Chapter 7

Blaze sat on a sofa in the living room. No one else was around; he impulsively grabbed hold of the remote and began flipping through the channels. There was a time when watching TV was something he'd enjoyed but now he didn't have the time and the interest he would have felt years ago wasn't there. He switched the TV off and closed his eyes, images of Juliette invaded him, but instead of chasing them away he allowed them to flow freely, he prayed silently that this lie would run smoothly.

Blaze faintly heard the footsteps drawing closer, they stopped and his sister's voice rang out. "What are you doing here?" Mary's voice was inquisitive. Without opening his eyes for unconscious fear that he would lose Juliette's image, although he would never admit it was anything more than attraction, and to Blaze that's all it was. He couldn't like her, he never truly adored any woman they were there to appease his desires; to just be enjoyed.

"Sitting." His voice was neutral as he responded to Mary.

Mary considered her brother with mock annoyance although he wouldn't have seen her, his eyes were closed to her. "I didn't mean it like that, I meant it as, where is Juliette and why you're not with her?"

"You know you should really start saying what you mean, how could I have guessed that that's what you wanted to know? She'd fallen asleep," he answered his sister.

"Oh, you must have really tired her out." Mary's voice was mocking, but Blaze's eyes shot open instantly, maybe because he secretly wished that her tiredness had more to do with him, than lack of sleep.

"Mind your tongue, young lady, Juliette's moment of rest had nothing to do with me apart from having late work nights at the office." he didn't know why he was trying to defend Juliette's reputation.

"At the office huh? Seems romantic." Mary chuckled and harbored a wicked gleam in her eyes.

"You're hopeless, but contrary to what you think, I spoke the truth. I just hope that you're not having any late-romantic nights, especially since vows weren't exchanged yet." He was forthright and looked at his sister with the most intimidating stare.

"Oh please, I'm getting married, what does it matter what I do?" She questioned.

"I believe 'getting' is the operative word there. Besides, when am I going to meet the boy?" Mary examined her brother and immediately recalled her prom night when Nick Drone, had tried to kiss her, Blaze was so furious he'd almost killed the boy, but all in all, he delivered a few punches leaving Nick with two fractured ribs and a broken nose. But they were kids then, she doubted that he'd try such a thing on her fiancé. Right?

Hesitantly she replied, "Luke's gone shopping for his tux with Harold, they'll be back later."

Harold was Emma's husband, they'd been married for years, Blaze respected Harold, he was nice enough and more importantly, he doted on his sister and their ten-year-old son, Max. The entire family adored him and although Blaze would be less likely to admit it; so did he, the man was the perfect husband and father and he was happy his sister found such a match, now he just had to wish that Mary also found a good match.

"Where is Max?" Blaze strayed from the original topic and to his amusement he realized Mary let out a sigh of relief.

"He's asleep upstairs," Emma replied as she entered the room. "Where's Juliette?" She enquired. Mary answered, "Asleep." and she shut Blaze a mocking look.

"She must be tired from the flight, poor thing I was hoping to speak to her, she seems really nice," Emma responded. "Uh did you say she was asleep upstairs?" and when Blaze nodded, Emma further inquired, "Is the door locked?" When Blaze nodded 'no' and curiosity was building inside him Emma responded. "You know how Max wanders into the rooms, he might wake her. Remember when he did that when Diane was here?" How could Blaze forget? Her reaction was the reason he'd ended their-pleasure filled nights.

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