A Touch of Pleasure
Eva awakened to find herself in her bed. Charles was nowhere in sight and she rolled her eyes, "Hopefully, he stayed at his mistress's house.” Raising from the bed, she walked to the shower and ran the hot water. She couldn’t get last night off her mind.
Come on, dance with me Little Human
He’d been so gentle. Even the way he looked when she’d thrown him out was uncharacteristic of Alaric's usual behavior. Rubbing her stomach, she felt hot tears in her eyes. Deep inside, she knew he didn’t mean anything outside of concern, but that was a painful part of her life, she wasn’t ready to share with anyone. Letting the water, wash away her tears, Eva quickly exited the shower and got dressed. Heading to the kitchen, she stopped dead as she eyed the large bouquet of tulips and breakfast on the table.
"Good morning baby,” Charles said cheerfully to her. "I made you breakfast and bought you flowers to say I’m sorry.”
Eva didn’t say anything, she knew this song and dance well. It had also become a staple of their marriage. A cycle that he continuously perpetuated when he knew he’d gone too far. She looked down at the counter to see six one-hundred-dollar bills. Walking up, Charles kissed her cheek and Eva tried her hardest not to flinch.
"I’m going to do the grocery shopping; you take this and just relax. Get your hair and nails done, splurge on yourself.”
There was once a time when he’d done things like this, that made Eva think that maybe he did love her. That under the beatings and verbal abuse, there was just a person misunderstood. Yet, she was much wiser now and she knew exactly what he was. She muttered "Thank you,” under her breath, sliding the money off the table. Another thing she learned, was that in these moments he wasn’t asking but telling. "I’ll make an appointment for after work.”
Charles smiled and put her finger under her chin. Immediately, she thought of Alaric and how when he did it, it gave her a different feeling. "I can’t wait to see it.” He said planting a kiss on her lips. He stared into her eyes, "I’m going to change Eva. All the stress at work, I’ve been taking it out on you. That’s not right, I understand.” He caressed her cheek, "I will never hurt you that way again.”
She gritted her teeth hearing yet another lie. Eva stood and grabbed her bag, "I should really get to work.”
He shoved the plate at her, "Eat first.”
She quickly sat and grabbed the fork and started to eat the runny eggs and horribly burnt toast. She tried her best not to vomit while Charles sat across from her and watched.
Alaric took a drag of his cigarette as he watched Eva walk across the square. He’d been with her since last night, hiding in the shadows. Tucking her in after she’d fallen asleep on the floor, he’d stayed until morning making sure her husband wouldn’t touch her. His only time leaving her side being when she took a shower. Alaric tried his hardest to keep his blood from boiling during the display this morning. Raien’s constant reminder kept replaying in his head.
She doesn’t need another brute
He could tell that she’d enjoyed dancing with him, and as much as he hated to admit, he liked learning new things about her. Still, he had so many questions, yet he was finally learning not to push. She’d opened up on her own, just knowing he would listen. He didn’t know after how she reacted last night if she would open up to him again, but he did know he would keep trying now understanding that was the type of protection she truly needed right now.
"You have a phone call Mrs. Wright,” Eva heard through her intercom.
Figuring it was Charles, she quickly picked up.
"Hi, Eva! It’s Mark Haddon here. You know the guy you bumped into.” Eva's breath caught in her throat from shock, "Yes…I remember, what can I do for you?”
"I was wondering if you had lunch plans? I wanted to discuss a business opportunity with you.”
Eva hesitated,"“I-I don’t know about that.”
Mark laughed, "I promise nothing funny. It really is about business. You can pick the place, and we can sit well among the crowd. I want you to feel as comfortable as possible in hopes you will be open to my proposition.”
Eva looked at her calendar realizing she had no more meetings for the day. Against her better judgment, she finally agreed.
"Great! So where would you like to meet?”
"How about Café Au Lait in 20?”
"Perfect, see you then,” he said before hanging up the phone.
Eva exhaled deeply, her nerves creeping in, "It’s lunch about business.” Still, she couldn’t help but worry.
She heard a soft knock on her door, and her body stilled. "Eva are you in there?” She heard Tamera through the door.
“Yeah, come on in Tamera.” Opening her door, Tamera came in smiling wide.
"Sooo…just wondering how Something Wicked is coming?”
Eva fidgeted with her ring. "Actually Tamera, I was thinking about just scrapping the entire book for something a little different.”
Tamera's eyes widened, "NO! YOU CAN’T DO THAT!”
"Why not? What did you do?”
Tamera scratched the back of her neck, "I might have already presented the idea as your next book.”
Racing into the room, Tamera sat across from her, "I’m sorry okay! But let’s face it, Eva, you’ve had writer’s block for a while now. It was nice to see you back to writing, and Something Wicked is hot! Not to mention seeing the model for the cover in person, I’m telling you, he’s just what you needed!”
Eva shut her eyes and rubbed her temples at the statement, "Tamera could you give me a moment please?”
Nodding meekly, Tamera stood and left the office. Eva placed her head on the desk and groaned. She could hear the book calling out to her, begging her to write inside. "NO!” After what she’d written last night, she couldn’t face the words that may turn up today. Sighing, she banged the table hard before grabbing the book. Flipping it open, she saw a new chapter
Chapter 2: A Touch of Pleasure
Her face immediately reddened thinking about what it could mean. "Do I really want to write out an erotic scene between-” She couldn’t even finish the statement. Her thoughts traveling back to being in his arms, and the soft scent of his cologne. Inhaling, she took the pen to the paper.
Her body soft under his fingers, he caressed every inch of her. Lips to hot skin, he kissed each of her breasts, flicking her nipple roughly with his tongue. He planted slow torturous kisses down to her stomach stopping at her thighs. Arching her back, she moaned out his name “Alaric.”
He smirked enjoying the way she reacted to his touch. Running his fangs against her thigh, he dug in deep draining blood from her. Pleasure shot straight to her core, and he could feel her hands run through his hair. He ravished her, her orgasm leaving her nectar on his tongue. “I want you so bad” She murmured, Alaric rose and looked her in her eyes.
“As you wish Drusilla,” he said low before slowly entering her.
Eva shut the book and shoved it back into her bag. Her heart raced, and she placed her hand over her chest and tried to steady her breathing. She didn’t know what she felt. "Who is Drusilla?” She couldn’t process what she’d just written. So, she did the next best thing, she stood and went to lunch.
"Amazing as always,” Drusilla murmured into Alaric’s chest.
Running his hands through her long black hair, he stared at the ceiling confused. He didn’t even remember calling Drusilla, but somehow, they’d began to have sex. Alaric couldn’t explain it, but the entire thing felt wrong. Turning to face her, he spoke, "Dru, do you remember me calling you to come over?”
She scrunched her eyes and nose, "Now that you mention it…”
He felt like he was missing something. If he hadn’t called her, then how did he end up there? Trying his best to remember what he was doing before that, his face ashened realizing that he’d been watching Eva. She’d gone into her office, he’d plan to join her after his cigarette.
"Oh no, no, no.” He said jumping up.
Drusilla laid on the bed. "Let me guess, the human?” Racing to put on his clothes, he gave her an apologetic look. She laughed. "This isn’t going to go well.”
Her words left a feeling of dread in him. Eva knew nothing about Drusilla so that could have only meant one thing. Running from his room, he bumped into Raien.
"Figured you were on your way to see me.”
Alaric grabbed him by the throat. Eyes red, he forced him against the wall, "Why the fuck would you make her write that?”
Raien only smiled, "To give you a little push.” He managed to choke out, "Now will you release me?” Alaric let him go. "That temper of yours.” He said dusting off his clothes.
Alaric cut his eyes, "Why the hell would you make her write about Drusilla?”
"Why do you care?” Raien challenged back. "Is Drusilla not your consort? Weren’t you the one who said you weren’t interested in Eva? So again, I ask, why does it matter if she knows what you do in your spare time?”
Alaric froze, "She didn’t deserve that.”
Raien raised his brow, "Again, why do you care? I wonder, is it about her knowledge of Drusilla that bothers you or more so about the fact she didn’t write that about herself?”
Alaric truly had no response. On some level he knew Raien was right, he shouldn’t care what she thought. "She talked to me last night, really talked to me. It wasn’t long, and I sorta messed it up, but at least we talked.”
Raien folded his arms to his chest, "It’s okay to like her Alaric, she is after all to be your wife...”
He gritted his teeth, "I don’t like her and stop calling her that.”
Raien rolled his eyes, "Then again we find ourselves at my original question. If you don’t like her at all, why do you care?”
Eva sat across from Mark at the café. She didn’t want to be distracted, but she couldn’t help it.
"Are you alright?” He asked for the thousandth time.
"Huh? Yeah, I’m really sorry. My new book has me a little preoccupied.”
He shook his head in understanding, "Your books are just what I wanted to talk to you about, do you know a bookstore named The Corner and Fifth?”
Her eyes lit up, "Yes! That’s my favorite bookstore!”
Mark chuckled, "That’s good to know because my sister-in-law owns it, she’s probably your biggest fan.” Eva's cheeks flushed, "Anyway, I mentioned to her that I ran into you, and she begged me to ask if you would consider doing a book signing in about two weeks?”
Eva fidgeted with her ring, "I-I don’t think that’s a good idea. I haven’t done a public appearance in a while.”
Mark placed his hand over hers, "Well maybe now is a good time to start?” Out of nowhere, his glass of water shattered on the table. "Shit!” Mark shouted standing up.
Eva grabbed a napkin and raced to his side. "Sorry…” She grumbled not realizing she was wiping directly on the front of his pants.
Mark looked up at the sky, "Um Eva…”
She promptly dropped the napkin, "Oh my gosh!” She covered her face in embarrassment.
Laughing Mark patted her shoulders, "I want you to know as friends, I’ll never let you live this down.” His infectious laugh made her laugh, and she began to relax.
"You know what, I’ll do the book signing.” She said chuckling
Charles will be out of town anyway so it’s actually pretty convenient.
Eva could feel the sudden pull of eyes and making a chill go up her body. Turning, she saw Alaric standing against a pole watching her. His long jacket swaying, one booted foot folded over the other. His hazel eyes bore into her and she suddenly felt uncomfortable.
"Hey, would you give me a second? I need to go to the bathroom and take care of this and then we can discuss the details of the signing.” Mark said. Nodding she watched him walk away before turning her attention back to Alaric.
She stormed over to him glaring. "Why the hell did you do that?”
"I don’t like him,” he said rolling his eyes.
"Oh, grow the hell up!”
Alaric raised the brow, temporarily caught by surprise.
Hmmm the Little Human is really pissed.
"Stop being an asshole to Mark, he’s done absolutely nothing to you.”
"Maybe not, but he’s all over you.”
Eva scrunched her face in annoyance, "And? Why do you care?” Alaric tightened his lips and she murmured under her breath, "Fucking hypocrite.”
He folded his arms and stared at her, "What did you say?”
Eva blew steam from her nose, "I need to get back.”
She turned but Alaric grabbed her hand. "Eva, about Drusilla...”
She raised her hand silencing him. "I honestly don’t give a shit.”
The bite in her words, made his eyes darken. "I didn’t say that you did.”
"And yet you felt the need to explain it to me.” She’d closed herself off and it was making Alaric angry.
"More so, making sure there wasn’t any confusion about last night and the status of what’s happening between us.”
Eva scoffed before walking closer to him, "Alaric, you don’t have to worry your pretty little head. I am not interested in you taking me as a wife, but I will allow you to fulfill your vow of protection over me. I completely get it, and I’m in agreement. I DON’T want you here anymore than you want to be here. I DON’T want to have you protect me, any more than you want to be my protection. I DON’T want to be betrothed to you any more than you want to be to me. Yet, here we find ourselves and while I can’t get rid of you, any more than you can get rid of me, I can ask you to please leave me the fuck alone.”