Chapter 3: Fighting The Temptation
“Why are we here?” Even in the dark, I could make out the words on the signboard. CONNIE’S BED & BREAKFAST.
The only answer I received was silence. I rolled my eyes and followed his back, trying hard not to look at the hard muscles flexing beneath the wet translucent shirt. If someone told me he was related to an ox, I’d believe it in a second.
“Cole!” An exhausted female voice, then an old lady appeared with short permed hair and a floor-caressing black dress. She rushed forward to the towering man before me.
Surprisingly, he bent his knees to receive a hug and remained in a bowing stance as the old lady asked about his presence.
“I need a room, Connie. Just tonight.” His voice was gentler than I could have imagined possible.
I swung around, just in time to see a smile - one from a grandson to a grandmother. It was like a burst of sunshine. My heart skipped a beat. I quickly looked away and scanned the space.
It was nice, clean and homely. Wood was everywhere; like my old room.
“Of course, you do.” The woman smiled, her tiny hands covering only a fraction of those large hands. “The usual?”
“Yes, please.” The gentle voice was also polite.
I frowned at his long broad back as we moved up a flight of squeaking stairs to a humble corridor. We then stopped in front of the second door.
The old lady unlocked the door and turned around with a bright smile. “Here you go.” She held up the key and dropped it into the large open palm.
Finally, she turned to me with the same motherly smile and said, “Sweet dreams, dear.”
I froze. It was the nicest thing anyone has said to me. Instantly, my eyes heated up and moistened.
“Thank you.” I heard my voice cracking up and hastily moved away from her into the room. My eyes swiftly detected a veiled window and I dashed towards it. The feel of moonlight calmed me once more.
The door closed softly behind me and then the commanding voice returned.
“Sit down.”
I inhaled deeply and then relaxed. Feeling more steady, I turned around to smile at him. “I’ll stand here if you don’t mind.”
“Suit yourself.” He shrugged and remained where he was. “We need to talk.”
“Why can’t we talk at your home?” I lifted my chin. I still want my answers.
“You ask too many questions.” His thick wolfish brows knitted.
“Because you lied.”
Then he was in front of me, his face an inch from mine. I stopped breathing and stared into his clear blue eyes and saw…
Contempt. I scoffed at the familiarity and held my stare, ready to fight.
“Number one.” He snarled. “Don’t talk back.” It was a reminder of my status. I swallowed hard, forcing myself to digest his words, and waited. I knew what was coming, and I dreaded it.
He widened the distance between us. “Number two. Quit your princess questions. I’m not your father.”
I could feel my hair lighting up and took another deep breath to calm the roaring tide inside me. He repeated his first instructions and I sat at the edge of the bed, keeping my face straight and senses alert. I glanced at the stream of moonlight waving through the window and remembered to breathe.
He stood in front of me this time and crossed his muscular arms. “Starting tomorrow, you’ll be the Luna of Whispering Moon Pack. There are rules. Know them well. Don’t embarrass your Alpha.” I glared at his shapely lips, its same corner lifted.
Ignoring my glare, he continued.
“As Luna of the pack, you will take care of everything in the house.”
“What about out--?”
“IN -- the house.” He gave a deathly stare.
I let out a sigh and nodded.
“You will work closely with Claire…”
“Who’s Clai--?”
“... and talk to no one else.” He raised a brow, I sighed and nodded, and he continued. “You will not show yourself to anyone unless it’s absolutely necessary.”
“You will not speak unless it’s necessary. You will not ask questions unless it’s necessary. Follow the rules and you will be fed, clothed and sheltered well.” He paused and smirked. “Like a goddess.”
I frowned, bothered by the smile. Of course, ignoring me, he continued on. “You will report to me at the end of the day - what you did, heard and said.”
“I said!” He snapped with the utmost impatience, then lowered his voice in a hard growl. “Ask only when necessary.”
Greatly annoyed, confused and suppressed, I forced my way through. “When. Is. It. Considered. ‘Necessary’?”
I hoped to do my part well but this boorish ox was making it impossible with each passing second. Now I just wanted to smother him with this thick pillow and dump his body in the deepest lake I could find.
Those menacing eyes slowly widened. Then, abruptly, he threw his head back and let out a peal of huge laughter. I winced at the realisation that I had spoken out loud. Embarrassed, I looked down and saw the nice sheets crumpled in my tight fist. I quickly released the poor thing.
When he recovered, he returned to me with an intense deep blue stare. It drew an unfamiliar heat up my spine, scalding my cheeks. I halted as his face neared me once more, his warm minty breath on my nose.
“I’ll tell you when it is necessary.” His rich voice darkened with a warning tone. “If you could find a pillow that can actually smother me, I’ll gladly let you dump my body in the deepest lake, cub.”
“Stop calling me a cub,” I warned between my teeth. I could feel them sharpening.
He laughed again. “I’ll call you whatever I want -- as your Alpha.”
It shut me up again, almost instantly, and he laughed harder.
“So I just have to be invisible until it’s necessary,” I concluded over his laughter.
Wiping the new tears from his eyes, he looked at me, the annoying corner of his lip lifted again. “I’m glad we had this talk.”
With that, he strode towards the door. “Lock this.”
“Where are you go--?”
Already one foot out of the room, he halted instantly and turned around with a warning stare.
I pulled back slightly and said nothing, and he continued out of the door.
“Lock this.” A cold order and the door closed behind him.
Cole stood with his back against the closed door.
His fingers were cold, his hand was trembling, and his feet felt heavier than an oak tree. If his shirt had not been wet from the drizzle, it would betray his blazing sweaty back in a glimpse.
Her fragrance was so overpowering, he had been struggling to keep it out.
And her questions made it worse. That silly woman nearly drove him mad. He kept wanting to be near her, to touch her soft fair skin…
He leaned his head lightly on the door, closed his eyes and drew in a long deep breath. Then, slowly and very quietly, he exhaled.
His racing heart was finally starting to slow down.
Opening his eyes, he breathed again. Fuck, he cursed silently and saw her dark round eyes staring back at him. He needed to get away. Fast. After a quick glance at the closed door, he moved stealthily and swiftly to the first floor.
The welcome hall was empty and dark, except for a small lamp near a couch, next to the locked entrance.
Cole went to the couch and dropped his wide heavy self onto it. He’d never felt so drained. Resting a wrist on his forehead, he closed his eyes and coaxed himself to sleep. The fabric of the cushion was rough and scratchy.
Unlike Dove’s smooth fair skin.
His eyes shot open. The boring dusty ceiling blinked back, confused.
“Fuck.” He cursed again. He didn’t think it would be this tough. He had underestimated his enemy.
Scoffing, Cole recognized a good challenge; and he loves a good one.
Victory would be sweeter than that bloody sweet orange and salty sea breeze.