Chapter 5
"This must be your girlfriend; I have to admit she's not what we expected." The oldest of the women spoke, her eyes alight with approval and good humor. The other two women and the older version of Blake also seemed happy to see her. Juliette was an expert when it came to approval and disappointment. Feeling her easy confidence coming back, she was no longer nervous.
Juliette opened her arms to embrace every one of the persons standing in front of her, pulling away she replied to the woman. "Given the women he usually associates himself with, I am not surprised that you expected otherwise." She smiled warmly.
Juliette felt sudden warmth at the small of her back and awkwardly registered that is was Blaze's touch, he looked at her then, then to his family.
"Juliette this is my mother, Joanne." he gestured to the oldest woman. "My sisters, Emma and Mary, and my father, Jared." He continued to inform her that Emma, who was the oldest, was already married and had a ten-year-old son. His sister Mary was the youngest of the three children and was the one engaged. Juliette saw that they all resembled, all shared the same blue eyes, but where Blaze's were cold and sharp; his sisters' were warm and kind.
"It's such a pleasure to meet you, we were afraid that he was referring to another...one for his usual companions." Jared Matthews replied, locking gazes with Juliette and she couldn't help but smile.
"But we try not to judge." He patted his son on the back and for the first time, Juliette saw a flicker of real emotion in Blaze's eyes as he regarded his father. "It's nice to know that my family missed me." Blaze's voice was neutral but again, his eyes betrayed him. He embraced his father, then his mother, giving her a peck on the cheek, and finally, both his sisters hugged him at the same time.
The sight warmed Juliette and caused her to feel saddened as the sight conjured the memory of the last time she'd seen her brother. She made a mental note to give him a call.
Joanne Matthews embraced her son as if she'd never seen him before and felt the need to whisper what she itched to say to him. "She's very beautiful; I think you've hit the jackpot." She pulled away then, gave him an approving stare, ensuring that he understood her, and let him go. Blaze hadn't known if his parents would approve of Juliette but the moment she revealed a bit of her true self to him, he knew. He was aware that his parents hated his choice of women but they never tried to influence him, but he had a feeling bringing a girl like Juliette here was a bad idea, they'd expect more of his relationship and he felt a slight pang for the pain he would give them when he would tell them that things didn't work out between him and Juliette.
Driving to his house, Blaze and Juliette was alone in his car. As soon as they drove of he said, "They like you." Juliette shot him a glance but he was studiously focusing on the road ahead of him, and all she could think of was how beautiful he looked. She turned her head away, refusing to allow herself to fall for him. The pain wasn't worth it.
Inside of the house that Blaze spent most of his life sent a tingling feeling through Juliette, she just felt too close. She couldn't help but wonder how he'd spent his time. Leading both Blaze and Juliette upstairs, Joanne said, "First I'll show you your room so you can settle in, and dear," she turned around to look at Juliette, "please make yourself at home." She smiled.
Blaze paused to allow what his mother said to sink in. "Mother did you just say our room, don't you mean rooms?" He questioned and saw Juliette tense.
"Oh didn't I tell you? A lot more family members are coming than we expected so we decided that since you two probably have spent the night together that it..."