1 - First Taste
The hot breath of a predator, coming straight for me.
Somehow, I knew what was happening even before I could see it.
I whirled on the sidewalk, ready for anything. I caught sight of a dark blur before a powerful gust of wind sent me reeling – so strong it was almost like someone had shoved me.
“Argh!” I cried as it sent me staggering off to the side. I reached for the brick corner with my hand but missed, stumbling into the alley.
A silhouette pooled up in front of me, cutting off any chance of escape. It turned into the shape of a man – tall and lean with big, broad shoulders. His long hair was wild and dark, each eye a different color – one amber, one blue. His lips were set in a straight, grim line as he stared down at me.
“What the fuck?” I gasped, moving unsteadily to my feet. All my struggling had caused the strap of my dress to fall, and I saw the way his eye flicked to my bare shoulder.
Hastily, I righted the strap, facing the stranger head-on. “You…get out of my way.”
The stranger cocked his head, observing me for a moment. “Female. White. Twenty-three.” He paused, inhaling deeply. “Pure.”
Pure?! What’s that supposed to mean??
“Get out of my way!”
“You’ll do,” he said in that same bored voice.
“I’ll do what??”
I blinked at him, not sure I’d heard right. The next thing I knew, he leapt (or flew?) right up to me, pinning me hard against the alley wall.
“Argh, n-no!”
“Be quiet,” he said curtly, sounding annoyed.
“Huh, what – !” Before I could finish my sentence, he ducked his head down, crushing his lips against mine.
This can’t be happening!
I didn’t want this. I didn’t want this one bit.
But I was afraid. So afraid that I didn’t resist as he parted my lips, licking my tongue with his own, over and over again. The eagerness of it didn’t match up with his earlier tone of voice, whoever this psycho was.
*This psycho who appeared out of nowhere, in a rush of wind…
Wait, that doesn’t make any sense. Maybe I’m drunk or something. I’m imagining things. Maybe none of this is actually happening?*
I could almost believe it…
…until I felt what he did next. Parting my legs with his, he nudged his knee between my thighs. I tensed as I felt him rub against me back and forth, the movement sending little jolts of pleasure throughout my lower body.
W-what is he doing? Why??
Resisting the urge to grind back against him, I turned my head aside, breaking the kiss. “Stop,” I gasped. “Let me go.”
“I can’t do that,” he said, his low, husky voice almost a growl.
He pushed his knee up a little higher, and I couldn’t help letting out a thrilled little noise. The bizarre stranger cocked a brow at me. “Doesn’t this excite you?”
“You lie.”
“I don’t want this! Let me go! Help! Help!” I screamed as loudly as I could, but no one stirred.
“I can’t count the number of women who would do anything for my touch,” he said, leaning close enough to me that his breath made my hair ripple. I realized just then how he had a weird way of speaking. Way too formal. That was just another thing to add to the list of things that didn’t add up about this guy.
“Well, I’m not one of those women,” I shot back in a hiss.
“Oh, you might resist at first. But before long, you’ll be on your knees, begging for more.”
“Why, you son of a – ” In a rush of anger, I yanked one hand free of his grip. I caught the look of surprise on his face, right before I clocked him.
“Ugh - !” he choked out at the blow, more from shock than anything else.
I need to get away! Right now!
I moved to bolt, but he recovered quickly, grabbing my arm and twisting it behind my back.
“Ow!” I protested.
He pushed me up against the wall once more, this time standing behind me. “No, please!” I exclaimed, now on the verge of tears. “Please, I’m sorry!”
The stranger pressed himself into me, and I felt the shape of his erection against my body. “How did you do that??” he demanded in my ear.
“How did you do that??” he repeated. “I was holding you, and you….” He sounded confused, but not as confused as I was.
“Please…let me go.”
“Not yet.”
“W-what are you doing?” my voice cracked as I felt his hand reach under my skirt from behind. “No! Stop!”
I felt him rub me in circles with one finger, surprisingly slow and gentle.
“Stop it…stop…” I wriggled and writhed, but I couldn’t get free of his grip this time.
“Spread your legs.”
He used one foot to push my feet apart, switching to using two fingers now. He increased the pressure, fingertips driving into the fabric of my underwear.
My breathing was coming out jagged now, and I wasn’t the only one. I could hear his arousal as well as my own. “D-don’t hurt me,” I murmured.
“You know it will.”
I couldn’t believe that my first time was going to be like this. But he didn’t actually know it, did he? That wasn’t what he meant? Or was it?
I gasped then as he shifted, pulling his hand away. For a fraction of a second, I was actually disappointed that he had removed his touch. Then I realized he was putting his arm around me, going down from the front. His fingers slipped under the waistband of my skirt, wriggling their way into my underwear.
He hit my clit, beginning to flick it.
“Oh God,” I breathed, squeezing my eyes shut.
He rested his chin on my shoulder, lips brushing my ear. “Ready to beg yet?”
“You’re sick!”
“Hmm.” He stopped playing with my clit, moving his fingers lower. I was embarrassed to feel how slick I had become, his fingers soaking with it. He ran them up and down the length for several moments, seemingly taking his time.
Wasn’t he afraid that he’d get caught? And why had no one heard us so far? Not even a single person?
“Now, then…” he said, drawing a breath. He started easing one fingertip in, beginning to explore.
My muscles locked up as I realized what was happening, but that only heightened the pleasure I was feeling. I couldn’t believe that my body was allowing this. “S-stop!”
“Not a chance.” He pushed a finger in and out, and I felt myself clench around him in rhythm.
“Uhhh…” I went, feeling weak. I couldn’t help leaning back against his chest, the heat of his body adding to mine.
He let go of my arm then, grasping me around the waist instead.
“Lift your skirt.”
I shook my head a few times. He tightened his grip on me. “Do it.”
With a nervous swallow, I reached down, lifting the edge of my skirt.
I obeyed, lifting it all the way so that we could both watch as he fingered me. I was beginning to rock slightly against his hand movements now, even though I didn’t want to. It was like pure instinct; that was just how good it felt. My whole body burned with desire, much as I hated to admit it.
The stranger began to move more quickly now, creating a soft sucking sound that made my face heat up in embarrassment. I had to grit my teeth against the urge to moan.
Meanwhile, he leaned his head against mine, sighing in my ear. “Do you think you’re ready?”
“No, please…”
“Still lying.”
“I’m not. Please, why can’t you just let me go?”
“Why can’t you just let go?”
I moved my hand, gripping his wrist to try and stop him. “Please, enough.”
“No. Not even close.” He licked the edge of my ear as he moved to pull down my underwear. I knew what was coming now. And I wasn’t about to just let him make use of me any longer.
“No!” I spun around, lashing out at him with one arm. “I won’t let you!”
After that…I wasn’t sure what happened exactly. It was like something out of a dream as for an instant, razor-thin, glistening threads seemed to fly right out of my hands, winding all around his body.
“Argh!” he went, fighting against the cage that held him in place.
Then, in the blink of an eye, the threads were gone – at least, that I could see.
The stranger gripped his head for a moment, looking as stunned as I felt.
“W-what just happened?” I breathed.
“Hello!” a third voice piped up cheerfully, taking us both by surprise. "I might be able to help!"
“Who’s there?” I went, looking up and down the alley.
“Up here,” I heard, just before someone leapt down and landed right between us.
I yelped and backed away, taking a moment to look over the man standing in front of me. Tall, thin and blond, he was surprisingly well dressed and beautiful enough that he might have passed for a woman.
“What the…? Where did you come from?”
“Good evening, Olivia,” the stranger greeted me with a grin.
He knows my name?
“Yes, I know your name,” he answered my thoughts. “I’m Xan. And I see you’ve met Levi.”
“What are you doing here?” the first stranger – Levi? – asked impatiently, rolling his eyes. It seemed like they knew each other.
“Just passing by, honest. I wouldn’t have intruded except I sensed some powerful magic at work. I thought I’d better check it out for myself.”
“Well, it’s just me. And as you can see, I’m busy, so if you don’t mind?” Levi cocked a thumb, telling him to scram.
“That magic wasn’t from you.”
Slowly, both of them turned to stare at me. Before I could even say anything, the guy called Xan drew right up to me. He cupped my chin, studying my face closely. “Hmm. Unremarkable, really.”
“I know,” Levi sighed.
“Wait, what??” I retorted, smacking Xan's hand away from me.
“Yet, I know what I sensed. Did something happen here?”
“It would have if you hadn’t interrupted,” Levi muttered.
“That’s not what I meant.” Xan turned to me, eyes narrowing slightly. “Who are you?”
“I-I’m nobody. Please, I just want to go home.”
“Xan,” Levi insisted, ignoring my pleas. “You’re being rude. Come on now. I just want to finish up and get this over with.”
“How very strange. Well…perhaps I made a mistake.” He paused, looking over at Levi. “Well, I’m truly sorry, Levi. Want me to make it up to you?” To my amazement, he went over, beginning to stroke Levi’s crotch through his pants. But Levi was quick to push him away. “Forget it. I’m not that desperate.”
“Aw, come on, we’ve had plenty of fun in the past.”
“You don’t interest me, Xan.”
“And humans do?”
Levi turned to focus on me, but by then, I had already made my escape.
I ran home like the devil himself was chasing me, making sure to lock the door and all my windows. Then I took a long shower before curling up in bed with all the lights on.
I kept telling myself that I was OK, I was safe, but I wasn’t sure I believed it.
Still, I was tired, and in spite of everything that had happened, I drifted off without realizing it.
Time seemed to fly by after that, because the next thing I knew, it was morning. With a groan, I sat up in bed, blinking around the room.
Then I saw something that took me from sleepy to wide awake in a second. Because sitting there in an armchair across the room, staring back at me, was Levi.