilarity.
“Alpha?” Beta Oscar asked uncertainly, standing by where the cell door used to be.
Axel got to his feet and showed Oscar and the guard behind what he had found. It was a slip of white paper with nothing on it. Not getting what Axel was getting at, Oscar shrugged in response.
“Do you not know what this is?” He asked them grinning, both of them shook their heads no. “This is called charm paper!” Axel explained, and upon hearing this Oscar slapped his hand to his head realising what he meant but the guard still looked confused so Axel went on.
“Charm paper is used primarily by witches, but other species with magical abilities can also use it, they draw the magic onto the paper and then when they need to use it they trace the symbols and activate the magic stored inside. It doesn’t give off as much magic and isn’t as powerful as a full on spell, but it means they can use it undetected and once it’s done the charm wears off and all that’s left is the paper. No trace of what spell was used or even the one who activated it.” The guard took in the information, while Axel turned to the wall and ran his hand against it, wondering what charm was used to aid her escape.
“It’s clever…” He said under his breath. “…No one would think twice about a piece of paper, less they already knew…”
The only reason he knew was because of a chance acquaintance at University. A witch by the name of Selene, she had quickly called him out as a werewolf and he could smell the magic off of her a mile away. At first they were at odds, but through time during their education they learned to get along and co-exist. She had taught him a few things about witches, such as their use of charm paper. She called them a pain, because you could only muster so much magic at once to make them and you had to be choosey, making sure that you made the ones that would help you. As she put it, ‘there’s no point in having a charm that makes you ten times heavier when you’re drowning at the bottom of the sea.’
It turned out his little ‘human’ was more than prepared and full of surprises.
“What now Alpha?” Oscar asked, awaiting orders.
Axel looked at him and then back at the blank charm paper in his hand. What was she? She made herself appear like a human but she was something else! Definitely more than human! Not a wolf, Leon would have sensed a wolf. A witch, maybe? A Faye, perhaps? Or something else entirely…
He had to know! He needed her back, she was his mate, she belonged to him! He would take her back and have her explain herself! While she did, he would bury his face in her neck and inhale her sweet scent and keep his little magical mate all to himself! She would never escape him again!
He could here Leon purring in his head at the idea of having her and keeping her all to themselves.
“Find her!” He ordered, looking back at Oscar. “Bring her back, alive!” He added. “I need her back, now!”
Without a second thought the two rushed out of the cells and off to alert the other warriors and guards to begin looking for the human.
Axel gave one last look at the solid wall, before smirking to himself.
“See you soon, little Mate.” He purred and then left to join the search. He knew her scent and he would find her and claim her! His little magical mate…