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Chapter 9: Arrival

Kayden's POV:

The airplanes landed on a huge open field within pack territory and little by little the pilot started aligning them, and people started getting out of the planes. I immediately send out the medical personnel so that they can verify of anyone critically injured. Their faces show their weariness the day they have had. The moment the last planes doors opened the sweet scent of pineapples and vainilla hits me as I imagine mine hit her as well, I see that workers and warriors are handling everything well so I decide to walk over to the last airplane so that I may be able to see my mate the moment she steps out.

I have not seen her, yet through the mate Bond I can feel her hesitation and then fear. The Bond warns me to stay at bay... Damn, that hurt! But I immediately remember what my father said and take a deep breath clear my mind and calm myself, exhale. I sense her calm down as well, then a minute pases, two minutes, people are still getting off the plane, 3 minutes, I take another deep breath and calm myself again. 4 minutes, and then I see a tall Guy that extends his arm to a girl, it's her! She is tall, she's just wearing shorts and a tank top which allows me to see that she is slender with an athletic body, yet her curvy hips and her butt show her mixed heritage, her hair is as black as sin, I can't see her eyes yet, her skin is the perfect color of cream it looks just a smooth, and I see black marks on her. The man is helping her, I want to strangle him, breathe Kayden! I can see the weariness in her face, she is so beautiful! I call for one of the women helping to bring a blanket for her she must be cold... I see an even taller man come from behind her he must be half a giant! Come to think about it, looking at them, most of the Osupa are tall, even the females! The even taller man looks at me and pases my mate and the other tall man and ascends the stairs to meet me. Either way I tell the woman with the blanket, noticing now see it's Clara, a friend of my mom's, to go up the stairs and cover up my mate.

The really big guy reaches me: "Hello, I am General Braka of The Osupa, you are?" He asks with a very, very deep voice extending his hand, damn he has a strong grip! He must be at least 7 feet tall, I small Alpha blood. I see Clara cover up my mate and is talking to her and the men next to her. Where did THAT other guy come from?! Focus Kayden! I feel the Wind pick up suddenly.

"Greetings General I am Alpha Black, on behalf of The Blood Moon Pack we are sorry for your losses and we are very happy to help and assist you in any way possible, is the Alpha among the survivors?" I'm trying to keep my voice as calm as possible, but now that I have found my mate I am so restless. I had no idea that this would have so much control over me!

"Unfortunately no, neither did his son and heir, Yadiel. We have another situation Alpha, I am aware that your mate is the woman on top of the stairs, I want you to know that the men that are with her are her brothers, I hope that helps ease your composure. However I must tell you that we are going through a very difficult process right now, and right now that woman up there is very important to our people. She is a Priestess of the Goddess who just lost her father and mother, her Alpha and her milk brother, and countless others. Who has lost her home which she fought very bravely to protect and is very vulnerable right now. We have to do certain inquiries on to what happened, I know you want to go to her, it is the nature of mates, but Alpha Black, please I hope you can restrain yourself." My mate is a Priestess of the Goddess! I take another breath and let it out slowly.

"Thank you for that information General Braka I assure you it has helped, I have been made aware how to your mate Bond works within your tribe, I can assure you General I am focusing my wolf and focusing on myself. The last thing I want to do right now is hurt my mate even more." And yet I want her in my arms! "What do you suggest I do, I would very much appreciate instruction or advice in this matter."

"Thank you for understanding Alpha, the first thing I suggest is for you to step back from the plane and give her space to get off of it, she's not asking you to disappear, she only wants right now for you to keep a little bit of distance and formality until she can cope with what she needs to do for the pack." The General said.

"Distance and formality, got it." I step away from the plane and she starts descending the stairs with her brothers, Deacon is not happy about it either way. The more she descends the stairs the more I can discern her features, her lips are beautiful color of blush coral, they are full with a Cupid's bow, I can't stop looking at them, breathe Kayden! I take two more subtle steps towards the plane again and I am basically more or less in the same spot I was before. And when she was about to get off of the stairway she has a little slip and immediately I grabbed her hand I put my other arm to the small of her back and I feel a current of pleasurable electricity in the places that I am touching her. it all happened so quickly! She looked up at me, but immediately changed her gaze toward General Braka. I'm still holding her and I see her Priestess mark on her forearm, it is glowing with a turquoise light.

"Alpha, please." he extends his arm towards my mate and an involuntary growl escapes my mouth. My mate stands frozen and her Mark light gets dimer until it starts glowing yellow, and the sensation of utter calm engulfs me. I'm no longer growling and I look at General Braka and extend the arm that I'm holding with my mate so that I can put her hand in his. And I guide her towards him, I think that is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life till this point. The moment that she takes his hand I can feel Deacon give a small whimper, but we are calm, and I think whatever my mate did with her Mark has something to do with it. I snap out of it enough so that I can see the two men that were behind her, they look at me with sympathetic looks.

"Excuse me, please forgive me it was not my intention to disrespect your sister in any way, I'm trying my best to control... me." I look down, I really had no idea that this thing would have so much power over me.

"It's all right man, and believe me she understands too, if not she would not have used The Light of Serenity on you. But here's the thing it's not fair to her to control herself and to control you. So you're going to have to put a little bit more into it, and from what I hear from our other brother it is almost uncontrollable for an Alpha but we have been trained since childhood to control it. I am Aymaco this is my brother Urayoán and our sister's name is Loiza by the way, thank you for receiving us Alpha Black."

I am so relived, I thought I had shoot myself in the foot but I don't want her to have to exert herself more controlling her feelings and then controlling mine. She's only asking for a little distance and patience, she's not asking for much and she is still understanding and reasonable. 'Deacon man we got to get this together, I need more self control.' 'Yes, yes, Kayden! I will go to sleep her wolf Aryn is soothing, she is humming a tune to help me sleep, she wants you to be nice and understanding for mate.' Whoa, even her wolf has particular abilities! With Deacon knocked out I will have more control.

"Hey Aymaco, Aryn is putting my wolf Deacon to sleep, I will have more control would you allow me to escort you to the pack house?" He looks at me with a little bit  reluctant.

"Look Alpha, we do not know what caused cataclysm up this morning, that is going to be investigated, however because of a lot of suspicious activity that happened during the event, it has caused a ripple effect with its conclusion right now at this very second being that my sister is the one in charge of the pack. I would have to ask her." What in the Goddesses name happened there?! He goes to my mate and tells her my request, none of them are speaking so I imagine they're all talking in their mind link, I see that she looks back at me, and she nods to her brother.

"She agrees, she needs to rest she has been up since before Dawn and has spent massive amounts of her strength and power this morning battling a volcano and has not yet recovered, she's still in her sleeping clothes." My poor mate must by exhausted.

"Of course! Whatever she needs will be at her disposal. And always come to me directly with whatever she requires." I link Adam to bring my truck at once. I tell them all to get in while I verify that everything is going well with the rest of the refugees, I go to my mother and she says that there is nothing to worry about and that they have everything under control.

When I go back to my truck I see that my mate and her brothers are in the truck but General Braka has decided to stay behind.

"I thank you for your offer Alpha but I have to stay behind and oversee the rescue and I must find one of our Truth Seers so that we can verify that everything adds up. I will be sending one of my captains which is also another brother of the Priestess to watch over her at the pack house if you don't mind, right now at this very moment she is the key to our future if the Goddess allows us to still have one." He says bitterly. And I nod and go to my truck, I link Nancy at the pack house, to get rooms ready and a special one with comfortable clothes so my mate can bathe and sleep. And suddenly a thought came into my head, 'Nancy, please have Elder Agatha to prepare her pumpkin cream soup.' 'Yes Alpha! At once!'

I get in the drivers seat and adjust my mirrors to make sure I can at least steal glances at my mate... We start headed to the house, "It's not far and we will easily be there in less half an hour." I glance at my mate through the rear-view mirror and I can see that she has laid her head on her brothers shoulder, she looks exhausted, with a distant look and even though she's not looking straight at me, I'm able to finally see her eyes better, they are the color of clear Amber and one moment I glanced at her the sunlight hits directly at her gorgeous face and her eyes seem to be on fire themselves they have a  hue of orange in them.

She must be the Priestess my father mentioned earlier, my mother had been a Priestess of the Goddess once, a High Priestess to be exact, before she lost her mark and her favor with the Goddess, she would tell me of the beauty of Avalon and how they are taught to rid themselves of inhibitions and let themselves surrender to Nature. I was 14 and didn't understand very well so I asked my grandmother, a simple answer was that the Priestesses of the Goddess are more sensible to changes in nature and human emotion, so they basically feel what a normal wolf feels only enhance tenfold, just like an Alpha. I remember in that moment of innocence I have prayed to the Goddess to have one of her Priestesses as my mate, and she came through! Looking back on that I feel a bit of shame, little after that I turned 15 and Delilah offered to make "me a man" as a birthday present and I gladly accepted, forgetting the prayer I made the Goddess.

As we reach the Pack house and welcome them inside. Every face on them but The Osupa don't seem to mind. Nancy comes over...

"Alpha, the rooms are ready shall I escort our guests?" She suddenly looks at Loiza, and takes a knee and bows her head. "My Lady, you're are a Priestess! You look like you had a heavy morning, Alpha allow me to send Jolene to tend to her! Once she is more at ease I'll take her some of Agatha's pumpkin cream soup so she can rest." Nancy is the best at running the pack house, and she knows Jolene is devout to The Goddess, so she would take very good care of her.

"Then proceed Nancy I leave them in your capable hands." Even though I don't want to leave, I want my mate to be well taken care of, it would have been better if I could do it myself. "Well gentlemen I leave you in the capable hands of Nancy while I go back." I take Loiza's hand in mine giving it a gentle kiss. Glaring eyes from her brothers. "Please excuse me My Lady, I don't wish to leave but I have to return." When I am about to let go of her hand she holds it and sends a current with the feeling of gratitude, I didn't know we could do that! "Thank you Alpha, I was craving pumpkin cream soup, I am not hungry but I need something to help regain my energy, that was very kind." With her head down, avoiding my gaze my mate says. Her voice has a sexy raspy edge to it that I love in women, it's doing things to my nether regions, I kiss her hand again, at this point I'm just looking for any excuse to touch her! "Anything for you My Lady. I hope you can have a peaceful rest. I will take my leave." I let go and walk out. I get to my truck, and take the hand the touched her to my nose inhaling her scent like oxygen.

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