Nothing More, Nothing Less

Eva nodded her head feverishly, the man's threats terrifying her. In a low whisper, he spoke, “Follow me.”

As his body seemed to vanish, she laid in the bed. Hands trembling, she had no clue what to do. Turning over, she tapped her husband.

“Charles” She whispered. He grunted loudly in his sleep before moving away. She went to tap him again, but his rough voice stopped her hand.

“Wake me again Eva and I’m going to hurt the shit outta you.” Eva had to weigh her options, risk another beating or get murdered by an insane lunatic in her home. Reddened eyes pierced through the darkness, stilling her. Without another word, she moved from her bedroom.

Inhaling deep, Eva exited her bedroom seeing light cascading from her home office. Quietly she approached the room. Upon entering she saw the man leaning against her desk. He eyed her curiously. “What in the hell are you wearing?”

It wasn’t until that moment, she realized she was still wearing the fluorescent nonsense that Charles picked out. It washed out all her color, making her look older than she was. Eva felt insecure, embarrassed in front of the stranger. Covering her body, she watched as he rolled his eyes.

“Let me guess, he picked out that monstrosity?” Snapping his finger, Eva looked down to see her clothing changed. No longer fluorescent pink, but white silk against her frame. The smooth fabric caressed her nipples unintentionally hardening them. He raised his brow. “Well, that backfired. I was trying to put you in something less distracting, but your body doesn’t want to corporate.” She quickly covered her chest, her cheeks flushed.

“W-what do you want?” She said trying her best to sound angry.

The man laughed. “Either you’re crazy as hell, or you must think you’re dreaming. Most humans would freak out if they met a magical being.”

“I-I guess I’m not most humans then.” Her brazenness temporality caught him off guard causing a smirk to play on his lips.

“No…I guess you aren’t, maybe that’s why they selected you to be my wife.”

Eva’s eyes widened. “Wha-” His hazel eyes danced in amusement at her reaction. “I’m already married.” She said finally.

“Yes, and it’s clear you have very poor taste.”

Eva grimaced. How much had he seen? She fiddled with the ring on her finger. "H-he wasn’t always like that.” The man rolled his eyes.

“I’m sure that he wasn’t. Look, I’m just here because you have something of mine.” Eva took a step back and he chuckled.

“Don’t be so full of yourself. Trust me, I’m not interested.”

His statement though comforting on some levels still stung. She didn’t want to look at him, but she couldn’t help it. He really did look familiar. She watched him fumble around with the objects on her desks. His face hardening as he turned to her again.

“Where’s my book, Eva?”

She didn’t like the way he said her name. It sounded harsh. Evil but sensual at the same time. Eva’s mouth dropped open, his piercing hazel eyes ripping through her core.

“Alaric” She said in a whisper, he smiled devilishly at her.

Making his way to her, his long black coat swayed at his sides, causing Eva to become temporarily dazed. Standing in front of her, he towered over her, his smile not reaching his eyes.

“Very good. Now where the hell is my book?” Eva swallowed hard, before pointing a trembling finger towards her bag. Leaning forward, Alaric whispered in her ear, his breath tickling it making her shiver. "Thank you.” Reaching for the bag, he turned it upside down his book hitting the floor. Alaric bent down and grabbed it and immediately felt the scorch of it to his hand. “FUCK!” He shouted, dropping it. His eyes reddened as he glared at Eva.

“What the hell did you do?”

“I DIDN’T DO ANYTHING!” She screamed back in terror.

“Get over here and pick it up.” Legs like jelly, Eva walked over and picked up the book.

“Open it,” She did as she was told standing in silence as Alaric scanned the pages. She’d written more, and as he read her latest insert he felt his rage boil over.

What Alaric hadn’t realized that in taking her blood into his mouth, he bound them. Sealing their blood together, he tied himself to his vow to protect his new bride. He now belonged to her just as much as she belonged to him. He would not be able to take back his book as it now, as he, belonged to her.

“You little-” He fumed.

Grabbing Eva by the throat, he lifted her off her feet. She didn’t struggle, only closed her eyes which confused him. Pulling her closer, he noticed the bruising around her neck and shoulders. His eyes widened, as he looked to her face seeing her eyes. A single tear fell and she closed them once more. Alaric breathed in deep releasing her.

“Do not write in my book anymore. No matter what inclination you may have. Do you understand?” She nodded slowly.

“I’ll be back.” Eva watched in silence of Alaric saying nothing else, disappeared into the night.

A few days later

Staring at the small scar on her index finger, Eva’s mind wandered all over the place. She wanted so badly to convince herself that it was all a dream. That Alaric wasn’t in her room, that he hadn’t drunk some of her blood or almost killed her. She wanted to blame it on stress, but the book under her fingers forced her to face reality.

“Do not write in my book anymore. No matter what inclination you may have. Do you understand?”

That was all she wanted to do. It called to her like a siren in the night, her head filled with so many thoughts of things that belonged on its pages. Things detailing the murder of her human husband by Alaric, and of the night he’d finally claimed her body as his over and over as she screamed in pure ecstasy. Her face flushed, as she tried to focus back on her monitor. No matter how hard she fought against the thoughts, they continued to push into the forefront of her mind. The way he smelled, his eyes… his lips. Eva was terrified and aroused by him all at the same time.

“This is stupid.” She mumbled in frustration, her heading hitting the desk.

“I call it being horny.” A husky voice filled her ears.

She didn’t want to look up. He’d already effectively embarrassed her the other night, and she didn’t need a refresher.

“I didn’t write in the book.” She murmured out through her hands.

“I know, and that’s not why I’m here. If you remember, I told you I would be back.”

“Thought you meant it like when a guy says he’s going to call but you secretly know that he won’t.” She heard a deep chuckle and finally looked at his face. Still hardened, still angry looking… still extremely attractive. Crossing her legs, she scowled at him. “What do you want now? To choke me again?”

He cleared his throat, “No, and I will never do so again.” He looked at her, and she nodded in understanding at what was unsaid. “Anyway, we find ourselves in a bind. You have my book, and since I drank your blood, I’m bound to you and can’t take it back.”

Eva rolled her eyes. “I’m sure I’m not the only person whose blood you’ve ever drank.”

“No, but you are the only one of them that’s betrothed to me. Consider it an additional perk of the twisted shit my father enjoys doing to me to watch me suffer.”

“Why does he want you to suffer?” Alaric pursed his lips. “None of your concern. I want to make something clear Eva.” He leaned forward, his hazel eyes boring into her. “I am not interested in taking you as a wife, but I will fulfill my vow of protection over you, starting with that piece of shit of a husband of yours.”

Eva fiddled with the ring on her finger, “What do you mean take care of?”

“You know exactly what I mean. I’ll even make an exception and let you write it in the book.”

Eva felt her heart stop. For years she’d wished something happened to Charles so that she would finally be free of him. He’d broken her mentally, physically, and emotionally to the point she cut off almost everyone to avoid the shame. It was easier than to admit how far she’d fallen from that strong woman she once knew. Yet she couldn’t bring herself to cause his death, not when she knew the guilt would eat her alive.

“I don’t want him to die,” she said low.

Alaric blew steam from his nose, "But you have no problem if you do?”

This time she pursed her lips and looked down to the table, "Would you have really killed me the other night?”

"Yes,” The words tore into her. His nonchalant demeanor about taking her life solidified what he’d said before.

“Then why didn’t you?”

“Because I vowed to protect you and I’m bound to my word. Nothing more or less. Human, you truly are in way over your head.” Standing Alaric looked at Eva who eyes continued to stare into the desk, “Write in the book when you grow a spine.”

She glared at him, “Are you calling me weak?”

Alaric huffed under his breath, his face twisted in disgust, “I’m calling you exactly what you've shown me.”

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