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Chapter 2: The Master of the Blood Sword!

The former Queen refused to see anyone and shut herself in her chamber while the General continued working on, though with a heavier heart as he too had lost his foster daughter.

Demetri knocked on the door gently and took a step back. The former Queen, Melissa Langdon stepped out of her room, which had been her sanctuary for the past couple of weeks and emerged, all worn out and weary. Demetri backed away, a little intimidated under her stony glare and muttered quietly, “ Dominic Vanhuesan has officially filed the petition, challenging the throne. Since, King Andrew doesn’t have any royal lineage, we….”

Melissa let out a sigh and completed the sentence for him, “We lost without even getting the chance to fight the battle. He has leverage and the petition is just a formality.”

She internally cursed the Queen Mother’s idiocy. Had she not tried to so vainly protect her son’s throne; they still might have stood a chance. Now the entire kingdom is taken over by an outsider, and they have no choice but to stand and watch.

“But Your Grace, we still have a chance.”

Met with curious silence, Demetri continued on, “Only if Vanhuesan secures the fealty of the Blood Sword can he claim the throne. The sword chose Selena as its rightful Master.”

Melissa sighed wistfully, “The Blood sword have always chosen the strongest, the most powerful. Its loyalty is no longer attached to our clan as its master is no more. Its loyalty is only to its master, not the master’s clan.”

Demetri looked wistful at the former Queen’s declaration and his face fell as his last hope also turned into ashes.

The drum rolls erupted through the palace walls and the Queen strode forward with her held up high, with a dejected Demetri right behind her heels.

As she went on to the palace grounds, she found that the entire fighting maze had been set up royally and there he stood, all high and mighty in the spectator’s podium.

She narrowed her eyes at the young man who looked like a Greek god as she strode forward to the podium. Though he was centuries old, he seemed to look like a 30-year-old man. He was very pleasing on the eyes, with his hazel brown eyes and his chiseled jaw. God seemed to have sculpted this man perfectly. His devilish smirk was gaining the attention of almost all the court ladies, and they blushed furiously and giggled among themselves in a frenzy.

Though vampires had the power to charm human, only an extremely powerful vampire could charm another vampire and judging by the way all the ladies attending him were gushing over him, even though he was the one who took over their city; made him one extremely dangerous vampire.

He was surrounded by two other men in the podium while the rest of his army surrounded themselves in the fighting pits.

The Queen snarled in disgust as she saw one of his companions, an ancient vampire and judging by the similarities between him and Dominic, she assumed him to be his father, shamelessly grab a woman and put his hand under her skirt, while she squirmed uncomfortably under his touch.

She merely raised an eyebrow as she saw that the General, the Queen Mother and King Andrew was already present. King Andrew looked weary whereas the Queen mother looked all pissed out.

Dominic Vanhuesan got up immediately as he saw the former Queen approaching. He had heard all about the Ice Queen and he was quite impressed by her virtue and courage. But what he was more curious about was her daughter. He had heard tales of her valor since the very moment he stepped into the city. The people there seemed to worship her, and as he got to know more and more about her, the more agitated he got to meet her. But alas, his father had other plans of his own. When he received the news about Selena being on North Carolina through the scryer he had unleashed the celestial weapon to destroy her so that she won't stand in his way to the throne. He had longed to meet the woman who had bewitched him, body and soul before even meeting face to face. He was furious at his father for taking the plunge before consulting him.

He hastily shook the Queen’s hand solemnly, while she scowled at him.

“You are not supposed to touch the Queen. You have to bow”, Demetri snarled at him, from behind him, convinced that he was purposefully disrespecting the Queen.

The old man let go of the squirming girl and got up and smacked Demetri.

“She is not the Queen anymore… As the citizen of Valyria, she must be the one to bow before your king.”, he snapped.

Demetri blinked taken aback by the vicious action of the old vampire and took a moment to regain control. Dominic hissed at his father and he immediately took a step back resignedly.

The Queen completely ignored Dominic and took her seat on the podium, praying to all the gods she knew to not let this tyrant into her kingdom.

As all the seven members of the council entered the arena, everyone stood up at once solemnly. The eldest vampire solemnly placed the sword that was to determine their future on the table before the King and bowed. Dominic eyed the sword resolutely. The ancient Blood Sword was a masterpiece. The sword was the only one which was forged from svatavas metal. There was no other weapon in the nine realms which could equal this sword's strength and power. The handle was made of pure gold and studded with precious jewels, while the blade was said to draw the power of lightning into it because of the savatavas metal.

The moment had come for him to decide whether he was indeed worthy to sit on the throne.

He strode forward confidently and placed out his hand on the sword handle, not hesitating even for a second.

The entire crowd waited with heated breaths. But Dominic expression changed from that of confidence to pure agony. He immediately let go of the blade with a yelp and stared at his blistered hand flabbergasted and peered closely to the part of his hand, where the sword had burned him. The sword had rejected his allegiance.

Everyone started muttering amongst themselves excitedly. The Queen blinked rapidly, her chest rising and falling with emotion, then got up on a daze and walked towards the sword.

She blinked back the tears that were threatening to emerge as she squared out her shoulders and bent before the sword.

“She is still alive”, the Queen sobbed out loud, clutching her heart.

“Oh! Thank the heavens. She is still alive.”, The general repeated, elated.

Dominic raised an eyebrow at the Queen, who merely scoffed at him, as she got back up from the ground and stared him down icily.

“I believe Mr Vanhuesan, you are not the king, yet”, she declared haughtily as she shot a glare to his father, who stood shaken.

Dominic’s right hand muttered grumpily, “But it’s impossible. No vampire can survive an attack by a celestial weapon.”

The Queen however was paying no heed to them, she addressed the Council with an air of supremacy, “The Sword is still loyal to its Master, Selena Langdon. “

The council nodded in approval and started speaking among themselves.

Just then, the ruby on the tilt of the sword started blinking. Everyone stared in wonder as the ruby glowed.

The Queen let out a relived laugh as she declared again, “And I am guessing the sword has just picked up the presence of its master.”

Dominic was waging a war with himself. On the one hand, he was disappointed in himself and outraged and on the other hand, he still couldn’t control himself from scanning the crowds curiously, vying to find the woman who had bewitched him.

He desperately ran his eyes over each and every member in the crowd, carefully scrutinizing each of their actions. Though he had never even seen a potrait of her, he was confident that he would recognize her when he saw her. The crowd was murmuring excitedly amongst themselves, waiting for their lost princess to step out and claim her place. He let out a sigh as he finished scrutinized the crowd for the third time, and dropped his shoulders resignedly.

Then his eyes caught a slight movement on the trees surrounding the palace ground and his eyes immediately snapped up and he found a red haired, slender woman, dressed fully in black, watching the scene from way up on top of the tree. She stood there all poised as if she wasn’t standing on a twelve-foot-tall tree, leaning on its trunk while taking a bite of an apple. He froze as he took her in, drinking the very sight of her from head to toe. Her eyes suddenly snapped onto his and he gulped as he stared into those copper brown eyes, which was a mile away. She took him in from head to toe, sizing him up before staring right into his eyes, and raised an eyebrow at him daringly.

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