3__A defeated Vampire Sorcerer

Rogan’s eyes were wide, staring blankly up at the trees above him. What just happened?

A head of wild, black curls popped into his shaded vision, grey eyes staring at him in alarm. “Oh, no! Are you okay?! I’m sorry! I’m really sorry!”

Rogan blinked. No, seriously. What the hell just happened? What had Rag-skins just done to him? Had she just… flung him onto the ground? Him?! A creature of royal Vampire and royal Enchantress blood?! Who the hell was she?

“Can you see me?” she was asking, desperately waving a hand in his face. “Hello?! Please don’t die!”

A drop landed on his cheek, making Rogan blink. Another fell, landing on his chin just before Rag-skins wiped her eyes. “I didn’t mean to!” she sniffled.

Clenching his jaw, Rogan focused his gaze on her face as she looked down at him. Whatever specie she was, she was of great strength. And bloody sneaky! She’d shamelessly caught him off-guard!

Rogan couldn’t believe it. This creature was proving to be far more trouble than he needed. He’d ignore her! He had enough on his plate. Besides, if he got up and he fought her, Rogan knew he’d kill her. It had been a long time since he released his stress, if this little creature was the recipient of all that pent-up rage, she’d probably explode.

“Leave,” Rogan growled. He hadn’t moved an inch. He’d be damned if he got up in front of her.

Maia blinked. “What?” He’d told her to leave. Why? Was he planning to catch her from the back and tear her to pieces or terrify her with his eyes?

She gulped in fear. Why had she gone and attacked him? He hadn’t even done enough to her for her to fling him so painfully to the ground.

Flinching, she raised a hand to face. “Fool!”

Rogan glared up at her. “What?!”

Maia gasped. “No! Not you, Glasses!”

“Gl-glasses?” Rogan released a breath. This woman was really getting on his nerves.

Tossing all shame to hell, he quickly rose off the ground.

“Oh!” she said as he rose, immediately moving to dust his back. “I’m sorry! Are you alright?”

She was touching him again! Rogan’s teeth were about to shatter from clenching.

Maia’s brain was working fast as she dusted his back. Why was she trying to leave this man? He’d so easily scared away the guards from Zoar that had been hunting her for days with just a look and yet she was leaving him?? He was an irreplaceable safety and it wasn’t like she had anywhere else to go since her forest home had been invaded! She’d have to stick with him no matter what. And he’d saved her from the tribe too, how could she treat him that way? Sure, his eyes were probably frightening, but as long as she made sure his glasses stayed on his face, she’d be okay.

“So sorry!” Maia apologized again, lowering her hand from his back to dust his butt.

Rogan jumped away, grasping her wrist. He stared at her in shock. She’d smacked his ass! “Are you insane?!” he barked.

Maia flinched, certain that her hair had blown back from his yell. “S-sorry.”

Realizing he was touching her, Rogan snatched his hand away from her wrist. He snarled in annoyance. “Just… get lost!”

Maia blinked. “N-now?” She was puzzled. He wanted to play Lost and Found now? Even after she’d slammed him to the ground? Her heart eased. He was very friendly, even after she’d been so violent with him.

Rogan looked at her, more puzzled than he’d ever been in all six hundred years his existence. “Yes, now!”

“Okay!” nodding eagerly, Maia darted off towards tall bushes, glancing back at Rogan. “No peaking!”

Rogan made a face that clearly showed the nature of his thoughts. Was she alright in the head? What did she mean by no peaking? She was the strangest thing he’d ever encountered.

Shaking his head, he started walking away. Damn, he’d have to find another Trojan. Goddamn.

Rogan tilted his head to the side, cracking his neck joints as he did so. Damn brat nearly broke his neck.

Cassidy threw her head back with laughter even as Rogan glared at her through his dark shades.

He snatched forward the bottle, filling his glass which sat empty on the bar.

“She… she did what?!” asked Cassie, snorting as she laughed uncontrollably.

“Shut up,” Rogan muttered darkly. “She caught me off guard. Keep laughing and I’ll call Aiden on you.”

Cassie scoffed and flicked back her rich, mahogany brown hair, twirling the white highlights that swayed on either side of her face. “Why would I be afraid of Aiden?”

Rogan gave her a flat look. “Sure. Why on earth would you fear your King who is a Gemini soul of fire and could burn your hostel down with one finger?”

Her eyes filled with a silver glow as she narrowed them and Rogan smiled in satisfaction.

“King or not,” Cassie muttered, twirling a finger up at the room. “If he ever tried to touch The Hostel, I’d fight him myself!”

“How ambitious,” said a lazy voice.

Rogan looked up as a willowy blonde joined them at the hostel bar, black eyes sexily slanted as she turned them over to Rogan.

“Don’t even start lecturing me, Cecile,” Cassie warned, giving the older woman a look.

“Oh, I wouldn’t dream of it,” said Cecile with a yawn. “Go on ahead and fight our King who is five hundred times more powerful than you. You can be whatever you want to be, darling. Hello, Master Rogan.”

Rogan nodded at Cecile, watching Cassie’s mouth tighten at Cecile’s sarcasm and turned away as the women began bickering. Cassie with her hot-headed ideas, Cecile with her calm, but frustrating sarcasm.

He glanced at them with a mild scoff. Aiden had asked Rogan countless times why he came to this place. The Hostel. Why he hung out here with these women whom the rest of the Kingdom called harlots.

Everybody said The Hostel was a brothel. Rogan looked into his drink. He’d discovered differently.

Looking up at Cassie as she went off in a heated debate with Cecile, Rogan lowered his glass.

With a Gemini soul of a white tigress, Cassidy couldn’t help her temper. It came out of her the moment she was challenged by anything or anyone. Especially when it came to their, in her words “brick-headed King Aiden”. She’d bought the hostel as a rundown building and changed it, turning it into a home for lost or runaway females.

It was a place of refuge and shelter for them. Those who had been rejected and hated by their societies.

Somewhat like Rogan. Thus his bizarre relation with the women.

Besides Cassie, who owned the place, there was Cecile, who was the oldest and the one who Kept Cassie from challenging their King to a duel. She had the Gemini soul of an Owl, which had startled Rogan the first time he’d seen it. A large, white bird, it had been, sitting atop a tall lamp and looking at him with those sharp black eyes. Then she’d hopped of the lamp and transformed back into the human form that Rogan was much more comfortable seeing.

The Hostel also housed three other women. There was Clover, who was the youngest and had the Gemini soul of a Unicorn. Rogan couldn’t recall a time when he had seen her and she wasn’t either eating something or singing at the top of her lungs. There was Claudia who had the Gemini soul of a Temptress. Rogan was rather certain she was the reason why the Kingdom of Geminor had begun to suspect the women of running a brothel. The woman was relentless with her unmatchable sexual prowess. Luckily, she’d learnt that none of it worked on Rogan.

Finally, there was Cleo, who had the Gemini soul of a Panther. She was one of the first who Cassie had taken into the hostel and they had been the closest of friends ever since.


“Fuck!” muttered Rogan, his drink spilling over. The little head of rainbows at his elbow giggled wildly, delighted by her success in startling him.

Rogan looked down at Clover with a snarl.

Unbothered by his rage since his glaring eyes were hidden by shades, Clover tossed her rainbow colored hair, grinning up at him with a huge bag of marshmallows under her arm. “When did you get here? Want some marshmallows? Wanna ride me through the meadow?”

“Clove!” said Cassie with wide eyes. “Told you to stop asking that question, it sounds dirty!”

Pushing his drink away, Rogan turned to Clover and very deliberately leaned toward her. “What was that, Clover?” he asked, slowly pulling his glasses onto the tip of his nose and exposing his eyes to her.

Clover immediately froze up, her face draining of its usual blush as she looked into the disturbing swirl of Rogan’s dark eyes.

“Eeeeek!” she shrieked, falling back and scrambling away. “Cassiiie!”

Satisfied, Rogan pushed his shades back up and straightened.

Cassie gave him a look. “Real mature, Rogan.”

Unbothered, Rogan pulled his drink back towards him as Cassie went off to calm Clover down.

Cecile leaned against the bar, studying him with her knowing eyes.

“So… you let a girl beat you in the forest?”

Rogan’s glass lowered to the bar with a sharp tap. “Cassidy and her big mouth.”

“She told me right in front of you, don’t act like you didn’t hear, Master Rogan,” Cecile told him. Rogan only harrumphed in response and Cecile smiled. “That girl,” she said. “Was she bare-footed?”

Rogan looked up, brows raised. “Yes. Yes, she was. She had on bizarre rags made of animal skins and her hair was practically a badger’s nest! She was muddy too.”

Cecile rolled her eyes at his unnecessarily detailed explanation of how dirty the girl was. “That’s Maia,” she informed him.

Rogan paused. “What? Mia?”

“Mah-ee-ya,” corrected Cecile. “She was raised in the forest neighbouring ours. She’s determined to live there alone ever since the woman who raised her died ten years ago. You… didn’t hurt her, did you?”

Rogan was momentarily dazed. Rag-skins was a forest bred specie? Was she a werewolf? That explained why she’d managed to lift him. “Huh? Uhm… no! No, no, I didn’t. I don’t have time for little forest brats, Cecile. Told her to get lost.”

Cecile pursed her lips, frowning in thought at his words. “In those exact words?”

Rogan nodded firmly, his eyes clear of remorse.

Cecile tapped a finger against her chin. The first time she’d seen Maia, the girl had been hiding in the cave of an old oak tree for nearly two days, starved and thirsty, but delighted that she had been playing “Lost and Found” with some cloaked woman who’d come across Maia’s home and told the girl to “get lost”. Maia was naïve to the point of totally misunderstanding that phrase.

Rogan looked closely at Cecile’s expression. “What? Getting some owl wisdom? What are you thinking?”

Cecile stroked her long, sleek blonde hair. “Hm. When you said to her to get lost… what did the girl say?”

Rogan silently looked at her for a moment. “Something about no peaking. Why?”

The moment she heard that, Cecile huffed out a breath, shaking her head slowly. “Tsk, tsk, tsk.”

He looked at her. “You got something to say?”

Cecile tilted her head. “I can assure you that she’s burrowed in some hole waiting for you to find her.”

Rogan blinked. “Rubbish. Why would she do that?”

“Because, according to her… you two are playing hide and seek and you’re it.”

Scoffing, Rogan shrugged it off and poured himself another drink, woeful over the loss of his plant.

Cecile raised a brow and leaned over into his view. “Oh, and… did I mention that she will stay there until you find her?”

Rogan’s hand paused over his drink and he looked up at her, a deep frown over his dark shades. She’ll do what? Why on earth would she wait for him? Was she that stupid? He glanced at the windows. The night was dark.

That girl…

“No,” Rogan snapped at himself, shaking his head. “I don’t give a damn. It’s her fault for being so stupid, so if she wants to wait there till the four Kingdoms unite, it’s not my damn problem.”

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