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Chapter 3: Fifty years ago!

“Ugh!”, Selena Rodriguez, the foster daughter of General Rodriguez exclaimed out loud in frustration as she saw that Demetri, her father’s right-hand man was catching up to her. Only he was still persistently on her trail. The rest of them, it seems had lagged behind.

Demetri was a trained warrior, second to none except from her father himself, the General of the royal army of Valyria. Some vampires had special abilities other than being able to run really fast and be super strong. Demetri’s was his ability to track.

Growing up in a strict and restrictive environment, it was no surprise that Selena was a bit of a rebel. She was upset that her father refuses to let her go out without the company of his men or take her to the palace with him. As her father was the General of the Royal Army of Valyria, he was often invited to the palace on special occasions and such but never once did he take Selena with him even though he took his wife and his son. It irked out Selena that the General had no qualms taking his blood son with him and she had bitterly come to the conclusion that since she wasn’t the real blood daughter of the Rodriguez’s, maybe she didn’t belong there after all. She knew deep in her heart that she was wrong……that the Rodriguezs indeed treated her as their own but she was just too bitter to admit it. She had first found out that she was adopted at the age of ten when by accident she had burned down an entire forest. She found out that she could bend the natural elements in to her wishes, a trait that could be passed down only through pure blooded vampires. However, the Rodriguez’s weren’t pure blooded vampires. They were a breed of half blood as was the case with the rest of our clan. Being a pure blood in this era and time was a rare sight to behold.

Pure blooded vampires had an additional skill set or power rather than being fast or strong…….some could read minds, some see visions of the past or future, some vampires like Demetri could track.

Demetri was adopted just like she was by her father.

Selena willed the trees in the forest to bend and move and as expected they obeyed her command and started blocking the way of a very closely pursuing Demetri.

Demetri had been assigned to protect Selena for a reason. He was the only one who could catch up with her despite her little tricks. He easily jumped, narrowly missing the fallen tree and looked smugly at her, only she wasn’t there anymore.

His smile froze in his pale face, as his eyes dutifully scanned the forest swiftly, with his natural born instincts on alert. He blinked in surprise as he realized that he couldn’t read her essence anymore, that means she had gotten quite far. Worried about what the General may do to him if he were to find out that he had lost Selena yet again, he abruptly started into a full-fledged sprint.

Selena let out a sigh of relief by the stream in the woods. She climbed up a tree nearby and watched the beautiful waterfall from above. She leaned on to the tree bark and closed her eyes, enjoying the peace and eerie calmness in the woods. She was positive that she had shaken Demetri out of her trail and that she had at least a good few minutes to relax before he catches up again.

Her father had always been adamant of her being not seen by the public, so she rarely was allowed to go out. She had missed several gatherings and celebrations, crying in their house under strict monitoring by his guards while the rest of the family had enjoyed themselves. Even though she racked her brains several times, she still couldn’t figure out why she was the only one who was hidden from the outside world. Probably her being a pure blood might have something to do with it.

She woke up from her catnap with a start as she heard several scurrying sounds. She opened her eyes slowly as she heard a woman’s shrilling screams. She got up and with a hand on the tree bark, she looked down and to her horror saw that several vampires dressed in black from head to toe with their faces covered were dragging a woman through the ground.

Assassins….they were assassins….All of them were vampires obviously as this part of the woods couldn’t be seen by mortals. Why wasn’t the woman fighting back? Instead, she looked completely overpowered and helpless. She was being dragged around helplessly like a log.

Selena’s eyes then took in her clumped legs and realization dawned in her……she was paralyzed from the waist down. But vampire genes could have made for a quick healing unless she was also mentally tortured and had no mental willpower.

Blood boiled in her as she watched the woman be tossed into the water casually by the vampires and they left instantly. Selena immediately rushed on to the ground, and jumped in without even a second of hesitation after the woman, while a small part of her wondered why she was so seriously and emotionally attached to her…..this woman was after all a stranger.

Selena closed her eyes as the strides started becoming more powerful. She came up for a quick gasp of air before heading down again, this time willing the tide to clear up so she could see underwater. Being a natural element bender, she could easily manipulate the tide to her advantage. She sped towards the woman as soon she caught sight of her drowning.

Selena then came to an abrupt stop as she stared bewildered on to the face that looked exactly like hers. Bubbles erupted from her as she let out a surprised gasp. She quickly shut her mouth and continued to gaze at the woman intensely. The woman was shocked at first seeing her, then a gentle smile erupted in to her face while Selena continued to stare at an identical version of herself, completely bewildered. Even their hair’s length was same. The only thing that was different was that the woman in front of her had blonde hair whereas Selena had brownish red hair. Selena blinked rapidly trying to clear her vision, then without wasting any more time, immediately dragged the woman up to the surface.

Selena burped out the water that was clouding her wind pipe immediately upon resurfacing, then hastily looked over at the woman. She was struggling to breath and her face had something black creep over it. All the veins in her forehead were visibly black. She was poisoned, Selena realized with a start. They had already poisoned her to death, they had only drowned her to hide the body.

Selena looked into the familiar copper brown eyes desperately, her mind reeling, trying to figure out a way to stop the poison. How can this woman look exactly like her? Was she her birth twin? She had so many questions and that woman had to stay alive to answer all of them. Selena had an overprotective instinct over the woman and her gut feeling told her that she was family.

Tears rolled from the copper brown eyes as she smiled at Selena. She raised a trembling hand towards her and Selena immediately grabbed it tightly….

“Selena…..take care of our mother”, she stuttered, then vomited blood on to her hands.

Selena blinked, taken aback by the declaration, a clod lump forming in her throat. Furious tears started pouring from her cheeks and she couldn’t bear to watch this woman die, right in front of her eyes. Even though she had just met the woman, her heart was aching profoundly. And she had known her name….

“Noooo!”, Selena shrieked out as she saw her twin collapse, her eyes wide open and not blinking.

Selena let out a scream of anguish that could be heard throughout the forest as she hugged the very still woman tightly into her arms.

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