Chapter Ten
"I can't believe they're actually fucking mates! This is bullshit! I'm the one who has been there since the beginning! I'm the one who has been trying to keep her safe! Not that worthless fucking soul sucker!" Max has been losing his mind ever since that scene in school. He should have been the one who came to the rescue, the one to comfort her! Not that damned beast!
"You need to calm down. You won't be able to think straight if you don't." Ashley was trying to calm this lunatic down. At first she wanted Max. He was going to be their future alpha and she wanted that luna position. She hasn't found her mate yet and doesn't ever want too. She would reject him on the spot if he wasn't someone with power. She came to Max to try and seduce him into mating and marking her but failed at that when she found Max destroying his room. She didn't expect him to confess his feelings for Trixie so easily and was even more shocked when she found out that she was mated to the Eternal King. That's when she told Max she would help him get Trixie and then she would take Kane for herself. "I know you think this is an impossible mission and it will be if you don't chill the hell out!" She was losing her patients with this fool.
"I just can't stand the thought of that guy even touching my Trixie! I know for a fact he's been staying at her place and I bet he's even all wrapped up in bed with her! It's sickening. I know she's too pure for him and would never willingly give herself to him so easily. What if he forces her to do something she doesn't want too? How am I supposed to help her then???" Max was just rambling nonsense now. All Ashley could do was roll her eyes at him. This man was completely delusional.
"Well while you throw yourself a pity party, I'm going to go get my nails done. I can't deal with you right now. Toodles!" Ashley was way too excited to leave.
Max just stared at the door. I can't believe you're actually wanting her help. She's worthless. Max inner wolf hates that woman. She's not going to help us get our Trixie. She only wants to be Kanes queen, by the way, that would never happen. I can feel it, she's going to try to get rid of Trixie. His wolf was restless. He cares a lot about Trixie and wants her just as bad as his human.
Calm down. I'm not going to let her anywhere near Trixie. I'll let her think she's helping us. She's just a pawn in this game. Nothing more and nothing less. Max tried to calm his wolf down. He didn't need two crazy minds trying to put the plan into action. She'll be the one to take the fall. When we get Trixie and take her away from here, I'll make it look like she took Trixie. After all everyone knows how obsessed she is with having power so they wouldn't think twice about it and when Kane can't get any information out of her, he'll kill her. While that's happening, we'll be claiming Trixie as ours and be far the hell away from here. Max just needed the perfect moment for his plan to fall into place.
~ ~ ~
"What do you think of this place?" Theodore asked William while they started their walk towards Kane and Trixies home. They decided to hold off on getting trashed and harassing Gabriel. Kane needed to know that the situation with Jackson was a huge misunderstanding. They both feared that Goliath would go after him the second Trixie fell asleep tonight and they didn't want to start a war that was completely unnecessary.
"It's okay, I mean it isn't home. Don't get me wrong, the forest is stunning. I love the little ponds and creeks they have. It's peaceful out there, a good place to clear your mind but it's just not home. I miss our kingdom but I know we have to make this our home now. I'm okay with that as long as I have you guys and get to find my mate." William said with a small smile. Hoping Theodore doesn't start teasing him for being sentimental.
"Home is where my brothers are." That was all Theodore said and placed his hand on Williams shoulder and gave a small squeeze. Theodore might be a shit head sometimes but he knows when his family needs him. "Well this is our queens home, William." Theodore glanced over and saw the frown forming on his face. He didn't approve either but what the hell could they do about it. If Trixie wanted to stay there then so be it.
"Wait!" William whispered yelled at Theodore. "What if they're making babies in there? Goliath would murder us if we walked in on him balls deep in his mate and frankly Theo, I want to live." William rushed his words, he knew Kane would never hurt them but Goliath is unpredictable. Hence why everyone fears him so much.
"Oh my god, hahahah, you're ridiculous!" Theodore couldn't contain his laugh. "I don't think this garage is sound proof aaaannnd I don't hear any sorts of love making so chill out, crazy." Theodore knocked and waited for a reply.
"Who the hell is it now!" Theodore heard Goliath on the other side, already sounding annoyed. Great. He thought to himself. The door swung open, revealing an irritated teddy bear. "Theo! William! Come on in and join the fun." Goliath said with a sarcastic tone.
Theodore and William exchanged a look and cautiously walked in the room. William just smiled at Trixie and went to take his seat on the couch while Theodore was frozen on the spot. He couldn't believe his eyes! "What the fuck are you doing here!?" Theodore spat at Jake. How dare he think he can just show up whenever the hell he wants!
"Theo... I.." Before Jake could even explain, Theodore was on top of him throwing punch after punch.
"Shut up!" punch "You don't get to call me Theo!" punch "You're trash!" punch "I hate you" punch "You left us and think you can just come back into our lives like nothing ever happened?!?" two more punches "Fuck you!" Theodore just kept going. He had so much built up anger towards this man. It was about time he got to let it all loose!
Goliath immediately grabbed Trixie the second Theodore threw himself at Jake. He knew this wasn't going to be good and he didn't want her to be in the crossfire. Trixie just buried her face in his stomach, not wanting to watch. William was completely shocked, he tried to pry Theodore off the poor man but kept failing miserably.
Jake didn't once try to stop Theodore, he knew he deserved it all. He abandoned his two best friends for his own selfish reasons. Kane offered him the position as his Elite team members captain. Yes it came with a lot of responsibility but it was a high honor to be offered a place next to the king. But what did Jake do? He ran away. He left in the middle of the night and never came back. At first Kane and Theodore thought maybe he felt like he had to take it, they would never force him to take it. Jake was the top warrior they had in the kingdom. It only seemed right to offer him the job but what did they get in return? They were left abandoned by their own best friend. Jake didn't leave for just a few days, no, he's been gone for over eight thousand years. After a long time, Kane finally found someone else worthy of leading his Elite team and put him through the worst training any of his warriors have ever experienced. William never once backed down, he passed all the tests, all the training and most importantly he has never once left Kane or Theodore. After being Kanes captain, the three men became close. Theodore and Kane wouldn't even know what to do without William. He's been there with them for the past five thousand years and he isn't going anywhere.
After watching Theodore beat the shit out of Jake, Goliath decided he needed to pull him off, well Kane decided for him. Goliath would have let Theodore punch him until his heart was full but Kane was always the more reasonable one of the two.
"Are you satisfied now?" Goliath asked.
"Not even fucking close." Theodore hissed out.
"Whatever." Goliath didn't care. He turned to Trixie and wrapped her in a tight hug. "Baby, I have to go for now. Kane and Theo have a lot to talk about with Jake and we all know that I'm not the best with talking things out. But I am always here anytime you need me for anything or just to even talk, just call to me, okay sweetheart?" Goliath ran his nose up and down the side of her neck, inhaling as much of her sweet scent as he could. She smelled so damn sweet. With a low rumble in his chest, "I love you, bye baby girl." Goliath looked at his adorable little mate. "I love you too." Trixie smiled and placed a small kiss on his cheek. When she pulled back, she saw Goliaths eyes fade back to Kanes dark brown eyes and just smiled up at him.
"Hi." Kane just grinned down at her.
"Hey, you." Trixie replied. The way he stared at her, like she was the only person in the world, the most precious person ever, She could help but blush every time.
"So you replaced me, huh?" Jake slowly sat up off the ground.
"It's not that simple, Jake." Theodore went ahead and explained everything to Jake. He explained what happened to them when he left, how long it took to find William, how much William means to them, and how they never got over him leaving them. They spent a couple of hours talking about everything and where they would go from there. Kane made it very clear that William is and will remain the captain no matter what and that if Jake really wanted to come back home, he was going to have to prove himself to them. Theodore tried to bring up the whole Jackson situation but Kane immediately dismissed it. He would worry about that tomorrow.
Trixie was there the whole time, taking in all the information thrown at her. She was becoming very tired. A little yawn escaped her lips and she shifted her body on the couch and leaned her head down on Kanes lap. Kane just tensed up, his mate was laying on his lap with her face right in his crotch. He was just staring down at her and he couldn't keep his mind from wandering.
Look at those thick, plump pouty lips, I wonder what they taste like and what they would feel like on ours and around our.. Goliaths teasing was interrupted by Kane standing up suddenly and slightly yelling, "Everyone out now!" William and Jake looked up at him with confusion but for Theodore, he noticed the bulge in his jeans and grabbed the two idiots and dragged them out.
Trixie who was in a small daze from being moved so suddenly, "What's wrong? What happened? Are you okay?" She asked with concern.
"Trixie, baby, look at what you're doing to me.." Kane turned to face Trixie and watched as her confused little face turned redder than a tomato.