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Chapter 2 - What Megan Forgot.

"Mum... Who's pregnant?"

Megan asked nervously and her mother gave her a knowing look.

"Well... Who does it look like sweetie? I'm way past my childbearing days."

Megan's mouth gaped in shock as she stared at her mother, then David and then back to the doctor who looked like he was enjoying the drama.

"How? Is it Nick's?"

She asked. Oh Nick was going to be so mad that they had been careless enough to have a baby. They had been so careful about everything!

She thought as she imagined what he would be going through just thinking about the fact that she was pregnant.

Maybe that was why he wasn't in the hospital. Because he was mad and angry that she was pregnant.

Oh she had to call him! She was just as angry too.

She thought as she looked around for her phone.

"Will you stop mentioning his name for Christ's sakes."

Roman snapped and Megan shot him a nasty look. Who was he anyways? And why was she texting him that she was pregnant. What the hell happened?

"How much does she exactly not remember?"

He asked as he turned to the doctor and the doctor shrugged.

"Three weeks I think."

He replied. The same moment, the guy named Anthony walked in with a smile on his face and Roman groaned when he saw him.

"Wait! Wait! Can someone explain to me what's going on? Why are all this strange men in here!"

She cried out and suddenly felt a sharp pain on her head.


She cried out in pain and her mother rushed to her side.

"Okay! Okay! Can you all leave please? Mrs Andrews needs some time alone. She needs rest."

The doctor warned and Roman immediately started protesting.

"I need to talk to her! She needs to explain what's going on to me too. I just need to know if the baby's mine."

The doctor nodded.

"I assure you Mr Harrington. Mrs Andrews will contact you when she's feeling better."

Anthony waved at Megan.

"I'll see you later Megan. I'll check up on you tomorrow okay!"

He said and Megan groaned.

Who the hell was he?

She turned to her mum who was patting her head lovingly.

"Don't worry about everything baby. Just calm yourself."

She said softly and Megan nodded.


Megan asked and her mother turned to look at her

"Am I really pregnant?"

Megan asked with a scared voice and her mother sighed.

"Yes. Yes, you are Megan."

After an hour Megan's mother Elise came out after putting her daughter to sleep. So far, she was exhausted, she had been packing for a trip when she received a call from a strange man named Anthony who said her daughter Megan was in the hospital. As if that wasn't bad enough, he claimed she was pregnant too.

Pregnant! She didn't have the faintest idea what her daughter was going through, but she could tell she was going through a lot. Especially with the breakup and job loss.

She met Anthony still in the hallway waiting. She deemed him to be a nice guy, she thought as she noticed his curly ginger coloured hair.

He had stayed all through despite her telling him to leave. She was still a bit sceptical about him, she didn't know anything about him but he claimed to be Megan's friend and he could possibly be the father of her baby.

That is, if Megan could even remember who the father was.

Oh! What a mess! She thought as she cringed.

"She's sleeping now."

She said as she stood in front of Anthony and he nodded.

"Yes, I figured. What are we going to do now?"

He asked and Elise scoffed.

"We?" She exclaimed and Anthony looked confused.

"Well... We're going to help her remember won't we?"

Elise shrugged.

"She only lost three weeks of her memory. I think she'll be fine. Besides I left her a note."

"What? B.. But how will she remember?"

Elise waved her hand away.

"She only lost three weeks. She'll be fine! And the doctor said in a few days she'd be able to remember since her CT scans came back positive."

"Oh.. Okay."

" see I have to go."

Elise said with a small smile and Anthony's jaw dropped.

"Go where? Your daughter is in the hospital!"

Elise winced.

"Yes. I know I know. But you see my boyfriend and I already got all expense paid trips to Tahiti and I haven't been on a trip in years. I'm not missing this because of Megan."

Her mother said as she searched into her purse and brought out her daughter's phone and handed it to a dumbstruck Anthony.

"Here. Give this to her when she wakes up."

"Wait! Are you seriously just leaving!"

Elise paused for a while and nodded.

"Yes. Yes I am."

"With me? You're leaving her with me?"

Anthony asked and Elise rolled her eyes.

"Well.. She's not exactly an invalid. And in a few days she'd be back to normal. And you, well you don't look like you can harm a fly."

"And you might even be the father of her baby!"

Elise added as she started walking away and Anthony followed her nervously.

"Wait! Who's going to tell her about her ex boyfriend?"

"It's all in the note I left for her. I really can't talk anymore Anthony. I don't want to miss my flight."

"Mrs Andrews!"

"Tell Megan I love her!"

She said as she blew a kiss and disappeared into the open elevator.

"Unbelievable." Anthony muttered underneath his breath.


Three weeks earlier.

11th of April, Saturday. 2.05pm.

"No, of course I can't. Tomorrow is Nick and I's second anniversary and I plan to make it perfect."

"Ugh! I'm so jealous. You guys are so cute together. So, do you want the reservations or not?"

Matilda asked over the phone and Megan groaned. She had put in a lot of thought for the perfect anniversary gift but there was a voice in her head that kept telling her she might be doing a little bit too much.

Not to mention she was planning on spending her savings on planning an elaborate dinner plus a night at the Four seasons hotel. Yes, it was a lot. But Nick had been such a great boyfriend and he had been so helpful when she had been going through a lot. It was the least she could do.

"Oh yes. I want it, with the discount too please. Oh God."

Megan murmured as she walked through the men's aisle looking for Nick's favourite cologne.

"And you? What do you think he's going to get you?"

Matilda asked and Megan smirked. She had been waiting for the question.

"Oh I don't know. I think he's going to pop the question. He was asking me about what I thought about our future the other day and I don't know he never asks that so I think he's thinking of a future with me."

Megan gushed out and Matilda squealed.

"Are you serious? He looks like he's ready. Have you found a ring though? Do you know what anniversary gift he's going to be getting you?"

"Honestly Matilda, I have no freaking idea. I mean, whatever he's got planned he's hiding it so well! And it's making me so excited?"

"Awwwn! Me too. I'll make the reservations and I'll slip in that discount you've been asking about."

"Thank you so much Matilda! You're a darling! Damn! I can't wait."

Megan ended the call beaming with excitement. She couldn't wait to see the reaction on Nick's face when she gave him his anniversary gift.

She had been planning and saving up for their anniversary gift for months. Even if it meant taking money that she was going to use for her new apartment and using it to pay for an expensive night at a five star hotel. She really didn't mind.

She just wanted to make Nick as happy as he had made her.

She tried her best friend Camille's number again. The call went through but she wasn't answering. She wondered what was going on with her. They had not talked in days.

Megan left the store moments later after she couldn't find Nick's favourite cologne.

She originally planned to go back to her apartment but then decided last minute to drop by at Nick's place. Even though he had told her he was not going to be home because he had to work even though it was a weekend.

She wanted to search his apartment. If there was any truth to what Matilda said, if Nick was really planning to propose, she had to see the ring. She couldn't contain her excitement. She had to know so she wouldn't get her hopes up.

His door was unlocked, which was weird because Nick was always serious with security. And it had taken ages for him to give her an extra key because he always feared she would lose it or something.

As far as neatness, Nick's apartment was far from clean. It was one thing Megan was always complaining about. She hated the fact that he was too comfortable leaving stuff around. And he always called her a neat freak because she was always complaining.

She walked towards his sofa and picked up his suit jacket.

"Would it kill you to clean up Nick?"

She muttered under her breath as she picked up a few more items.

But there was one item she didn't recognise.

It was a purse. A lady's purse.

And it was certainly not hers.

She picked up the purse with shaky hands. What was it doing here?

And where was Nick?

She thought as she started walking towards the bedroom angrily.

She grew increasingly aware of the sounds she could hear.

She forced the door open with rage and the sight she saw shocked her.

Her best friend Camille and Nick in bed.

"Megan... I can explain."

Nick said as he scrambled to his feet and Camille hid underneath the sheets in shame.

To think she thought he was going to propose.

Megan thought as she chuckled.

She had been so foolish.

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