Chapter 6

"Mom, we've never spent the night together, that's why I specifically asked for separate rooms." Juliette could see him getting angry but his voice sounded reasonable, she assumed that it was because he was speaking to his mother.

"You've never spent the night together?" She questioned and when she saw Juliette's expression, she knew they weren’t lying. Joanne, however, was not about to let them sleep in separate rooms.

Juliette saw the woman's face pale and would have done anything to take that look away. If Joanne felt hurt, Juliette couldn't imagine how Blaze felt seeing his mother's extremely saddened expression.

"I am so sorry, I didn't know, I will ask Mary to share a room with Diane, I'll organize another one for you, my dear." Joanne was about to walk off and Juliette saw the pain in Blaze's eyes at seeing his mother in that state. She knew he wouldn't argue because he was thinking of her comfort.

"Uh, Mrs. Matthews." Juliette paused, she knew this would be a bad idea but, "It's fine, we'll share the room, don't inconvenience your family for me."

"No dear, it's alright. You don't have to do that." Joanne's voice was soft.

"I know, I want to, it's fine." Juliette persuaded.

Blaze studied Juliette and couldn't believe that she'd given up her comfort for the sake of his mother; he couldn't help but feel something. What it was, he wasn't sure. Maybe pride? But it would be misplaced seeing that Juliette wasn't really his girlfriend.

Joanne left, feeling content with herself. Inside the room, Juliette was allured to the promised comfort of the huge bed that occupied the center of the room. She walked over to it and lay down.

Blaze looked at her and noticed that she was ignoring his presence. Did she think that he'd be angry that she agreed to share the room with him?

"Juliette?" When she looked at him, he continued, “Thank you, for giving in to my mother. I know that neither of us wanted to share a room given the circumstances, but thank you." he stopped and saw a slight smile play across her lips.

"I'll be right back, I need a shower." And with that, he gathered up some clothes and a towel and disappeared behind a door, faintly Juliette heard the splattering sound of water and knew that the shower was on. She closed her eyes and tried not to think about the one man who'd haunted her dreams for months taking a shower so close to her.

Blaze returned in a pair of jeans and a white shirt, he was on the verge of calling out to Juliette but what he found sent unaccustomed sensations running wild throughout his body. Juliette was sprawled out on the bed asleep, her dress rode up a bit, revealing a bit more skin, and it was then he realized how smooth her legs were, revealing a woman with a beautiful figure. She wasn't the type of woman he gave a second glance to, mostly because she was challenging, his women wouldn't speak unless spoken to and were quite set on the topic of themselves, whereas Juliette was the type of woman who would keep you up all night with witty conversation.

He shook the unwelcome thoughts from his head, bent down over her, and gently moved the strands of hair that fell over her face; he then rolled the coverlet over her, leaving her to enjoy her sleep.

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