Read with BonusRead with Bonus


D-Day - 1

Suzanne had just stepped out of her shower when she heard her doorbell rang. She hastily grabbed her robe and put it on before heading towards the door. On the security screen was the face of Tom Banks. She glanced at the clock on her wall. It was past midnight.

Didn’t we agree to meet in the morning? She thought to herself. She turned on the microphone.

“Hey, Tom!” she croaked. Great. I sound like a frog.

“Sorry to intrude. But um, can I come in?” he looked like a sad puppy. A hot sexy looking sad puppy.

Heck, you can do more than come in…she thought before biting her lips.

“Sure. Hang on. I’ll open the door.”

She hastily tied her hair in a ponytail and tightened her robe. Her worn out robe had seen better days. She wished she had on lingerie instead. Make it a tongue-wagging see-through one at that. Suzanne sighed and willed herself back to reality. She unlocked her front door and opened it.

Tom stood in front of the door, towering above her petite frame.

“Hi..”, he said simply.

“Hi, come on in,” Suzanne stepped back.

She tried to act casual, “What brings you here? Everything alright?”

Tom plonked himself down on the white armchair. He took off his jacket and tugged at the collar of his polo shirt. For some reason, Suzanne couldn't take her eyes off his body. She wished he would take off his t-shirt too.

Tom looked up and smiled sheepishly, “Were you going to bed?”

Why? Do you want to come to bed with me?

Suzanne suppressed a giggle, “Not yet, I’m a night owl.”

“I saw him, I saw William Banks. We didn’t get to talk. He wasn’t lucid. But Yvonne was with him and …I don’t know what to feel actually. One minute I’m Tom Banks the orphan boy and the next thing you know I have a family,” Tom paused. “Well, sort of.”

He chuckled, “I’m rambling. Sorry, Suzanne. I don’t even know why I came here.”

He closed his eyes and rubbed his temple. Suzanne knelt in front of him and instinctively placed a hand on his cheek. Perhaps all this revelation was too much for him to bear.

Tom tensed at her touch and Suzanne quickly retracted her hand. But before she could, Tom opened his eyes and stopped her. Her hand in his, Suzanne locked eyes with Tom as he stared back at her. There was so much intensity in his gaze that it made Suzanne’s heart beat faster. She could feel herself fluster as she tried to pull her hands back but he held onto them even tighter.

Tom then leaned forward and planted a kiss on her forehead. “Suzanne, thank you for showing me that there is more to this world than just physics.”

He kissed me! Foreheads count right? Don’t they?

Suzanne grinned, not sure of what to do next. Tom nuzzled his cheek against her hand and she could feel the gentle bristle of his facial hair.

“How can I ever thank you?” he asked, reaching out to caress her face with his free hand. As he cupped her cheeks, Suzanne closed her eyes, shivering ever so slightly with delight at his touch. They were gentle and warm.

I want more, she thought to herself.

“You could buy me a drink? You said you would remember?” she stammered as he lifted her by the waist and sat her on his lap. Her robe parted slightly, revealing her long limbs.

Shit! I didn’t shave!

She frantically tried to cover her legs in embarrassment, but that only elicited a laugh from Tom.

“Is this your first time Suzanne?” he asked.

Yes. “No.”

He laughed some more and helped cover her legs with her robe before patting her lightly on her butt.

“I’m very attracted to you Suzanne. You intrigue me. I want to get to know you more. And by more, I don’t mean a one night stand. What I’m trying to say is, I like you.”, Tom said, not laughing anymore.

I like you too, she thought, not able to mouth the words. She decided to show him just how much she liked him in return. Suzanne put both hands on his cheeks and pressed her lips against his ever so slightly before pulling away from him.

“The feeling’s mutual, Tom.”

Tom smiled and brushed a finger along her lips before leaning forward and covered her mouth with his.

Suzanne sighed, wrapped her hands around his neck, and kissed him back. Tom and Suzanne swayed back and forth gently to an invisible rhythm as they explored each other’s mouth while outside, a storm started to pick up.

Yvonne looked at William. His heartbeat had stabilized but his pulse was getting weaker by the second. His immediate family was gathered around his bed. They knew what was coming.

Mrs. Banks sat quietly on the corner of the room while her two children shed silent tears, each holding William’s frail hand. A nurse had been summoned and she was checking the monitor. No words were exchanged between those in the room.

And then it happened. The pulse went dead. Mrs.Banks closed her eyes and started reciting a prayer and her children started weeping uncontrollably. The nurse checked William’s pulse and shook her head. Yvonne took a step back and sat at the windows sill, looking at the night sky. The clouds had covered the moon and the wind was blowing furiously against the curtains.

Yvonne?” a voice called out.

She turned around. There, in front of her stood William’s spirit. He looked at his wife and children before staring down at his translucent hands, “I’m dead aren’t I?

Yes,”, she said simply, speaking to William for the first time in more than 3 decades.

He had the most incredulous look on his face, “Then you’re dead too!”

Yes William, I am. I came to bid you farewell. Our son did too.”

The rain started to pour outside and the nurse quickly closed the windows. Yvonne moved aside and stepped closer to William. To her surprise, he hugged her. To shimmering ghosts, hugging one another happily amid the living’s grief and sorrow.

When he let her go, he asked, “Tom Banks. He’s your son? Our son?

Yvonne nodded, “Yes. I’m sorry for keeping him away from you all these years.” She lowered her head in shame. William held her hands, “You have nothing to be ashamed about. I’m the guilty one. I should have tried to look for you after you left, but…” His voice trailed off as he turned to look at his lawful wife.

Yvonne patted his hands, “I understand. She’s been good to you.”

William nodded, “Couldn’t ask for more. The kids have been a blessing too. I won’t have to worry about them. They’ll do fine without me.”

He smiled at Yvonne, “So what happens next? Do we spend the rest of eternity together?

Yvonne laughed but her laughter was cut short by a crackling of lightning, followed by the deafening sound of thunder.

They both looked out the window and marveled at the downpour.

Unfortunately, I’ll be leaving for good come tomorrow. As I said, I came to bid you farewell.”

But we’re both dead….”, William didn’t understand.

We all get 7 days to say our goodbyes. Then we’ll truly disappear from this place and move on to the afterlife. Who’s to know? We might meet again on the other side. I heard it’s a beautiful place there,” Yvonne said wistfully.

William said nothing. They both held hands and continued to look out the window, an unspoken agreement made between the two former lovers. They would savor every single minute before Yvonne’s final departure from the world. William would then spend the remaining days with his family before he too, finally moved on.

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