Chapter 3: "Mom" Calling
Sweat pouring heavily, exhaling darkly as my muscles twitched and flexed with each curl of the hundred pound weights. Watching my sweaty, flustered reflection in the floor-to-ceiling mirror as Onyx haunted every thought I tried to sooth with pushing my body to its limit.
“Mr. Silverfang, Mr. Stormcloud is waiting in the office.” Erin spoke calmly from the doorway, bowing his head softly with a swift motion, heading back to his reception desk on the upper floor.
Grunting darkly as the weights clinked heavily together as I sat down on the bench, wiping the sweat from my face with a heavy exhale looking at the tussled mess.
Five fucking months since Onyx left to find the “Lost Dragon Realm” and not one “Fucking” clue to where she is, or if she even found it.
Is she even alive?
Wrong thought. FUCK!!!
Mikkel has been submerging himself in depressing music or sulking around the office staying out of sight. Davyn sits on the rooftop of the penthouse, listening to the “skies” for any sign of her for hours on end with a bottle of bourbon.
We’re losing our fucking minds not knowing where she is.
“I figured I would find you here.” Byron spoke with a calm timber to his tone as he stepped into the private gym in a light gray, pin stripped Armani suit with black oxford wing-tips.
“Byron, good to see you. How’s family life treating you?” I laughed softly, cause Mam and mom talk constantly to Lea and the girls.
What the hell am I saying, they added nurseries and playrooms to their houses for the pups to visit. Which was like every other day. There was even a color coded schedule between the women for babysitting, situated around business and clan events.
“Chaos. Zara and Zarek are exploring every inch of the house, and we have already replaced three refrigerators because they explode.” Byron laughed darkly as he pinched the bridge of his nose, leaning against the wall.
“How are you holding up?” Bryon looked at me covered in a heavy layer of sweat, hair tussled in a sweaty slick, muscles twitching from exertion.
“Can’t sleep for more than two hours, angry, pissed, concerned, scared. My biggest fear being she will never return, and we literally go “Bat Shit Crazy” I exhaled heavily, slamming a few quick jabs into the air with quick exhales with each punch.
Byron perked his brow in curiosity, motioning to follow him back to the office with a sneaky smirk. Wrapping the towel around my neck as we walked silently back to the upper floor, two floors up but opted to take the stairs.
The majority of the employee’s in the upper two floors were male creatures, but for the few females that worked in these areas, got quiet the display.
The sweaty white tank, stuck to my chiseled torso like a fucking wet t-shirt contest. The faint design of my mate mark peeking through the soaked, thin material.
They appeared on the battlefield when Onyx dominated Aeros and his enchanted flames.
Three dragons head-to-tail in a circle over our left pectoral muscle above our heart, signifying our hearts had connected to our mate and we’re “One”.
“Mr. Silverfang.” A tall brunette vamp-witch, greeted as her eyes hungrily savored the two well-defined men approaching the top floor.
Byron scoffing softly as we both rolled our eyes in disgust.
Nodding firmly to her as we approached the double-frosted glass doors with the family crest etched delicately into the glass, hearing the infamous dark harmony of Beethoven: Symphony No.7 in A Major second movement.
“Mikkel really bro.” Davyn huffed annoyed from his black steel and glass desk, sipping on a bottle of bourbon with dark bags under his eyes, unshaven everywhere.
“Says the one that looks like a “ho-bo” drinking straight from the bourbon bottle. Real classic.” Mikkel rebutted from under his arm as his sweatpants hung loosely from his waist as he laid on the couch twirling his finger lazily through the air like he was conducting.
“Both of you stop. Mikkel, turn this depressing shit off, shower and change. Davyn you do the same and put that “Fucking” bottle back.” I exhaled darkly, running my hands over my face in exhaustion.
“Hah. Says the one who practically lives in the gym.” Davyn side glanced me, pointing at my sweat stricken torso, baggy sweatpants and messy locks.
“You “three” look like shit.” Byron exhaled darkly from the door as Mikkel and Davyn shot up from their seats, shaking his hand and bro hugging with a twisted expression.
“Wait, I thought our meeting wasn’t scheduled for another day.” Davyn shuffled through the mess of paperwork on his desk, pulling out his phone face palming himself.
“Relax. I came a day early, seeing how Christmas is in two weeks.” Byron laughed with a short snark as he grabbed the bourbon bottle Davyn was mouth fucking earlier, wiping away the spout with a rag, pouring himself a hefty drink.
“Christmas.” Mikkel, Davyn, and I exhaled gloomy, hanging our heads in defeat.
“Come on boys. Onyx will return, just have faith in her.” Byron smiled softly as he slid into the plush white leather chair, unbuttoning his jacket so it fell open exposing his classic white button-up shirt with a deep purple silk tie.
“Actually, the real reason I came early, word came in from my barrier guards that a weird spiritual spike occurred. Just north of the Nunavut Providence mainland in one of the outer islands.” Byron leaned forward, sliding his jacket tails to his hips as his elbows rested on his knees.
“You think it could be Onyx?” Mikkel perked up as Davyn poured us proper bourbons, taking seats along the two parallel sofas with hasty determination.
“Not sure what it was, but it was enough to draw my barrier warriors’ attentions.” Byron exhaled a heavy sigh as he sipped his bourbon with a soft glint in his eye.
Knocking drew our attention to the glass doors as Erin stepped in, bowing politely.
“Excuse my rudeness, but your mother in on line one.” Erin smirked as we ran our hands over our faces in a deep exhale, groaning in protest.
“Tell her we’ll call her back.” Davyn looked over his shoulder at Erin, who shook his head in rebuttal.
“She said, I quote “NOW!”.” Erin quoted with his fingers as he backed stepped out the open door with a gentle swoosh as it closed.
“I swear she thinks everything is a “NOW!” situation.” Mikkel exhaled darkly as he stood walking over to the desk, pressing the speaker button then line one.
“Mom, Byron is here. Can we call you back?” Mikkel took a sip of his bourbon, running his hand through his messy, unkept locks.
“Byron, hello sweetheart, and No! you will not call me back.” Mom’s sweet tone sounded sharp over the phone.
“Hi Lena.” Byron responded nicely as he listened to her take a few deep breaths.
“You have me on speaker, so I don’t need to ask if your brothers are around. Have you talked to Pap and Mam?” Mom asked with a weird pitch in her tone.
“Not for two weeks, since they had a business matter in Pont Inlet.” I leaned back, dropping my head back against the cool leather back.
“Right. Um…it’s Onyx.” Mom replied softly as Davyn and I launched from the sofas, tripping over the end tables to reach the phone.
“You heard from her?” I shouted in excitement as Davyn downed his bourbon, setting his glass down on the desktop with a perked brow.
“It’s complicated, but she’s back.” Mom laughed softly as dad’s distorted voice spoke in the background.
“Boys, how soon can you come to the house?” Dad asked with a somber tone as Mom said something incoherently with hollow clanking in the background.
“Byron’s here, so right now.” Mikkel laughed as he looked over to Byron with a shit eating grin flipping us off silently.
“Okay but enter quietly. We’ll explain more when you arrive.” Dad spoke calmly as the line went silent with loud exhales of disbelief.
All three of us clapped our hands like we were breaking from a huddle, looking at Byron with a perked brow.
“Hold up Tigers. Showers, shave, and change.” He pointed to our assemble of disheveled appearances with a disappointed brow.
“ERIN!” I shouted loudly, walking behind my desk grabbing my laptop and a few files, shoving them into my bag.
“Yes, Boss.” Erin stood firmly at the door.
“Forward all calls to our cells and switch all conferences over to video. Family situation.” I barked orders to Erin, knowing he was a very capable young man with our trust bestowed in him.
“Right. Majority of your conferences have been rescheduled for after the first of the year, and all current contracts are operational, so go. I have it covered.” Erin motioned to the penthouse, then looked at us with perked brows.
Throwing up our hands as we rushed into the adjoining penthouse with Byron close behind.
“Erin?” Davyn shouted before closing the door.
“Yes, Boss?” Erin replied smoothly as he walked through the office, turning off lights and picking up the disarrayed paperwork scattered across our desks.
“When’s your wife due?” Davyn asked calmly with a soft smirk etched across his face.
“Soon, very soon.” Erin laughed softly as he finished up with filing the paperwork collected from our desks.
“Okay, expect a gift.” Davyn smirked brightly as the door closed, leaving Erin in shock.
Laughing lightly at the bright twinkle in his eye.