Chapter One
I don’t look like I belong.
A long flowing white skirt, a modest floral blouse, and the look of innocence in my gaze gives me away as soon as I step through the front doors of the Gentleman’s club. Gazes swoop over me, curious as to my appearance considering every woman around here is either naked or clad in leather that leaves nothing to the imagination.
A few months ago, if someone had told me what I was about to do, I would’ve laughed. I wouldn’t have believed them, but I know now that nothing is impossible. That naïve girl was bound to die, and in her wake would be a woman with no values. No morals. A woman who would do anything to survive.
I slowly wade down the hall, eyeing the diamond encrusted collars, the thick ball gags, the leashes… the longer I stare, the more lightheaded I feel. I realize I’m not home anymore. The home I’d loved for years no longer exists.
Come on, you can do this!
As if weakly repeated words of encouragement will rid me of the bottomless pit of fear that slowly sucks me in like a black hole. My eyes flicker from person to person, room to room, careful to avoid lingering my gaze on someone for too long. Here, it seems, that anyone who approaches you can stake claim to you, and until my bid has been bought, I will remain my own woman.
Jesus, Sasha, one foot in front of the other.
Find Gregory.
He’s the man I was told will help me.
He’ll help me sell the only thing I have left.
I dare a glance down my body and shiver, blinking rapidly, and huffing out a breath to remain as calm as I can as I continue to move through the crowd. Just as I arrive to the corridor of doors, I hear a deep voice that startles me. I tense, afraid someone will lock a collar around my throat, and drag me off, but when the voice addresses me again, I realize there’s a gentle curiosity within it.
“Are you lost?”
I wish.
I spin around, fists clenched at my sides, as I’m met with a tall older gentleman dressed expensively in a designer suit. His gaze sweeps my body, a look of curious admiration gleaming in his eyes before he arches a brow.
“G-Gregory,” I greet, but the word is broken. Sounding childlike with my soft tone. Giving away how frightened I am.
The man’s lips twitch upward slightly into a gentle smile.
“Yes, that’s me. I own this establishment,” He responds, dusting off the suit jacket. My eyes move to his gold cuff links. He exudes money and power, but something about him gives me the impression that he’s gay. His eyes don’t feast on me like the other men. I don’t see lust within them. Just the admiration that someone would appoint to a talented piece of art.
“I am here to sell,” I state quickly, biting my lip as I await his response. As if he’ll yank me by the arm and shackle me to the wall now that he knows he can score a profit from me.
Both his brows arch upward, disappearing in his hair line with surprise, before he clears his throat.
“Are you sure?”
He’s offering me a way out. One last time to spin around and bolt out of here before one of the big bad wolves can scoop me up and make me there’s forever. Because once I’m bought, I’m property. I’m an object to own, to have, and to fuck. I will have signed my life away. All to avoid the vicious world outside, because I have nothing left. Nothing keeping me from starvation, or a death by the elements. Nothing but disappointment and pain.
“Yes, I’m sure.” My voice quivers, uncertainty a wincing crack in my tone, but he ignores it. He seems like a straightforward businessman, who takes word as bond.
“Then follow me. The next bid is in five minutes,” He replies before waving after himself as he begins to walk down the corridor of doors. I swallow the lump in my throat, my tongue throbbing and dry as my heart hammers in my chest wildly the further we drift in the den of hungry predators.
I gasp when I feel a hand on my back, stopping to twist my neck around as a chubby man with a bald head, and thick fingers strokes my back and grins at me.
“Where did you come from?”
“Mr. Hill, she will be for sale. Please keep your hands to yourself, unless you plan to place a bid.”
Mr. Hill jerks his hand back and frowns, blinking a few times.
“Sorry, Sir. After you,” He says, gesturing for Gregory and myself to continue, but I feel him hot on my heels. He’s going to make a bid. I shiver, hoping he doesn’t win it. Something about his smile scares me to my very core.
With a deep breath, I continue after Gregory. We arrive at double doors, before he tugs them open and I gasp. The room is filled with bidders. Both male and some female, all dressed formally, as they stare up at a stage that’s bear.
Are there other bids?
I can’t be the only one. I can’t be.
That thought makes your steps falter and you halt near the door, Mr. Hill questioning behind you, but you don’t budge. Gregory turns around, a concerned expression on his face.
“Look, when you’re in here, you sign a contract that releases us of liability. When someone places a bid and wins, you have a legal obligation to them, otherwise you can receive a lawsuit, and some of these men and women…” He stops to cast his gaze around the room. “Don’t need the law to put you into place. So I will ask you again, are you sure?”
Am I sure?
Do I have a choice?
Will I do what I have to do?
Of course. Because if I am anything, I am strong.
That’s what my sister used to say to me. Before she died.
Before they all died.
I nod once, and he sighs, nodding his head slowly before he grabs my wrist, and leads me towards the stage. The crowd moves their eyes to him, a look of familiarity passing over them, before they move their gazes onto me.
Oh god. I must be the only bid. Or at least the first bid.
Am I?
I was hoping to go in the middle or last.
Maybe to find other girls like me, other one’s who are new and worried and hurting.
I’ve always felt alone, and that hasn’t changed.
“Am I the only girl?”
Gregory laughs gently, and he shakes his head.
“No. You’re not. They are all backstage, but you are first. As you’ve piqued the interests of everyone in this room. They will all be fighting to pay for you.”
“F-first? I – I don’t know if –“
“I gave you a chance to run. This is what you’ve agreed to. You will go first,” He says firmly, before I gulp and nod. I did agree. It’s his club. It’s his way. It’s just business.
“Yes, Sir.”
Gregory snickers.
“Sir…you’ll fit in just fine.”
That unsettles me.
When you get to the steps near the stage, he pulls me along behind him up the steps and quietness settles in the room, all eyes on you. I glance around the room, before I get to a pair of eyes, that captivate my soul. My veins run cold.
He’s attractive.
Painfully attractive. Like the devil might be, breathtaking enough to reel you in and be your demise.
I can’t look away. He holds my gaze, his blue eyes icicles that seep into my flesh, slowing my once frantic heart rate, as if to turn me into a corpse. He must notice my fear. It makes the corner of his mouth twitch upward, but there’s no humor in his eyes. Lust. Feral lust. And for some reason, I know he’ll bid until the death.
But maybe he won’t win. Maybe someone gentler. Someone new, like me, will win and I’ll survive.
Gregory releases my wrist, before he clears his throat, moves over to the podium off to the side with the microphone, and taps it. The sound resonates in the room, the microphone tested, before he begins.
“Good evening, everyone. Thank you for participating in the gentlemen’s club auction. As we hope to supply you with all of your needs tonight.”
Gregory glances at me, and I’m careful to keep my gaze on him, as if the small bit of comfort I felt earlier will only continue if I don’t tear my gaze away from him.
“Tonight, we have some very fascinating and priceless sales. We’re starting off the bid with the best.” He gestures toward me. He doesn’t even have to say anything, give no information. I’ve been directed to supply the club with it before even coming. My medical history, anything ranging from the common cold, to a mental hospitalization, to sexual history. It covered everything. The buyer will be supplied with it once I’m sold.
The bid begins when that man who was looking at me, the one with the intense crystalline gaze speaks.
“500,000 dollars.”
The crowd gasps. The man stands, and I know just from the shock on everyone’s faces that he’s won.
I am his.