“You know I will look ridiculous in that, right?” Jacque asked her brunette friend, Sally. The two were staring at a red dress hanging on the back of Jacque’s bedroom door. “I mean, why don’t you just sew a hood on it, put a basket of cookies in my hand, and send me off to see grandma?” Jacque asked sarcastically, if not somewhat dramatically. She didn’t understand why Sally and Jen, her two best friends, insisted she wear a dress for the bonding ceremony. She’d repeatedly reminded them it wasn’t a wedding, but they’d been insistent.
Since Fane’s defeat of Lucas Steel in the challenge for the right to Jacque’s hand, the girl’s life had been a virtual whirlwind. Preparations were moving so quickly Jacque didn’t have a chance to veto her friends’ decision and nobody else seemed eager to jump to her defense. So, alas, she stood in her room with her two best friends wreaking havoc on her life, coaxing her into a ridiculous red dress.
“How did things with Fane go last night?” Jen asked, pulling Jacque out of her own thoughts.
That simple question reminded Jacque the deadly challenge had taken place a mere twenty-four ago. It felt like it had been ages instead of hours. Last night after the challenge, Fane had come to her to plead forgiveness. He knew making her believe he had died during the challenge wasn’t the best way to begin a relationship. But he’d underestimated her, anticipating she’d not understood his motives. Jacque would not deny seeing him lying, bleeding on the ground, hadn’t eviscerated her, but now she understood the reasoning behind his actions. His decision had kept him alive and with her. That was all that mattered.
“It’s all good,” Jacque said nonchalantly.
The two girls stopped simultaneously and stared at Jacque in disbelief.
“I chewed Fane up like a piece of meat and spit him out,” said Jen. “Sally about smacked him into next week. And that’s all you have to say to us? Hate to break it to ya, wolf princess, but that ain’t going to cut it.” Jen folded her arms across her chest and began tapping her foot. It was obvious to Jacque she would not be leaving the room until she gave up the goods.
I guess they deserve to hear the details after all they’ve done for me. I can throw them a bone.
“Fane came to my room and sat on the side of my bed. I was in a daze, mostly asleep. I awoke to him kissing my cheeks, my nose, my chin, and then my lips. At first, I thought I was dreaming. But then, when I realized the sensations were real, I freaked out. I assumed I’d lost it. After everything I’d been through, I just knew my mind had jumped off the deep end and I was seeing my dead mate sitting on my bed.”
Before Jacque could continue, Jen interrupted. “Ok, that’s all fine and dandy, but I want the main course, not the before-dinner rolls. Main course, Jacque, get to it.”
Jacque rolled her eyes. “I have to build up to the main course or else it’s not really the main course, it’s just random food. However, for the sake of your sanity, I will speed it up. After I realized I wasn’t hallucinating, he hugged me, and I accidentally groaned in pain.”
“Oh, hell. He went into possessive, jealous, I-no-longer-have-a-brain mode, didn’t he?” Sally asked sarcastically.
“Point to you. He saw the bruise on my stomach and almost went all werewolf kung-fu on his pack. I can’t believe ya’ll didn’t hear him screaming. But I got him to pipe down when I pulled out the ‘I’m bruised because you played dead’ card. Works every time.” Jacque winked.
“Nice,” Jen and Sally said, bumping fists.
“Then we kissed. A lot. Yep, there was a lot of kissing. Oh, and there was purring. But all clothes stayed on, Jen, sorry to spoil your fantasy.”
“You are so not sorry to spoil anything. At least tell me if he’s a good kisser,” Jen whined.
Jacque looked at her, emerald eyes narrowed with a wicked gleam. “My sweet, sweet, Jen, he’s a good everything.”
“Ok, ladies, both of you back into your corners. Jacque’s getting hitched today so there has to be a ceasefire, at least until tomorrow.” Sally pointed in opposite directions.
“I am not getting hitched, there is no ring involved.”
“Says the wolf princess who’s never been bonded to a werewolf before,” Jen pointed out.
“Details, details,” Jacque said.
Despite her nonchalance, Jacque suddenly felt the room was closing in on her. It reminded her of Alice when she eats the cake and grows until the room is so small, she is squished into it. Jacque soon found herself short of breath. She walked over to her window and jerked it open, feeling the summer heat hit her face. Even though it was blazing hot outside, the air itself was refreshing. It helped clear her brain from the worries slowly stacking up on shelves in her mind. Each deep breath Jacque was like pushing a bundle of worry into a trash bag. Breathe. She pushed the worry about leaving Coldspring into the bag. Breathe. Next was worry for her mom, will she come to Romania or stay here? Breathe. Worry for her friends. Breathe. Worry about the bonding ceremony. Breathe. Worry about the blood rites. Breathe. Finally, the shelves were clean, and there in her mind amongst the empty spaces, was Fane.
“Hello, meu inimă, doing some spring cleaning?” Fane asked her, using their bond.
Jacque couldn’t suppress the smile that followed. She should have known he would be listening, still worried about the her because of the previous night’s events.
“Just needed to put things in their place, how are you?” Jacque felt warmth as he poured his love into her mind. It only increased her desire to be in his arms.
“Soon, love.”
“You keep saying that, wolf man. When does soon become now?” Jacque teased him. “Now, go away. Isn’t it bad luck to see your mate before the bonding thingy?”
She heard him chuckle.
“No, meu inimă, you’re thinking of a wedding. The traditions for the Blood Rites are different. I can see you all I want. In fact, I could come rescue you from those two badgers right now.”
“That’s okay, the girls mean well. They are just a little rough on the execution. What time is this shin-dig starting?” Jacque asked.
“The Blood Rites ceremony is not a shin-dig. It is the union of two true mates. A ceremony that joins our souls forever, which could be a very long time for a couple of supernatural beings.”
Jacque blanched. Supernatural? She still couldn’t get over the fact she wasn’t entirely human.
“Luna?” Fane asked. “Are you still with me?”
“Yes, sorry, Fane. You’re right. I shouldn’t be so flippant about it, I guess.”
“You can behave however you like, meu inimă. Just as long as you are there. The ceremony will begin at 1:00 p.m. Don’t keep me waiting, Little Red Riding Hood.” Fane’s voice faded out of her mind and she could feel his humor. Wasn’t he just too cute, picking up on her two best friends’ idea of a sick joke, to turn her into the little girl who almost wound up as the wolf’s dinner?
“My, what enormous eyes you have, wolf-man,” Jacque said out loud, unable to stop her sarcasm from boiling up.
“The better to see you with, my love,” Jen chimed in.
“What big ears you have!” Sally continued.
“The better to hear you with, my love,” Jen followed.
“What big teeth you have!” Sally mocked, her hands on either side of her face.
“The better to eat you with!” Jen cackled, but she wasn’t finished. True to Jen form, she added her own twisted sense of humor. “My, what a big—”
Sally quickly slapped a hand over the woman’s mouth. “Jen, shut it. Jacque, you don’t need to hear what she was going to say. Someone always takes it a little too far,” Sally told her, sounding everything but the part of June Cleaver.
“Ok, moving on from our weird impromptu skit,” said Jacque. “I get it, you want to dress me up all pretty for this ceremony and I can either play along or you two will make the entire day hell for me. That’s what the red dress is about, isn’t it?”
“You’re smarter than you look, Sherlock,” Jen said as she stood up. “We will give you your actual dress if you promise to play nice. Otherwise, you’re going to be Little Red washed out Riding Hood, cuz that red does nothing for your skin.”
“Gee, thanks for that keen observation, Watson. Fine, you win, bring out the big guns.”
Jen stepped out of the room and was back before Jacque could ask where she was going. The blonde came back bearing a garment concealed in a zippered clothing protector. As Jen hung it on the back of Jacque’s bedroom door, covering the dress that would have made her the living version of a sick fairy tale, Sally unzipped the bag while humming the bridal march song.
“Cute, Sally, real cute,” Jacque said.
“Watch it, Red. I’d hate to incorporate more of the famous fairy tale into your ceremony, but I’ll do it if you force my hand,” Sally threatened as she pulled the dress from the hanging bag.
Jacque’s breath caught at the sight of the garment, so simple, yet elegant. “I’m impressed,” she said finally, begrudgingly admitting her friends’ had decent taste. The dress was primarily white, with a double flare skirt that ended just above the knees. The waist sported a green sash sewn into the dress and the green flared out into the skirt amongst floral accents. To finish it off, the girls had added a hunter green, puff, short sleeve bolero jacket made of satin. It bore ruffled edges running up the high-necked collar and down to the sleeves. “It’s perfect.”
“Hey wolf-man, they even thought of you and provided cover for my markings.” Jacque sent the thought to Fane.
“How very thoughtful of them, Luna. Although you can’t honestly think I would have allowed you to come in that dress without the jacket,” Fane answered.
“You are so lucky you aren’t within my reach right now. She scolded him.
His only response was a soft chuckle in her mind. But then she felt his hand caress her face. Geez, he is going to be the death of me.
“Could you please stop talking to your hunky wolf and tell us what you think of the dress?” Jen said, snapping Jacque out of her thoughts.
“How did you know I was talking to him?” Jacque asked.
“You always get this intense look on your face. I figured you were either constipated or talking to Fane. If you aren’t talking to Fane, then you ought to see a doctor because you are constipated a lot,” Jen explained. Sally laughed, and Jacque gave Jen an un-ladylike hand gesture.
“I have to admit, you guys have outdone yourselves,” Jacque told them. “It truly is beautiful and tasteful, and the jacket was the perfect touch. Thank you so much. Oh, crap, I think I’m going to cry,” Jacque said, much to her chagrin.
“Don’t start the waterworks, there will be plenty of time for that later,” Sally teased her.
“Don’t worry, I’m shutting off the faucet. Anyway, I need something to eat before I slide into that—if I might add—much more appropriate dress. Let’s head downstairs so I can get my grub on,” Jacque answered.
“Please tell me you don’t say ‘get my grub on’ to Fane when you are talking about eating,” Sally pleaded.
Jacque waved her hands in the air in a whatever gesture. “He can either take me as I am, grub and all, or not.”
“I’m pretty sure he wants to take you as his grub.” Jen snickered.
Sally gave Jen their usual fist bump. “What would I do without you and your sexual innuendos, my sweet, nympho friend?”
“You would be a square,” Jen replied, her fingers tracing the shape in the air.
“Huh, so I would,” Sally agreed thoughtfully.
The girls went downstairs and threw together some PB and J sandwiches. They were quiet as they ate. Just as Jacque was finishing up, her mom came into the kitchen. “You ladies need to hurry if we are going to make it on time,” Lilly told them.
“I’ve just got to fix my hair and throw on my dress and then I’m ready,” Jacque countered.
“Correction, I need to fix your hair. There is no telling what kind of mess you would put together on your head,” said Sally.
“Did you decide to cooperate with your partners in crime, so you wouldn’t be the world’s first real-life Little Red Riding Hood?” her mom asked.
“They told you about their little plan, huh?” Jacque glared at Sally and Jen, giving them her best ‘I should bite your ass’ stare. “Yea, they won this round, but you know what they say about payback.”
Jen just laughed as she and Sally trailed Jacque up the stairs to help her get dressed.
“Sit down, kick back, and chill-out so I can fix this unruly red mess you call a head of hair.”
“You have to do it up off her shoulders because of the chomp, chomp thing…if you know what I mean,” Jen said, her teeth snapping together.
“Gee, Jen. Thanks so much for reminding me someone’s going to biting me like a ripe apple later. I’m not nervous enough as it is or anything,” Jacque told her.
“I’m just saying,” Jen said with a roll of her eyes and shoulder shrug, “If I were about to get chomped on by a hot, drool worthy, Romanian fur ball, I wouldn’t make it too difficult for him.”
“Yeah, well, knowing you, Jen, your neck wouldn’t be the only thing you would offer up for a chomp,” Sally teased her dryly.
Jen nearly fell out of her chair laughing, although the shoe Jacque threw at her head didn’t help matters. “So, true, my little flower, so true.”
“Jacque, quit throwing shoes at Jen’s head. Jen, if possible, quit being a pervert for like five minutes.”
“Hmm, make it two and a half minutes and we have a deal,” Jen responded.
“Shameless,” muttered Jacque, “the nympho is utterly, undeniably shameless.”
“We all gotta be something, Jac.”
Jacque held up a hand. “Sally, just let her have the last word. She won’t shut up until you do.”
“True dat,” said Jen, grinning.
Sally pushed Jacque down into the chair by her desk, gathered the equipment needed to tame the wild curls, and set to work. After a few minutes of silence, Jacque’s mind was drawn back to the events of the past week. She struggled to believe that she’d only met Fane a week ago. She felt like she had known him forever and already couldn’t imagine life without him. In one week, she’d learned she was half Canis lupus, her father was full Canis lupus, and she was the mate of the Prince of the Romanian Canis lupus. She had been claimed by the lunatic Alpha of Coldspring and had had to watch Fane fight the Alpha to the death for bonding rights. She even thought she’d watched Fane die. If someone had told her last week all this was going to happen, she would have said something along the lines of, ‘yeah, and George Strait is selling me his ocean front property in Arizona.’
“OWWW!” Jacque hollered as Sally wrestled with a particularly nasty tangle.
“Well, what do you expect with this flaming mess on your head?” Sally asked without slowing.
“Just make sure you leave me some hair up there, okay?” Jacque said, rolling her eyes.
Jen walked over to look at Sally’s handiwork. “That looks pretty great, Sal. I like the little glitter bobby-pins you put in, very fairy tale-ish.”
“Okay, okay, let me look already,” Jacque said as she stood up and approached the mirror on her dresser. “Wow, Sally, it looks awesome. You made me look so much prettier than I really am. Sweet! Thanks, chickadee.”
Sally grabbed Jacque by the shoulders and turned her so they were face to face. “You are beautiful, big, wild hair and all. All I did was show it off. The way Fane looks at you, you should never doubt your beauty on the inside or out,” Sally told her.
“Man, Sal, why don’t I ever get pep talks like that?” Jen asked.
“If you ever need a pep talk, Jen, I will gladly deliver. As it is, you are a walking inflated ego, so most of the time you need to be brought down a notch, not up. I say that with all the love in my heart.” Sally teased her.
“Yeah, you are totally blowing me away with all your ‘quote, unquote’ love. How ‘bout don’t give me so much love next time, huh?”
Jacque grabbed her dress and the jacket and began walking to the bathroom. “Ok, while ya’ll work out your love issues, I’m going to get dressed. I expect you two to have kissed and made up by the time I get back.”
“Brush your teeth before you put that dress on,” Sally told her.
“Yeah and don’t put perfume on your neck. It might taste funny…you know because of the chomp—” Jen started.
“Chomp, chomp. Yeah, I got it, Jen,” Jacque interrupted.
Jacque closed the door to the bathroom and leaned against it. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. “I can do this,” she said out loud. It wasn’t that she feared bonding with Fane, she wanted to be with him more than anything. No, Jacque was just a big chicken about pain and wasn’t looking forward to being bitten. Then she remembered what it felt like when she thought Fane had died. She realized, compared to that feeling, a little bite on the neck would be a piece of cake. The thought gave her the strength to move forward feeling much lighter.
“Are you ok, love?” She heard Fane ask in her mind. She smiled at the warmth she could feel coming through such a simple question.
“I am excellent, wolf-man. Although, I do you,” Jacque told him.
“I will see you soon, micul incendiu (little fire).”
“Fane, stay with me,” Jacque whispered in her thoughts.
“Always,” was his simple reply.
True to his word, Jacque could feel her mate, like a shadow in her mind. The presence calmed her nerves and made her feel cherished.
Jacque soon stepped out of the bathroom and her two best friends stopped and stared, open mouthed.
“Well, how do I look?” Jacque asked them, a little unsure.
“You look amazing! Fane won’t be able to take his eyes off you,” Jen told her.
Sally nodded her agreement but said nothing. Jacque looked over to her bed and saw that Sally had retrieved her suitcase and begun putting clothes in it for her.
“Sally, you don’t have to pack much. It’s just one night and then I will be back here,” Jacque said.
Sally’s face fell a bit. “You will be back, but only for a few days. Then you will pack more than an overnight bag,” the brunette said, sounding so lost.
Jacque pursed her lips and exhaled before speaking, her own face matching the Sally’s sad look. “I hope you guys seriously consider coming to Romania for our senior year. Alina said the foreign exchange program would look good on college applications, and she has offered to be the host family. Have either of you talked to your parents about it?” Jacque asked.
“I mentioned it to my parents. Once I pointed out it could give me a leg up in getting into the international business degree program I just happen to suddenly be interested in, they were surprisingly positive about it,” Jen explained. “I kind of think my mom wants a break from me. You know if my mom and I are in the same room for too long it’s like two pissed off cats tossed into a bucket of cold water. We both come out ready to rip someone’s eyes out. I was going to surprise you later but now’s as good a time as any. Romania won’t know what hit it when I get there.”
Jacque squealed in childlike delight and hugged Jen tightly. “This is so great!”
“You do realize that squeal is totally not sexy, right? If we are in Romania together and I’m trying to get my game on, you are not permitted to make such a noise, under any circumstances.” Jen said, her face a serious mask.
“Oh, shut up and let me be all sentimental for a second.” Jacque hugged her for a moment more and then backed up, holding her hands in a surrender gesture. “Okay, I’m good, it’s all under control.”
Jacque turned to Sally, who had been watching them. “So, what about you, Sally? Have you talked to your parents?”
“I did, and I told them the same thing Jen told hers, considering we rehearsed it together and came up with back up guilt trips if the whole college reference thing didn’t work.”
“And hell must have frozen over, pigs must have sprouted wings, and you must be half werewolf…wait, that last part is true. The point is, they said yes!”
This time Sally and Jacque squealed in unison. “Oh, come on, surround sound squeals? REALLY?” Jen whined. “You two are not invited when I go hottie hunting,” she growled at them.
Sally and Jacque stymied their squeals to turn and look at Jen. “Did you just say hottie hunting?” Sally asked her incredulously.
Jen turned her chin indignantly. “Spot on.”
“Just checking. I want to be completely clear on what I should say to your new beau when you finally nab him,” Sally teased. “Something along the lines of, ‘Hey, Don Juan, did Jen tell you about her hottie hunting back in the day, as in, ‘a couple of days ago back in the day?’”
“My sweet, Sally, the point is you just admitted I will be successful in nabbing a new beau, hence the hottie hunting will undoubtedly work. Ding, ding, ding, I win,” Jen chimed.
Jacque rolled her eyes at her two best friends. “Just a guess, Jen, but I don’t think a year of you away in Romania will be too much of a hardship on your parents.”
Sally glanced at her phone and saw that it was 12:15. “We’ve got to head if we want to make it on time.”
Sally and Jen each grabbed a bag and marched to the stairs with Jacque following.
“Wolf-man, we are heading your way, hope you’re ready for this,” Jacque sent to Fane.
“I have been ready for you since I laid eyes on you. Be safe, I will see you shortly.” Fane sent the words with a caress that caused Jacque to shiver.
As they pulled out of the driveway, Jacque leaned her head back against the head rest, closed her eyes, and pictured Fane’s face—her future.
Across two state lines in Colorado, Dillon Jacobs, Alpha of the Denver pack, paced the floor while staring at the photos that Logan, his Beta, had taken of the daughter Dillon had only recently found out existed. He was struck with the fact that life as he knew it was irrevocably changed. Word had traveled fast in the Canis lupus world that Vasile, one of the strongest Alphas of the Grey Wolves species, was in the States. Not only was he in the States, but specifically in Coldspring, Texas, which just happened to be the town where Lilly Pierce, the woman he once loved, lived. Lilly was the woman whom Dillon would have married had he not been a werewolf, a being who could only have one true mate, the one nature chose for him. Not that Dillon didn’t love his mate beyond words, but Lilly had been his first love. The loss had faded over the years, but the memories were still there, packed away in the recesses of his mind gathering dust. Until now.
As soon as Dillon heard about Vasile’s presence in Texas, he had sent Logan to find out what had caused the Alpha to travel so far from home. Dillon had been in shock when Logan called to tell him that Lilly had a daughter, and that she was seventeen years old. Dillon knew it was no coincidence that it had been seventeen years since he’d last laid eyes on Lilly Pierce. Seventeen years since he had found his mate and packed his bags, leaving Lilly only a note to say goodbye. It was the coward’s way out, he knew. But he hadn’t known how he could face her. His decision was going to rip out both their hearts. He had always told Lilly that the day might come when he would have no choice but to leave. That day came, and all his prior assurances hadn’t made the task any easier.
The timeline was suspicious, but the irrevocable proof was in the pictures. Lilly’s daughter was the spitting image of himself. Dillon’s hair was auburn, sporting subtle waves. And he had the same piercing green eyes as the girl in the photos. He could no more deny her than he could deny his reflection in the mirror. His face was more angular than the girl’s, who Logan had said was named Jacquelyn. Her face was softer and rounder, traces of Lilly. Jacque had her mother’s mischievous smile, and though, the girl’s eye color matched his, they held the humor in them he had so often seen in his former partner. Like her mother, the girl was as striking as she was beautiful. He thought momentarily on the fact that Lilly had named their daughter after Dillon’s grandmother. Though Lilly had never met his grandmother, Dillon had talked of her often, sharing with Lilly what an impact she’d had in raising him. He couldn’t take credit for his quick wit and often wicked tongue. That was all Grandma Jacquelyn.
“Your daughter is to be bonded to Vasile’s son,” Logan told him without preamble. The words snapped Dillon out of his brief jaunt down memory lane. The Alpha turned to look at Logan, assuming, perhaps, that his Beta had been joking. Logan was as serious and severe looking as ever. At 6’1”, tall and two hundred and fifty pounds of muscle, Logan was an intimidating being. He was broad across the chest, had a narrow waist, and his muscular legs were apparent through his black fatigues. The wolf’s dark brown hair was longer than most others in the pack, nearly touching his shoulders, though much of the time he kept it pulled back. Logan had high cheek bones, a slightly crooked nose from being broken many times in his long life, and Dillon had heard more than one woman say Logan’s lips were made for sin, whatever that meant.
“She is still a minor, how could Vasile even consider allowing them to mate?” Dillon thought out loud.
“Another Alpha, Lucas Steele, challenged Vasile’s son, Fane, and attempted to claim Jacque.”
Dillon grunted. “I know him. Strong, but foolhardy.”
“Not anymore. The challenge was answered, and Fane killed the Alpha. Perhaps, a quick mating is Vasile’s way of preventing his son from having to fight others that might claim your daughter,” Logan offered.
Dillon thought about this. It would make sense. If Fane was indeed Jacque’s true mate, then he would walk through hell itself to keep another from claiming her. If that meant he had to fight every wolf in America, he would.
“I will admit it is impressive that Fane, being as young as he is, could defeat such a strong Alpha,” Dillon acknowledged.
“He had the benefit of his Alpha’s counsel, surely that impacted his victory,” Logan responded in his usual indifferent tone.
Dillon rubbed his chin. The idea of his little girl, mated at seventeen, bristled his fur. He knew he didn’t really have a right to say what she could or could not do, Jacque didn’t even know who he was. Maybe, he decided, the best thing to do for now is to watch from a distance.
“Logan, I want you to go back to Coldspring and keep an eye on my daughter. Don’t let yourself be known, just observe from a distance and report back to me. I will let you know if I will come myself. For now, I will wait.”
“It will be done as you have said, Alpha,” Logan responded formally.
Dillon excused Logan to depart, leaving the Alpha alone in his study with his thoughts. He had been keeping these thoughts blocked from his mate. Dillon didn’t know how Tanya would respond to the news he had a daughter with another female. For now, he would keep this secret just a little longer.
Logan sat outside of Lilly Pierce’s house when she pulled out of the driveway. He had barely made it back into town to see them off to Jacque’s bonding ceremony. Luckily, he had put his plan in motion before he had reported back to his Alpha. It had been so easy to get information out of the Coldspring pack, considering none were dominant than him. After, he merely did a little eavesdropping outside Jacque’s window to get all the information he needed about her schedule and the bonding ceremony. He hated to be insubordinate, he usually prided himself on his faithful obedience to his Alpha, but in this situation, he didn’t think his Alpha was taking the appropriate action to protect his pup. Logan wasn’t emotionally invested in Jacque, so he could see the situation objectively. So, it was his duty to step in. That was what he kept telling himself, anyway.
Jacque Pierce was unique. She was special, and too new to this world to decide that the first wolf she met was her mate. It was his job as her father’s Beta to protect her and to show her there was more than one wolf in the den. Again, that was what he kept telling himself. Shaking off those thoughts, he pulled out into the street to follow Lilly’s vehicle. He knew the direction the car would travel. He’d pre-planned the route himself. All it had taken was a little cash, and he had convinced one of Lilly’s employees to help implement his plan. Humans were so easy to sway. They had no sense of loyalty, easily betraying those who had been kind to them. But that wasn’t his problem, and it had worked to his advantage. Just as Lilly was turning onto the street that would take her to the bookstore, Logan pulled off onto a different road. He drove to the spot he knew their car would have to pass once they continued to their destination.
Logan’s plan was simple, the best laid ones always were. All he needed to do to ensure that Dillon would intervene was show that Fane could not properly protect his mate. There was nothing more disgraceful than a wolf who could not protect his own.
Ensuring one of Lilly’s tires would not only blow on route to the ceremony but also cause a minor accident, hadn’t been all that difficult. Logan had placed a small incendiary device on the inside of the tire that would, not only puncture it, but likely dislodge it from the axle. This would cause Lilly to lose control of the vehicle. It would happen at slow speed and wouldn’t be a devastating wreck, but it would be enough. The kink in the plan was the bonding ceremony. Logan had to make sure his plan happened before Jacque and Fane completed the bonding and Blood Rites. Once the ceremony was performed, all bets were off. The idea of Fane performing Blood Rites with Jacque made his skin crawl. Fane was just a pup, there was no way he could adequately provide and protect a mate. If Logan had any say, Fane would leave Coldspring, Texas empty handed.