#8 The Gala

My mind flooded with images of Sebastian kissing me. I think I felt his lips brushed mine, but then I sensed him drifting away. My eyes snapped open, and reality hit me; the paparazzi were still outside waiting… Sebastian got out of the car and then offered his hand for me to take.

I inhaled deeply and stepped out of the limousine, too. The flashes were on fire. The reporters tried to take as many photographs as possible of the ruthless CEO and his date. Yet, I didn't care about all these people around us. My mind was stuck at that moment inside the car. Sebastian was about to kiss me, wasn't he? Or did I have some sort of hallucination?

"Miss Russell, just follow me," Sebastian said.

And we were back to Miss Russell…

I nodded and then followed him. He made sure to walk side by side, yet we didn't touch one another, not even for a second. The reporters kept shouting questions and asked us to stop and strike a pose. Sebastian ignored them and walked straight into the hotel.

"You did well, Miss Russell. There won't be so many reporters from now on, so you can relax."

"Yes, sir," I said, trying to control my breath and smile.

We walked into the Ballroom, politely greeting some people we came across. The decoration was simple yet screamed luxury. Round tables with white tablecloths were lined all around the Ballroom. On one side, there was a dance floor and a stage. Candles, fresh orchids, along with crystal glasses, and porcelain dishes completed each tables' decoration.

On the way to our table, we saluted and chatted with many more guests. Sebastian introduced me as his secretary. This was a painful reminder of reality. I was just his assistant, yet a few minutes ago, I craved my Boss' kisses and caress.

Everyone seemed polite in front of us, but I could see from the way some women looked at me that I wasn't belonging in there. Some looked at me with disgust and others with envy. The bravest had the guts to openly flirt with Sebastian, but he was quick to dismiss them.

Nickolas was already sitting at our table, chatting with some men. He stood up immediately the moment he saw us approaching.

"Oh my, Evelyn, you are absolutely gorgeous," Nickolas exclaimed with a huge smile. He took my hand, letting a soft peck at the back of it.

I blushed again, "Thank you so much, Mr. Leclair," I said.

Sebastian rolled his eyes while his usual scowl was back.

"Brother, I'd suggest you smile more. We're outside the office for once," Nickolas remarked.

"She's still my secretary, Nick. Quit flirting," Sebastian retorted.

My Boss held my chair as I took my seat. Thanks to my lucky stars, I sat between the two brothers, …

Sebastian wanted a quick recap of the people we saw and who else we had to greet. After that, he was engaged in a conversation with the other people at the table.

"He's jealous, you know…" Nickolas whispered to me.

I looked at him with a frown. "Who?"

"Sebastian, darling. Haven't you seen the glares he sends at any man who tries to talk or even approach you?"

"The wine must be strong…" I muttered, looking at the golden liquid into the glass that I hadn't touched.

"He even shots me death glares when I'm with you," Nickolas continued.

"Well, I'm his secretary, and you love distracting me from my job."

"Would you like to be something more than his secretary, though?"

"I… I don't know. I need this job, and he's my Boss. I can't risk it."

Nickolas scrutinized me for a few moments. "You're completely unattracted to him?"

"No! I mean, yes. Nick, it's better if we drop this subject..."

"Whatever you say," Nickolas murmured, smirking.

When all the guests had arrived, the meal was served. Each dish was so beautiful that I didn't want to ruin it. The conversation on the table kept going. I talked only when someone addressed me or whenever Nickolas or Sebastian asked me something. An orchestra played some old jazz songs adding to the joyous atmosphere.

After I ate the last bite of the delicious dessert, I turned a bit nervous towards Sebastian, "Mr. Leclair?" I asked, and his attention was entirely on me.

"Is everything alright, Miss Russell?"

"Yes, sir. I was wondering if it was okay for me to be absent for a few moments."


"If you'll excuse me then," I said and stood up.

All the men on the table instantly mimicked me, and I was a bit at a loss. I then remembered that it was part of the etiquette. Sebastian helped me get out of my seat, and I just nodded and thanked him silently.

After that, I headed towards the ladies' room. I needed to take my medication, and thankfully I found a waitress that gave me a glass of water. I fixed my makeup and made sure my hairstyle was in place. No one else was in the bathroom, and that relieved me. I had a small smile on my lips; the night was almost over, and everything went smoothly so far.

I stepped outside on the small hallway that led back to the Ballroom. A group of four ladies was walking towards me, laughing and talking animatedly. Although I kept walking near the wall, trying hard to avoid them, one of them bumped into me.

"Watch where you're going," the lady sassed with an eye roll.

I looked at her and nearly gasped; her face looked deformed from all the plastic surgeries she had done. "I'm sorry," I said in a small voice and made a step past her.

"And you should be. Just because you're in a Gala like this doesn't mean you're one of us. I even doubt you can afford a dress like this," the woman remarked.

I once again turned to look at her. "I apologized, even though it wasn't my fault in the first place. I suppose that you weren't taught the basics of good manners in the mansion where you grew up," I retorted, glaring at her.

The four women looked at me with wide eyes. Well, they didn't see that coming. Just because I'm not rich or I seem naïve meant I can stand other people discriminating against me.

"Evelyn, darling, here you are. I was looking everywhere for you," I turned the other way, and my eyes fell on Sebastian. "I do believe you owe me a dance," my Boss added, extending his hand for me.

I started walking towards my date, and in the middle, I stopped and turned towards the group of women once again, adding, "Oh, and make sure to retouch your makeup, dear. You seem a bit green."

I heard their gasps, but I didn't spare them another glance. My eyes were captured by Sebastian's grey ones. He linked his arm with mine, escorting me back to the Ballroom.

"I hope they didn't make you feel uncomfortable," my Boss said, his voice laced with concern.

"Oh well, I hope they aren't married to anyone important that we know."

"Even if they are, they had no right to talk to you like that."

"Thank you, sir," I replied, a genuine smile forming on my lips.

"Well, she indeed seemed a bit green," Sebastian chuckled, easing my nerves.

We walked back into the Ballroom, but instead of our table, my Boss led us towards the dancing floor. A few other couples were already dancing a slow waltz.

"Mr. Leclair, where are we going?"

"I wasn't kidding; earlier, although I owe you a dance."

"Sir, it's better to head back to our table," I tried to reason with him.

There was no way I was going to dance in front of hundreds of wealthy people.

"Don't you know how to dance, Miss Russell?" Sebastian asked, his grip firmed on my hand.

"Okay, only one dance," I whispered.

Sebastian's one hand intertwined with mine while he placed the other one on my lower back. I reluctantly set my free hand on his shoulder. With a few graceful moves, we reached the center of the dance floor. It was pretty easy to follow Sebastian's lead, even though I hadn't danced in ages.

He twirled me around a few times, making the chiffon of my dress fly around me. I felt like a ballerina, and I smiled brightly at him. I was brought back to earth when I felt Sebastian's hand slip up and down on my bare back. The gown I wore had a slit on my back, exposing my skin. I hadn't thought that it would be a problem, until that moment. I felt pleasant tingles on my skin wherever his fingers touched me. My blood rushed inside my veins, and my cheeks flushed red.

It was a small movement that probably was unnoticed by most of the attendees, yet it was enough to drive me crazy. My mind once again started to think of all the other places I wanted to feel his fingers and lips. My core tingled with excitement, reminding me that I didn't have sex with a man for quite a long time.

I sighed and bit my lower lip, trying to clear my thoughts. Sebastian Leclair was my Boss, and I wasn't going to be another of his one-night stands…

The song ended, and I took a step back, like his touch suddenly burned me. I clapped a bit awkwardly, glancing around us.

"It wasn't that bad, Miss Russell," Sebastian said, eyeing me up and down.

"No, sir. Thank you for the dance," I replied, my voice a bit hoarser.

"Shall we dance to another song, then?"

"I'd prefer to sit, sir. The heels are killing me," I replied with a small frown.

He chuckled and led me once again towards our table. Nickolas had a knowing smirk on his lips, and I sent him a glare.

Soon enough, the auction started, and I silently watched pieces of jewelry, electrical devices, even trips all around the world sold out. All items available were offered by sponsors. The sum of money that they were going to be given to a children's hospital. The Leclair Corporation offered some expensive prizes, too. The value of the items, though, was way out of my reach, so I couldn't participate in the auction.

My eyes widened, and a small gasp escaped my lips when a beautiful painting was displayed. A woman with red hair and blue eyes was dancing with a blonde man in the rain. One of the guests had painted this masterpiece, and she was kind enough to donate it for that Gala's purpose.

Nickolas made an offer for the painting catching me off guard. Another man hit Nickolas' bids, but in the end, the youngest Leclair brother won the bidding process. His offer had many zeros...

"Congratulations! The painting is amazing," I exclaimed to him the moment he was declared as the winner.

"I'm sure we can find a lovely place to hang it on your apartment," Nickolas replied, grinning.

I was taken aback and tried to think of something to reply when a crashing sound came from my left. I tilted my head only to see Sebastian holding a broken glass. His usual scowl was back, and his eyes were spitting fire.

"You will harm yourself, sir," I shrieked and tried to loosen his grip around the pieces of glass.

"You don't have to worry about that, Miss Russell," Sebastian hissed. He stood up and left without adding another word.

A waiter came over quickly and carefully picked up the smashed glass, cleaning the little mess the best way he could.

I was left speechless, not knowing what to do or say. The other thing that troubled me was the sudden change in Sebastian's temper.

"Shall I go find him?" I asked Nickolas when my brain started working again.

"There is no need…" Nickolas replied.

I followed his gaze and saw Sebastian exiting the Ballroom with a woman clinched on his arm. I recognized her since she was one of the women who picked up on me earlier.

There was indeed no need to go after him...

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