Chapter 8
Diane was a family friend and she and Blaze had a fling of sorts, until one day Max entered her room and she'd thrown a tantrum; something about parents keeping their children on a leash. Max was six then and he'd wandered in, in the hope that Diane would draw with him, instead he cried inconsolably for hours. It was then that Blaze ended the relation with Diane. However all ties were not severed, the family still kept contact since they all were pretty forgiving.
"I'll go check." Blaze examined his sister's faces and gave an encouraging smile. He climbed the steps two at a time. He pushed open the door anxiously without a sound. Instead of anger and tears, the picture he saw warmed him.
Juliette lay on her stomach, her legs held off the bed, occasionally swinging back and forth, a pencil in hand and a sketch pad page on the bed in front of her. He saw Max too, lying in almost the same way as Juliette, happily drawing, and Blaze could see the bed littered with markers and color pencils.
"I don't think mine came out so good," Juliette spoke and rose her drawing up to Max, Blaze couldn't see what it was but Max shifted his head to the side and a huge grin spread across his features and the room was filled with laughter.
"Alright, I know I'm hopeless, but please don't laugh." Juliette's voice was good-humored and Max continued laughing and Juliette smiled. "Ok ok, let's see yours."
Max lifted him for her to see and she smiled, "That's beautiful Max."
Blaze cleared his throat and both Max and Juliette turned their heads to face him, where he stood.
Juliette's breath caught seeing Blaze standing in the doorway, leaning casually against the door frame was too much for her to bear, it reminded her of the relationship she could never have with him. Their eyes locked, both unable to do anything.
"Uncle Blaze!" Max shot up from the bed and ran over to his uncle, his arms outstretched.
"Hey, sport!" Blaze caught Max and engulfed him in a huge bear hug. The sight was so tender that Juliette inhaled deeply to avoid tears welling up into her eyes.
The tenderness was interrupted by the sound of crushed gravel and the sound of an engine. "Dad's back!" Max wiggled his way out of Blaze's embrace and ran out of the room. Leaving Blaze and Juliette in what passed as an awkward instance, further fuelled by their unplanned silence.
Blaze walked further into the room, unable to stay planted in one place, and especially if that one place was the bed, Juliette stood up and studiously began assembling the pencils and markers and pages that were momentarily forgotten by Max. She could feel his gaze following her and she couldn't help but imagine the shade of blue his eyes would take on. Her entire body felt hot and she was slightly self-conscious. Gathering everything from of the bed she laid them neatly on the bedside table.
"I didn't know you like kids." His voice probing, yet strangely hypnotic, Juliette knew this tone quite well, it was the tone he used when he wanted to get information out of someone. His voice was so soft that it compelled whoever it was directed to confide in him. She would have been able to resist more if she was aloof and sever Juliette but she was herself and it was a harmless question anyway.
"I do. What kind of person doesn't like kids?" Juliette stared at him, her eyes sparkling with good nature.
Blaze couldn't understand how he could've misread this woman, he was a great judge of character but he'd been blind to Juliette. Perhaps the severity in her was something he was glad she possessed, when she came for the interview he'd been struck by how beautiful she was. This was a real beauty, not one aided by massive amounts of make-up.
Her manner was what set him off and he was thankful for it because she hadn't seemed to pay much attention to him; not then nor now. And he had no business having feelings for a commitment seeking a woman. Not that there was something wrong with commitments, it just wasn't for him, he remembered before his elder sister had gotten married to Harold, she was hopelessly in love with someone else, she caught him with his ex-girlfriend.
He told Emma that he was using her to get his ex jealous. They were younger then, but thinking about it now he had the uncontrollable urge to find the bastard and ruin his entire life. Emma was so broken, she was hauled up in her room for weeks, her eyes were always swollen and her features always plastered with a frown that tried to hold back continuous tears. She met Harold a little after that incident and was in love with him for the joy and calm he provided.
Experiencing his sister in such turmoil, he'd promised that he would never be responsible for that reaction in a woman. He wouldn't be able to live with himself, so commitments weren't for him. He valued his freedom when it came down to women. So he did indeed have a type. Women that wouldn't care because they were so caught up with themselves.
"You'd be surprised by the number of people who despise children." He walked over to the bed and sat on the edge, leaning forward to rest his arms on his legs. He peered up at Juliette, twisting his head to the side. "I assume you wish to have kids of your own one day?"
Juliette recoiled as if she'd been hit; her hand flew to the side of her lips. Blaze registered this change was so struck by her momentary vulnerability that he was glued to his place, shivers running throughout him.
Juliette looked upon him and smiled, the corners of her mouth twitching as if she was trying to act against a natural reaction, trying to cover her emotions. "One day indeed. I uh, gonna take a shower." She grabbed a towel and headed into the bathroom, leaving Blaze perplexed.
The bathroom door closed with a bang, it really wasn't that loud but Juliette's emotions felt heightened, She leaned back on the closed door, pushing her head back so that it rested firmly on the door, she clutched the towel tightly, her knuckles turning white.
Her breathing was labored trying to keep a hold on her emotions but the faint sound of the bedroom door closing was the catalyst that caused her emotions to fall freely. She slumped on the floor, letting the towel drop from her hands and onto her lap. She buried her face in her hands, sobbing softly, her entire body riveting and shaking with emotions she once believed to have moved on from.