Chapter 2

"I understand your hesitance, but-" he was unable to continue because she interrupted. "Why do you need someone to pretend to be your girlfriend?" She demanded.

"Ok, I'll give you the reason. You see four months ago my mother called, she and my sisters are always bugging me about having a serious relationship, she has even set up dates for me whenever I went home. Anyway, when she called and started talking, to get her to stop I lied and told her I was seeing someone and things might get serious so she could stop worrying. She then proceeded to enquire after the physical appearances of my girlfriend. You had just come into my office and dropped off some files and I couldn't help but use your description." he looked at Juliette then and all she said was, "Continue."

"They want to meet my girlfriend, want me to bring her along to the wedding. I know this is a lot to ask of you, and I promise you can ask me for anything and I will give it." He stared at her hopefully and Juliette had never seen him so human.

"If you want I can arrange something with Ingrid, she would be thrilled to play the part." Juliette offered the services of a woman Blaze was involved with only two weeks ago. He shook his head, "She'd enjoy it too much, I need someone who is detached and wouldn't expect an actual relationship, who understands that it isn't real but pretend. Besides I described you to my mother, what would I say when you turn up with blond hair instead of black?"

Giving a sigh, partly because she knew she would regret it. "Fine, I'll do it, but I want a raise." She spoke formally and slowly retracted her thought of him appearing human as he smiled a secretive sort of smile. "I see working for me is doing well for your negotiating skills. We have a deal." he finished.

"We leave tomorrow." He said, dismissing her, but a million thoughts ran through her head, they can't possibly leave tomorrow, they needed a replacement to hold on while she was gone and she needed to book a flight! Sensing her distress Blaze asked, "Is everything all right?"

"For starters, we need someone to hold on for me while we're gone, secondly I can't book a flight this late." she stopped and looked at him.

Blaze knew Juliette, she was so uptight, she needed to have everything planned in advance or else she'd feel as if the earth was falling away from under her. But this time he did plan in advance.

"I took care of a new temp, he'll be here tomorrow and Jonathon will be seeing to everything in my absence and he will train the temp for your job. As for a flight, I'm taking my jet, and if you ask nicely, you can come with me." Did he just joke with her? Juliette thought that she was way in over her head, "Seeing that it's your life that would be made into a living hell if I don't go, it's you who should be nice to me. Besides how long will we be away?"

"For a month. The family is flying in to prepare for the wedding, which means I have to be there early as well." he replied.

"Can I ask you something?" Juliette enquired and after he nodded his approval she said, "How did you describe me to your mother?" He looked at her then, then to her side as he always did when he was trying to remember something.

"Black hair, bright hazel eyes rimmed with a darker shade of brown, around five foot, and wears glasses," he said and dismissed her by giving attention to his laptop. Juliette turned around and wondered sourly, he didn't consider her even remotely beautiful.

"You're going?" Emily, Juliette's best friend sang into the phone, her voice half terrified and half-amused after she'd been considerably updated. Juliette sighed, "I am." she was definite. Silence clouded them for a brief second, "So do I have to tell you, or is the word hooker ringing any bells." Emily laughed on the other end of the call, she always had a peculiar time for using humor. "I am not a Hooker! I am not gonna sleep with him for money." Juliette refuted quickly, trying to ignore images of him sleeping with her. "But you are getting paid?" Emily asked.

"Yep, he's doubling my salary," Juliette said recalling the email Blaze sent to her five minutes after she'd left his office. The figures shocked her and she'd requested that he lower the amount, she did want a raise but double what she made was too much. Blaze refuted by sending that she deserved the new figure promising that he had planned to give her a raise before she demanded it.

"Uh huh, so how are you not a hooker?" Her friend stifled a laugh over the phone. "Because, Em I'm not going to sleep with him, consider it an acting job." Juliette countered.

"Acting huh?" Emily asked.

"Why not, I've been meaning to explore other options." Juliette laughed, "Anyhow I wanted you to know that I'll be gone for a month, I leave tomorrow."

"So soon!" Emily whined, "I'll miss you Jewls. Anyhow, what are you packing?"

"I'll miss you too, but I'll keep in touch. What do you mean, packing?" Juliette was confused.

"I mean if you're gonna pack your normal clothes or if you're gonna dress and appear in the unflattering way you do when you go to work?" Emily asked, truly interested.

"My clothes, I'm not going to work, not conventionally anyway. I'll be myself if that's what you're asking." Juliette countered.

"So no severity and cold formalities right?" Emily asked but Juliette could hear the plea in her voice, and she laughed. "No I swear," she promised.

"Jewls, are you doing this because you still care about him?" Emily's voice was careful and soft. Juliette remembered when she first met Blaze, she'd thought that he wasn't real but a dream come true. The type of guy every woman dreamed about, she'd liked him, but he never paid any attention to her. And why would he? He always had a lot of women, never with one more than two weeks. They were all beautiful. Realizing she would never be the type of woman he'd give a second look to she'd abandoned her futile fantasy; she wasn't doing this because she still cared about him, but because he truly seemed to need her assistance. This was simply an employee who was in a position to help her boss.

'No, I don't, but I have this fear..." She trailed off.

"Which is what Jewls?" Emily asked, concern ringing through her voice.

"I fear I might be in a position to fall for him," She paused, inhaled deeply, and gave a shaky sigh. "again."

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