Chapter 4
“Okay!” I breathed quietly while looking at Sam dead in the eye.
“Okay?” Sam replied incredulously. “For real? You want to come to mine tonight? I was only joking you know?”
“Yeah, I know. But I’m serious. Let’s do it!” I nodded confidently. “Before I drag you into the nearest toilets right now!”
Behind us, the faint ringing of the college bell rang out, signalling that morning registration was about to start. Grinning, I grabbed hold of Sam’s hand and we started to make our way up the hill towards the main door. The outside seating area was now empty of students and an empty silence hung in the air. Quickly, we crossed the quad towards to glass doors which swung open automatically in front of us, to which we saw our Headmaster, Mr Jenson waiting.
“Hurry up you two or else you will be late!” Mr Jenson sang smugly, while shaking his head slowly in our direction.
“Yes, Mr Jenson. Sorry Sir,” I replied, while grinning at Sam before quickly pulling him down the corridor towards our form room.
Soon enough, the sound of many excited chattering voices could be heard from room 10A, whose door was slightly open. Pushing it open with my hand, I sauntered in with Sam casually following behind me into a room full of students, who eagerly turned their heads at the sound of the door opening.
“Hey, look who’s showed up. It’s the lovebirds of the year!” a blonde-haired girl piped up before spinning her long slender legs off of a table that she was sat on and rushing over and giving me a squeeze. “Where’ve you been?”
Beth was my best friend and I gladly gave her a hug back. I normally could tell her everything, but a pang of guilt rippled through me, knowing that I was keeping the biggest secret of my life from her. Beth had long highlighted blonde hair and tanned skin due to her love of sun beds and spray tans. She had plump lips, mostly made from her monthly lip fillers. Her tall, slender figure enabled her to be the captain of the cheerleading team, which she always used to her advantage. Her bright blue eyes shone like diamonds and her teeth where whiter than snow. She was naturally stunning, and she didn’t need very much make up to make herself look good. Her makeup was always the same with a pale nude lipstick, black eyeliner and mascara and peachy coloured eyeshadow. She was the image of perfection and all the boys fancied her and she knew it.
“Hey babes. Umm, me and Sam was just talking outside and we kind of lost track of time,” I shrugged casually before walking towards the back of the room and dumping my bag onto an empty table and plopping myself down into the chair behind it.
Beth slid herself into the empty chair beside me, while Sam sat down in a chair at another table beside me and began chatting to his friend Tao, who was also on the football team. Listening carefully, I could hear snippets about the football game that happened at the weekend and team tactics for footy practice that Sam was keen to implement.
“Anyway, I think it’s time we did something together you know!” Beth’s voice said casually, bringing my attention back to her. “We’ve not had a sleepover for weeks. There’s a real cool film out in the cinema that I want to go and see. Fancy coming with?”
Slowly, I turned my head to look at her and blinked in surprise at being caught off guard. “Umm, yeah sure. I’d really like that. When was you thinking?”
“Well, what about tonight? It’s movie night for two on a Monday, so buy one get one free on all tickets. I’ll buy the tickets. You can get the popcorn and the drinks,” Beth winked, looking hopeful.
“Tonight?” I gulped. “I’m sorry. I can’t. I’ve made plans to go somewhere tonight with Sam. Sorry! But any other night is good!”
“That’s okay. Not to worry,” Beth smiled then looking mischievously across at Sam then back to me, she leant in and whispered, “So what’s going on with you two then?”
“He has invited me around his place tonight,” I whispered, grinning excitedly, thinking of the growing hunger inside me which had been apparent since I discovered my wolf. “We’ve been together for 3 months you know and we’ve not yet, you know, done it. I think it’s time.”
“Shut up!” Beth whispered in shock before holding in a small giggle. “You’re still a virgin aren’t you!”
“Shut up Beth!” I hissed before looking around the room in case anyone heard. Making sure it was safe, I turned to face Beth one more time. “Yes, I am, and I want tonight to be special okay!”
“You don’t know what you are missing!” Beth winked. “It’s true what they say. Once you pop, you won’t stop.”
“Is that why you’re working your way around the football and basketball teams then?” I asked dryly while shaking my head.
“Hey! You got to try before you buy!” Beth laughed while poking me playfully in the ribs. “Plus, I’m the head cheerleader. Everyone wants a piece of that.”
I shook my head at her in mock disgust before pulling out my mobile and tapping out a short message.
Sam’s invited me around his for tea. Gonna sit down and sort out this mess with him. Won’t need tea. C u l8ter.
Two seconds later, a message pinged back from my Mum.
Suddenly I jumped at the sound of a door being slammed open and looked up to see our form tutor Mr Hutchins walking into the room. Hurriedly, I shoved my phone back into my bag and sat back into my seat, keen to get the day over and done with.
The school bell finally rang for the last time and gladly, I slammed my book shut before shoving it back into my bag. A knot of nerves had begun to form in my stomach since lunchtime as I knew what would be happening later. It wasn’t just my stomach that had butterflies inside it. I had a continuous throbbing sensation in my nether regions that I could only describe as getting more intense. As of tonight, I would no longer be a virgin. I’d be a fully-fledged woman, but it was my wolf that really needed to be tamed. Grabbing my back, I stood up and walked out of the classroom and headed on down the corridor towards the quad. Walking through the automatic doors, I felt strong arms snake around my waist and teeth gently nibble on my ear lobe. I turned around quickly to see Sam behind me grinning broadly.
“Are you still up for coming over to mine. I’ve checked with my parents and they are out until at least 9pm tonight?” He grinned excitedly. “I’ve told them that we are just catching up on some science coursework.”
“Of course, I am. Let’s go!” I replied, holding out my hand and letting his hand slide into mine.
Quickly, we sauntered off down the slope and back out the main gates and turned to walk down the main road towards Sam’s house. It wasn’t far and it wasn’t long until we found ourselves facing his front door. Pulling a small gold key out of his trouser pocket, he slid it into the keyhole and turned it until a small click could be heard. Smiling at me gently, he held my hand as opened the door, gently pulling me in after him. Once in, we made our way to the kitchen and dumped our bags onto the table and casually I leaned against the sink.
“Do you want a drink?” Sam asked, grabbing a glass from a cupboard, and heading towards the fridge.
“No thanks babe,” I replied shaking my head and looking around the kitchen in interest then back at Sam.
After chugging a glass of orange juice, he placed the empty glass in the sink behind me and leant in and placed a lingering kiss on my lips. Pulling me towards him, he wrapped his arms around me and leant back to look in my eyes.
“Are you sure about this?” he murmured softly, gazing into my eyes.
“Yes. Are you?” I asked gently, while biting my lip nervously.
Sam nodded eagerly. “How do you want to do this? I mean, do you want it slow and soft, romantic or do you want a nice hard fuck?”
Giggling at his words, I blushed then looked at him dead in the eye and replied “I don’t mind. I just want your cock inside of me!”