4__Strike a deal
“I’m a goddamn idiot,” Rogan muttered as he swatted low branches out of his way. “Going into the forest in the middle of the night because of a stupid little werewolf!”
Scoffing in disgust, he loudly trudged on through the dark forest. Rogan knew his being this loud in the forest at night could call for trouble, but he didn’t care. He hoped it would, he really was in the mood to break someone’s jaw. Or try and see if someone could break his jaw. No one had tried to.
Not since Viktor.
Stopping, Rogan gritted his teeth. No, he wouldn’t think about him, it would just make Rogan even more furious. Besides, he hadn’t been able to defeat Rogan in the end. Rogan had tried to lead him to murder. Tried to lead Viktor to killing him, because Rogan was tired of living and by dying by Viktor’s hand, thus making him a murderer and as evil as Rogan, he’d have fulfilled his own last wish.
Rogan’s mouth curved disdainfully. Oh, but Vikie boy had been too love sick over a woman to get the job done. And because of that, Rogan was still walking upon this miserable earth, living his miserable life. And now because of his aunt, Ursula’s, curse on him… he couldn’t even die. The one thing he’d really wanted from life. Death. He couldn’t even have that.
Rogan scoffed out a laugh, rubbing a hand over his jaw as he took slow steps, unable to get the thoughts out of his head now. What had Ursula said? Heal from his anger and hatred for Viktor’s family and the curse would lift?
Rogan laughed aloud, shaking his head at the classic comedy.
Ursula had no damn clue. She had no idea what went through Rogan’s soul every day. His Sorcerer half fought his Vampire side every single day, and it physically hurt. It was like his mother’s Enchantress soul and his father’s Vampire soul had possessed him and continued their war through him.
If Rogan could, he’d kill the half of his soul that was Vampire to get all traces of Darrius out of him. His father being a Vampire King didn’t mean shit, because at the end of the day it meant that he and Viktor were related. Half-brothers. And Rogan hated that.
Sighing, he ran a hand through his hair, pushing thick strands off his forehead. Where the hell was she? He could smell her.
Rogan turned his head, following that scent. She smelled of damp grass and woods. He’d been following the scent since he stepped into the forest, but now he couldn’t see her.
The crackle of twigs reached Maia’s ears and her eyes widened. They’d come back?! Clutching her hands tightly against her chest, she burrowed deeper into the flower bush, wishing the darkness would swallow her and hide her from the tribe.
They’d kill her once they found her, they surely would. They’d been there a little earlier, sneaking about the place and loudly asking one another if the “heartless monster” could have already killed the slave, making their search for her in vain. They’d been looking for her, but she’d hidden well, hoping the man with the glasses found her quickly.
And now they were back.
Maia bit her lip, trying hard to remain silent. Where was Glasses?? He’d told her to get lost so he could find her and he never came. Could it be? Maia frowned. Could he be like the bad people who’d chased her out of her home before? They’d also told her to get lost. They were bad people, but Nana wasn’t. And Nana had always told her those words when it was time to play Lost and Found.
Maia sighed, puzzled and frightened. Was he a bad person? Would the tribe find her? When next could she have dinner? These questions went through her head.
A tickle on her foot startled Maia and she gasped sharply as something with four little feet scurried over her toes. Slapping a hand over her mouth, she looked down at her feet in the dark hole in the bush.
Two little red eyes glared back up at her.
“Eeeeeeekkk!!” squealed Maia, leaping out of the dark hole to hop about, smacking her legs furiously to scare away the rodent. “Nana! A rat!”
“What is this ridiculous behaviour?” muttered a voice behind her, tone dripping with disapproval.
Maia spun around, ready to defend herself.
Rogan raised a brow at her as she blinked at him in the dark, panting from her fright.
“W-who…. Who are you?” she squeaked.
Rogan pulled his shades down to look at her. How could she not see him in the dark? Werewolves usually had excellent night vision. Not as good as Vampires, but still.
“What are you still doing here?” he demanded instead of answering her question. “When I told you to get lost, I didn’t mean go and hide, you little fool.”
She was silent for a moment. “G… Glasses?”
He narrowed his eyes. “Don’t call me— oomph!!”
Rogan coughed as she launched herself at him, arms wrapped firmly around his neck, hugging him tight.
“Glasses! You came back!” Maia sniffled in delight. “Thank God! I thought it was the Tribe here to kill me!”
Rogan felt like a python had gotten its tail around his neck. The more he tried to pry her arms away, the tighter she held on, standing on her tiptoes for better access.
What was this? Was she attacking him?!
“Let me go immediately!’ Rogan ordered. “Release me or I’ll make sure you never use these arms again!”
Maia whipped her arms away from him and held them stiffly at her sides, lowering her gaze. “Ah… I’m sorry, Glasses.” What was she thinking? Sure, it was great that he came back and it wasn’t the Tribe here to turn her into fish food, but still… he was the one who was scary enough to frighten off the Tribe. She had to stay close to him for safety, but also keep her distance to ensure that she didn’t become food for the fish.
Rogan held a hand to his neck, looking at her with a disdainful curl of his lip. What the hell did she think she was doing, throwing her little werewolf self onto him?
“Do not touch me,” he ordered.
Maia quickly nodded, her hair bouncing about. “Yes! Okay!”
“And do not call me Glasses, for fuck’s sake.”
Maia nodded again. She had to stay on his good side! “Yes, okay.” She paused, peaking up at his face, so hidden in the dark it looked like she was talking to the shadow of Death. “But… what do I call you? What is your name?”
Rogan scoffed and pushed his shades back up. “None of your business, Rag-skins. Now get l…” He paused. “Leave.”
Maia’s heart slammed. Leave? He wanted her to leave? But where would she go? She was driven out of her home forest and the new place she’d thought she’d live in was currently filled with the Zoar tribe. The moment they saw her, they’d toss her over a fire and feed her to their King’s pet snake as punishment for her escape. They thought they owned her just because she had no family.
With wide eyes, she watched him turn to leave. No. No one had ever saved her from danger before him, she couldn’t let him slip through her fingers.
“W-wait!” Maia called.
Rogan continued walking like he hadn’t heard her. He scoffed. “Did she think I’d wait just because she told me to? Little fool.”
Maia watched him get further away from her and, desperate, she dashed off after him.
The darkness engulfed him and having never had good night vision, Maia didn’t see how close he was. Not until she ran right into his back.
Rogan staggered forward, shocked at her unending attacks. Did she really want to fight him??
Maia blindly felt around his back, her hands patting from his shoulders to his lower back. “Glasses! Wait! Please, don’t leave. It’s dark…”
Rogan glared at her over his shoulders. “What kind of bullshit…? Let go off me!”
He tried to shake her off, but Maia held him tight, hooking her hands over his shoulders and hoisting herself up onto his back. “No, please wait!”
“What are you doing?!” Rogan roared. “Get off! I swear, I’ll bury you in this forest if you don’t get off right now!”
Maia felt his back tighten as his body grew tense from anger, but she held on even if her heart pounded in fear. What if he took off his glasses? What if he really killed her?
She’d have to prevent that. Besides, to show her his terrifying eyes or kill her, he’d have to get her off his back first and Maia had once won a hanging competition against a troop of monkeys.
“Get off, woman! I’m warning you!”
Maia held on tighter. “I-it’s really dark in this forest and I’ve never been here before! Please, don’t leave yet!”
Rogan huffed angrily. “How is that my problem? I shouldn’t even be here in the first place!”
“Please! I’ll… I’ll… I’ll help you find the plant!!”
Rogan slowly stilled, registering her words. “What?”
Maia held her breath. Did that work? “I’ll help you find the plant…”
He narrowed his eyes. “What plant?”
“The-the Crogan plant you wanted! I’ve lived in the forest all my life, there’s no plant I don’t know! My Nana taught me all!”
He considered her words. She was right. She clearly was a forest dweller and although he knew each plant and its power, she likely knew where to find them. Hmm. She could be of good use.
Rogan cleared his throat and straightened causing Maia to hold on tighter so she didn’t fall. “It’s called Trojan. And… in exchange for what? Just what do you plan to get out of it?”
Maia looked at the side of his face with bright eyes. Was he really considering it?! Oh, thank God!
“Uhm… well, take me with you!”
“Fuck no.” Rogan immediately began prying her hands away. “Impossible. You’re insane, go away!”
Maia’s mind was racing. She couldn’t stay here in this strange dark forest, she would die of fright. “I can find you the plant, I promise!” she pleaded. “Please! I’m the only one who knows all the plants!”
Rogan stopped with her wrists held in his hands but her legs still tightly wrapped around his waist. He gritted his teeth. She was damn annoying! To go to the extent of climbing onto his body?!
But… if she could get him the plant, or even one better than it, he could definitely use her.
Rogan smiled.
Taking her with him didn’t mean he had to take her to his house or look after her.
Someone else could do that.
And, luckily, he knew just the person.