"Sex on the beach!" Isabelle shouted to our waiter above the hip hop music blaring through the speakers, offering him a flirtatious grin and wink.
It had been ages since I'd been out, and I read through their menu meticulously, scanning for something with a relatively low alcohol content. With classes starting back up tomorrow, I couldn't afford to get wasted. Not like I was really one to drink in the first place. I preferred staying in my modest apartment, sipping on Dr. Pepper and watching reruns of FRIENDS over going to places like these.
The music was always too loud and, even though a no-smoking law had been passed years ago, they always smelled of stale cigarettes. At least this one was more tame than the clubs and bars my friends tried dragging me to. It was the perfect compromise.
"Jen, you know you could've dressed up a little more." My best friend Danny whined, eyeing my attire as if it was made of rotten flesh.
I didn't think I looked bad. I wore a simple, modest dress, navy blue with a sweetheart neckline and 3/4 sleeves. The hem fell just below my knees and the black flats made it practical in case I were to get tipsy.
"I am dressed up." I retorted, rolling my eyes with a huff. Me not dressed up would involve sweatpants of some sort, which I was really missing right about now.
"And for you, miss?" Shit. Danny distracted me and I had no clue what to order. My eyes frantically searched the limited menu, that had more beers than mixed drinks.
"Give her a Blue Long Island. And a Bahama for me." Danny answered him confidently, snatching away my menu and handing it to him with a smirk. He answered with a grin and shake of his head. It was clear he was used to advances from his patrons.
He was young and handsome. It only made sense.
"Anyway, as I was saying. You look like an old lady, hun." Ouch. I shifted uncomfortably on the stool, tracing over my two friends choice in dress with envy.
To say I stood out was an understatement. They both wore mini dresses, one purple and one crimson red. Isabelle's was adorned with sequins and Danny's was strapless, dipping low to show her ample cleavage. I didn't even own clothes like that, and I certainly wouldn't be able to pull it off. Unlike them, I was boring.
I had brown hair, brown eyes, and too big of hips for my small frame, making clothes shopping a pain in the ass as is.
Isabelle was gorgeous, with long black hair, tan skin, and hazel eyes. She had a Latina body, with flawless curves and the attitude to match.
Danny looked like an actress, which made sense since her major was Theatre Arts. She had a stunning blonde pixie cut and lively blue eyes, reminding me of a fairy from a fantasy novel. Her small hips, flat stomach,and large chest turned the heads of just about every man she passed by.
They were a different species from me, one that oozed sex appeal instead of anxiety. I was honestly amazed they even still hung out with me after all these years.
"You know I can't dress like you. I couldn't pull it off. Besides, why dress up in the first place? I have nobody I'm trying to impress."
Danny shook her head while Isabelle clicked her tongue.
"No, baby girl. We aren't letting you go home alone tonight. This is our last semester! A good cock would really start it off right!" Heat rose rapidly to my cheeks, and I covered my face in embarrassment, already shaking my head.
"Don't you go saying no. You haven't had a single lay since that asshole freshman year!"
"How do you even know that?" I asked, horrified as I peeked between my fingers. They looked at each other, communicating like telepaths before staring me down again."Okay, so Evan was the last. That's not a bad thing, you know. I don't need sex to be happy."
"Agreed. You just need it to loosen up. Come on, Jen." Danny latched onto my hand, prying it from my face. "We'll pick you a good boy."
"You can trust us, mija."
My eyes went back and forth, blue to hazel, before sighing in defeat.
I guessed a single one night stand in my college career wouldn't hurt. I was already twenty three, after all, and had only had one sexual partner. Maybe it would do me some good to experience something new, for a change.
"Fine. But he better not be some frat boy desperate to get his dick wet!" The girls squealed, squeezing my hand in death grips that made me wince, before scouring the room for the poor victim.
Not like they could ensure that any of these men would sleep with me. They could try their charms, but that would just make the men want them. The waiter appeared again, handing me my foreign drink. It looked harmless enough. It was a tall glass with a light blue liquid inside and some fresh fruit around the rim. A black straw jutted out the top, and I suctioned my lips around it, hesitantly taking in the concoction.
Damn, it was good. Fruity and sweet, more of a juice than anything. By the time my two friends turned back around, it was half gone.
"Damn, girl!" Danny exclaimed, a mischievous grin playing at her lips. "Waiter, another please!" She waved her hand in the air, and the man responded with a 'you got it'.
Good thing the bar was so small and pretty empty, otherwise he probably wouldn't have heard her.
"Bad news. I don't see any hotties nearby worthy of taking home." Isabelle frowned, taking a drink of her own and leaving deep red lipstick on the straw. "Except the waiter, of course. Maybe you can have a quickie in the back?" I choked on my drink, covering my mouth before I could sputter any on the table.
"Are you crazy?"
She giggled, biting on her bottom lip. "Joking, Jen."
"If there's no one here, can we just forget about it? I don't feel like being stranded at a strangers home when classes start tomorrow, anyway."
"Don't you only have Tuesday-Thursday classes this semester?" Danny called me out.
Yea, so what? It was my last semester and I only had two classes. One was my senior Economics Capstone class and the other was my art credit, which I had put off for as long as possible. I was not exactly the artistic type, and that kind of class sounded miserable to me.
I finished off the Long Island, waiting for the waiter to bring the next round. Funny, I didn't feel all that tipsy. Maybe it was low on alcohol.
"Try a little slower this time, sweetheart. These things will knock you on your ass before you realize what hit you." The waiter said as he set it on the table.
I should've known Danny would order me something heavy!
I shot her a glare, but she was unaffected, smiling daringly back at me.
That's when I started to feel it. The man wasn't kidding. It hit me like a train, filling my body with warmth and tingles all over. It was just making the fresh one look that much more appetizing, and I reached for it boldly, taking it in a gulp at a time before it was snatched away by Isabelle.
"Oi, we don't need to be carrying you out of here. Slow down." She scolded, placing my drink across the table, just out of my reach. I huffed, leaning back in my chair and crossing my arms.
"Fine. But I'm going to the bathroom and I expect to get it back upon my return." With that, I clambered to my feet, taking a moment to steady myself before heading in the direction of the neon sign.
"Damn friends, taking my drink. Telling me to fuck strangers." I grumbled as I washed my hands. The small bit of make up I had on had already mostly worn off, and I looked exhausted. The night had just started. How was I already so burnt out?
I pulled hard on the door, storming out, ready to go tell my friends exactly where they could shove it, when I ran smack dab into a solid object. I groaned, rubbing my sore nose, but jumped when I felt a warm hand on my shoulder.
"Are you alright, miss?" The husky voice asked. That's when I realized that the object I ran into was actually a man. I stepped away, holding my hands out for stability as my eyes climbed upwards.
"Holy shit." I muttered.
The man was more of a god than man, with narrow hips, a gorgeously sculpted figure, and toned forearms, black ink poking through his rolled sleeves. He couldn't be much older than me, and had a sharp jaw graced with dark, well-groomed stubble surrounding soft light-pink lips. His tanned skin told of countless journies outdoors, and his stormy blue eyes showed me a hint of tantalizing danger that I couldn't look away from.
He was sexy as hell, tempting as the devil himself.
I licked my lips, attempting to bring moisture back to the Sahara that was my mouth.
A deep chuckle sounded from between his white teeth, flashing me two identical dimples on either side of his mouth.
Wait, why was he laughing?
My eyes grew wide before shooting to the floor in utter humiliation. He was obviously laughing at some drunk girl blatantly checking him out in front of the restrooms. What the hell was wrong with me?
"I'm so sorry." I apologized quickly, sidestepping him so I could return to my seat as swiftly as possible. This is why I don't go out! I don't know how to interact with normal people. I can't be trusted in social environments!
As soon as I climbed back into my seat, I leaned over the table, snatching my drink and sucking it down as quickly as possible. I just wanted to forget about my awkward interaction with the sexiest stranger I had ever laid eyes on.
Nobody stopped me from guzzling it down, and that's when I realized that nobody was even there to stop me. The girls' drinks were still there, but they were gone. I scanned the room frantically, searching for my extroverted protectors and finally finding them at the bar, speaking to a man that I was sure wasn't there before.
He was handsome, with shaggy blonde hair and a pierced ear. He was leaned forward on the bar top, his eyes flitting between my friends with a less than noble intent. Naturally, he looked up as I was watching him, meeting my eyes and casting me a cocky grin and nod, scanning my body. He seemed to be asking them a question, to which they looked up at me, nodding excitedly.
Oh God, not him. He looked like he would eat me alive!
Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, a movement in the corner caught my eye, and it was heading right to them. Shit, the god! He sat in the barstool beside the blonde, tapping on the counter to place his order. Of course. Of course he was with the blonde demon.
Maybe if I left now, I could make it to an alleyway and hideout before they came to find me. Wait for an uber, go back to my apartment, and say I had a headache. Yea, that would work! No, it was too late.
My 'friends' were walking towards me, devious smiles on both of their traitorous lips.
"I think we found you a man, mija."
"One hell of a man. No need to thank us." They reached for me, pulling me off the barstool with iron grips.
"No, no, no. Find a new guy." I pleaded, whispering even though I was sure the man couldn't hear me over the music.
"What? No way! He isn't a frat boy, and he's fucking sexy."
"Yea, and he was eyeing me like prey. I don't think-"
"Come on, Jen. At least meet the guy. You never know, you may like him."
And just like that, I was being dragged across the concrete floor towards the two most intimidating men I had ever had the displeasure of laying eyes on.