Chapter 5: Family secrets!
“Will someone please tell me what the hell is going on?”, Selena shouted at her father’s men who were currently guarding her and not allowing her to step out of her own room on her father’s commands.
The guards outside her room flinched at her shouting but didn’t waver from their respective positions. Selena started walking around in circles in her room, fuming inside.
As soon as she had returned, her father had chucked her into a room before she could even open her mouth and ask about what had happened to the woman.
A gentle knock was heard on the door, and thinking it was her father who had finally come to give her some answers, she opened it immediately and her face fell as she realized who it was.
It was his right hand man instead….
“Demetri”, Selena said, sounding a tad bit disappointed and moved aside to let him in. He gently closed the door behind her and shot a worried glance at her.
Selena raised her right eyebrow at him and asked tensely, “Care to fill me in on what exactly is going on?”
Demetri flinched, then took a brief moment to compose himself before replying calmly, “I think its best if it comes from your father himself.”
Selena rolled her eyes at him and slouched her shoulders in frustration. It was a gone case, trying to pry information from the tight lipped Demetri, who was her father’s most trusted aide. He only about things he was permitted to. The wait was driving her mad and she wasn’t a person who was used to waiting in the sidelines helplessly.
Another knock was heard and a voice said clearly, “They are ready for her”
Demetri straightened out his cloths and stood up straight.
Selena eyed Demetri with narrowed eyes but didn’t quite comment on his rather odd and stiff behavior.
“They?”, she asked questioningly, tilting his head at him.
“The Queen is here, Selena and she requests your audience”, Demetri stated enunciating each and every word clearly.
Selena blinked, taken aback. This was so not what she had been expecting. She was hoping that her father would take her to the dead women. But why the hell was the Queen here? All her life, she had never come across the Queen because her father had been adamant enough to not let her foot step inside the palace. She had never even got a glimpse of her and now she was here in her own home requesting an audience with her.
A part of her wondered why her father was allowing this meeting with Queen since he had spent several years taking pain staking efforts to ensure that she stays out of the palace.
Selena let out a sigh and followed Demetri out. He stopped in front of her father’s study room and said in a calm tone, “This is as far I can go”
Though he had a calm demeanor on, it was quite obvious that something was bothering him and he looked worried for her.
Selena nodded at him, then after taking a deep breath in, she went in. She saw her father immediately kneeling before a woman whose back was faced to her.
Selena, without thinking much, immediately followed suit and knelt on to the ground to show her respect for the queen, even though a part of her couldn’t quite believe that she was meeting the queen.
She felt her back prickle and guessed that the Queen had turned around and was headed towards her direction. Selena felt the Queen’s strong and unwavering gaze upon her, but still, she didn’t dare to tilt her head up and make eye contact with the Queen.
“Selena”, the Queen muttered softly, her deep voice, coarse with a lot of pain and emotion in it.
Selena got up, taken aback by the tenderness and raw anguish in the Queen’s voice when she had uttered her name while her father still remained kneeling.
That’s when Selena had her first clear look at the Queen. She blinked rapidly and took a step back in surprise as she realized that it was the very woman who she had just helped in the woods, the women who had bravely took after her assassins by herself even after Selena had saved her. She shot a questioningly look at her father while the Queen took in every inch of her with tears in her eyes.
It seemed like the Queen was drinking in the very sight of her.
The Queen then turned to her father and nodded her head at him, acknowledging his bow and he got up hastily.
The General looked at Selena with loving eyes and took a deep breath, as if to compose himself. His heart was breaking inside even thinking about the pain he was about to inflict to his dear child, but the General had no choice……….She needs to know the truth…..for her people …..for her country……For Valyria.
He then straightened out his shoulders and proceeded to walk towards Selena and grabbed her shoulders tightly and muttered, “Selena, my dear child. All these years, you had constantly asked about your lineage, your family. And now the answer is right in front of you. Your mother has come to take you back to your rightful place”
Selena shot a bewildered look at the Queen who was still eyeing her with raw anguish. By mother, did he mean her?
She seemed on the verge of breaking as if she had just lost her child. Then it hit her all at once…….The woman who was drowned in the river who looked exactly like her……She shot a horrified glance at her father, her mind reeling with the weight of this new found information.
She couldn’t believe that she had a royal lineage but that certainly explained her father’s reluctance for her to even set a foot inside the palace, lest she be spotted by her supposed relatives, but the thing she couldn’t understand was why? Why had the Queen disowned her?
But at the moment ,all she could about was the woman who she had found by the river.
“Do I have a twin?”, Selena asked the Queen venomously, all symptoms of respect and politeness gone from her tone. After all, this was her supposed mother who had abandoned her at birth. Queen or not, how can just a mother abandon her own child? Selena had never once celebrated her birthday, since it was the day of every year where she found herself forced to deal with the reality that her birth parents had abandoned her like trash.
The Queen flinched at the sudden change in tone while her foster father shot her a disapproving look.
The Queen quickly composed herself, then nodded at her and replied sorrowfully, “Mia Langdon, the first princess….She isn’t here with us anymore”
Selena crashed into the ground, as if something was working against her and her father immediately caught her in his arms. So, her guess had been right……She was indeed her twin. Selena found her eyes starting to become moist and she wiped the tears from her eyes in surprise. Even though she was her twin, she had never met the woman before in her entire life, yet she had felt strangely connected to her when they had first met.
A strange ache filled her heart as she realized that she had both gained and lost a sibling on the very same day.
The Queen touched Selena’s shoulders affectionately and Selena flinched at the touch and quickly got up in her feet and moved away from the Queen and shot her a death glare.
“You don’t get to show up after so many years and then start acting like my mother”, Selena shouted out loud in a fit and the General grimaced, embarrassed by his daughter’s actions.
Selena however was way too furious to control herself promptly. Years of her build up rage started to pour out. Speaking disrespectfully like that to the Queen was enough to get her beheaded but she was way too furious to even bother to try to control herself.
“You didn’t just steal my last name…….You stole my family, my siblings, and my whole goddamn life”, Selena yelled at the Queen.
On the surface, the Queen looked unfazed and composed as ever, but it was obvious that she was starting to crack a little. She had already lost a daughter and her other daughter seemed to hate the very sight of her.
A knock disturbed the eerie silence in the General’s room. Demetri bowed his head and the Queen acknowledge his bow. Demetri then turned to the General and said politely, “The burial had been arranged. We had vacated a site in our clan for the burial of the first princess”
Selena shot him a wistful look and snapped at him, “She is a royal. A royal can’t buried in our grounds like a mere pheasant. She is a royal and she will be sent off royally too.”
The General let out a sigh and replied firmly, “Selena, it isn’t that we don’t want to send her off properly as per royal protocols. We do, but our hands are tied. A royal death is mourned by her male family members who would carry wood one by one into the middle of the sea and built a tomb there and then drowse the wood with oil and gun powder. Then after reaching back to the shore, he would set it on fire to ensure that her body is turned to ashes and flown with the sea back to nature.
That is the burial fit for a royal member. But it requires at least ten men of the royal family to do it.”
The General then shot her a disapproving look and asked, “Tell me, do you see ten men of the royal family here?”
The General had mistaken her fierce reaction as an annoyed kid throwing a tantrum whereas in reality, Selena was just upset by the little respect her sister was getting around here. Though Selena had never seen her twin before, she had always heard about the poor, paralyzed first princess who was looked down upon by everyone. Selena raised an eyebrow at her foster father daringly, then replied smugly, “No, but I do see a woman of royal lineage here. Me! I am a royal too, aren’t I? And I am more than enough to ensure that my sister gets a proper sendoff”