Chapter 4: Saving an ancient vampire!
Demetri who had finally caught up to the General’s daughter froze as he saw the woman lying motionless in Selena’s arms. Without another word, he lifted her up and ran, presumedly to her father, leaving Selena all alone, wondering what the hell was going on. Selena blinked back her tears back in surprise, feeling wrong footed.
Wasn’t Demetri supposed to protect her? Demetri isn’t the type to simply forgo his duties and be idle, so Selena came to the conclusion that this woman might be quite important for him to leave her alone in the middle of the forest like that. A nauseating feeling hit Selena’s stomach as she remembered the woman’s face. She was suddenly attacked with a lot of questions. Was the woman a long lost twin of her or was she just thinking too much into it? After all it is said that there are at least seven people who look alike in this world, but something in her mind was leaning more towards the twin theory. After all she didn’t know the origins of her family or if she had any family left at all. Her father had always clammed up when she had asked about her family. And the woman had known her name……..Had they perhaps met before?
Selena shook her head timidly. She was sure that they had never come across each other before, not even in passing. Selena had a perfect memory and she always remembered even the tiniest details.
Selena took into a run, headed back to her clan. She stopped abruptly mid run as screams filled the air……a woman’s……
She hesitated for a split second before she took off to the direction from which the scream was coming from.
There were around twelve male vampires with masks attacking the said woman. To Selena’s surprise, she saw that though the woman was largely out numbered yet she had no ounce of fear in her eyes. She was clearly stalling to buy some time till help arrives. How can someone be so calm even on the brink of death?
One look and Selena could tell that the woman was an ancient vampire, extremely powerful and experienced. Her eyes were cold and calculating and had not even an ounce of fear in them.
While the others were distracted by her shrill shrieks, she attacked the vampire nearest to her at breathtaking speed, and within a blink of an eye, the tall one laid dead on the ground.
Selena decided to give her a hand and came forward from the shadows of the tree. The assassins stopped and stared at her in disbelief. It was then that Selena realized that these vampires were wearing the exact same clothing and bands as the vampires who had just thrown the woman into the river. Clearly, they had some sort of connection. She enclosed her fists automatically as she remembered how cruel they were with a paralyzed woman.
But, to Selena’s surprise she realized that there was a person who was much more surprised by her entrance other than the assassins themselves…..it was the ancient female vampire. For a split second, her eyes darted confusedly to Selena’s legs, then her eyes darted upward and fixed on her messy, red hair and something intense passed in her face. Selena tilted her head and stared at the woman confused.
She was looking at her so intensely and emotionally as if they weren’t strangers at all. Her eyes were hiding something raw and intense inside. However, Selena didn’t have much time to ponder over this strange woman’s reaction to her as the bulky vampire had taken advantage of the distraction and was aiming a knife straight at the woman.
“Duck!”, Selena ordered and the woman instantly ducked without question and the knife flew past her and headed straight towards Selena. She caught the knife inches from her nose and smirked at the vampire behind the woman.
“Now, my turn”, she said smugly and threw the knife straight at the vampire’s heart and Selena willed it to catch fire. The vampire screamed out loud as his body started turning into ashes.
“Help me”, he begged her.
Selena tutted at the fallen vampire, then shot the rest of the vampires a haughty look and declared smugly, “Oh honey, if you really think you can win against me, you are either very stupid or very delusional, neither of which I can really help you with.”
The woman shot Selena a proud look, puffing out her chest while tidying up the dirt from her clothes. She shot Selena a pleased look like a parent watching her child perform on stage for the first time.
Selena looked into the eyes of the one who she assumed to be the leader of the gang and spat at him, “What are you looking at? Run”
The men all sneaked a glance at themselves and then at their fallen comrade and took into a run without another second spent.
Selena turned around and shot a curious look at the woman, scrutinizing her from top to bottom.
Selena wanted to ask her why she was being attacked? And did she have any connection to the woman who had just drowned since both of them had been attacked by the same gang?
The woman took a step forward and placed a hand on Selena’s cheek lovingly, a tear dropping out of her left eye. Selena blinked in surprise as she stared into a set of copper brown eyes……the same eyes of the dead woman.
“I shall come back for you……but now I need to make sure that every single of them stays dead. I can’t just leave them……not when they have seen you”, she said softly while Selena stood there frozen, not knowing what to make of her declaration.
Before Selena could respond, the woman took into a run into the woods after them. Selena realized that her suspicions had been correct. She was indeed related to the women who had been dumped into the river. But what did she mean by saying that she couldn’t let them live because they had seen Selena? And why was she voluntarily going after her own predators? Who exactly was the predator and who was the victim. While taking after them, she didn’t look the least bit worried and something told Selena that the woman didn’t really need any help. She could take of it all on her own.
Just then Demetri came right in front of Selena and she winced, taken aback by surprise.
“How many times should I tell you not to sneak upon me?”, Selena yelled at him annoyed.
“Selena, you had been ordered by your father to return home at once”, he declared dead pan and Selena let out a sigh in frustration as she eyed the direction the woman had headed to. Though she felt a protective need towards the woman, she was sure that the woman could handle herself.
“The woman…is she?”, Selena asked doubtfully.
Demetri nodded his head wistfully and Selena felt a dull ache on her chest. She couldn’t quite comprehend what was happening to her……She was called the ice princess in her clan because she always had a poker face on and no one could really guess what was going on in her mind. And she wasn’t an emotional person either. She had no idea why the death of a stranger bothered her this much.
Selena shook her head, then said, “I think that was her mother who I just saved.”
Demetri shot a surprised look at her, his face going more pale.
“Her mother?”, he repeated panic stricken and Selena nodded confused by his reaction.
Demetri suddenly shook Selena’s shoulders vividly and ordered in a tense tone, “Selena go home now…….I will go after the woman and inform her that her daughter’s body is with us…..But you have to go home….NOW”
Selena blinked in surprise at the urgency and level of panic in his tone. Never once had he ever spoken to her like that. She trusted Demetri blindly as he had been her loyal companion throughout the years so she decided to obey his command…..for now.
She took into a run to her clan, her head muddled with numerous questions.