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Chapter 3 - Expect the Unexpected.

"Anthony... What are you saying?"

Megan asked again and Anthony sighed.

"Well... Let me start from the beginning then."

Megan nodded in agreement.

"Well, we met in a bar. Three weeks ago..."

"When was it?"

"Oh! It was a Thursday I think. You were drunk and the barman was complaining about how you wouldn't stop asking him for shots."

Anthony chuckled but Megan didn't find it funny. She wasn't a regular drinker. She didn't go to bars. The last bar she had gone to, she had gone with Nick and that was about a month ago. Nick puked so hard after drinking too much and she had sworn they weren't going back there. What could have made her go to the bar?

Had she suffered from a sort of crisis or did Nick convince her to go?

She really couldn't fathom why and she didn't think Anthony knew either.

"And we started talking. I was drunk too if you must know. We danced on the dance floor and we ended up in your apartment "

"My apartment?"

Megan exclaimed and Anthony nodded.

"What were you doing in my apartment?"

Anthony shrugged. He looked like he was shy. Too shy to even go through details. Well, from the look on his face she could already guess what had happened between them.

"Well. We had sex if you must know. And we met a couple of times after that but nothing really happened. We only went out for a few drinks."

"Did we use protection?"

Megan asked and Anthony shrugged.

"Well... You said something about being on the pill and also taking shots and I wasn't with a condom..."

"Oh God!"

Megan murmured  as she face palmed herself. How could she be so stupid?

She was occasionally on the pill but sometimes she forgot to take the pill. She must have forgot. Or she should have gotten the shot like Camille had suggested.

And where was Camille too?

For someone who was her best friend, she certainly didn't come visit her.

And nobody was telling her about Nick either. Did he even know she was in the hospital?

"So we had unprotected sex? Did I even tell you that I was dating someone? Did I mention that?"

Anthony shook his head.

"No. You didn't mention anything like that. And even when I met you for drinks you avoided the topic like the plague."

"But it seems like the other guy would know if you were. He seemed to be very pissed off you wouldn't stop mentioning a guy named Nick."

"Oh! The angry one?"

Anthony chuckled.

"Yes, the angry one. His name is Roman by the way."

"Do you know him?"

Megan asked and Anthony shook his head.

"No, I don't. But you seem to think he might be the father of the baby too."

"Oh God!"

She muttered underneath her breath. And my mother, she left to go on a trip to Tahiti?"

"Yes. That bit is true. Have you read her note?"

"No, I'm too mad to even look at it."

"You should. She said it'll help you see things clearer."

Megan eyed the note and looked away quickly. She was too confused to even think properly.

Pregnant? How the hell was it even possible?

She asked herself as she looked at Anthony again. It made no sense, she had been so careful with everything. A baby was not in her plans, not in the next ten years. She still had so much she wanted to do, so much she wanted to try out and a few nights of irresponsibility and drinking had ruined it.

Or so it seemed, she thought as she stared at Anthony who gave her a small smile.

Anthony Russo was fit. Even with his modest clothing, Megan could spot a lean athletic build beneath his clothing. He was also tall, taller than the average man. His face also told of a lean body beneath his nerdy garb and his expression was serious but not unkind. She couldn't decide if his hair was ginger or coppery red. But it stood out against his still youthful pale skin splattered with freckles.

"Can you give me some privacy please?"

She pleaded after a few moments and he nodded.

"Yes. Sure I would."

He paused as if he was going to say something before turning back to her.

"I gotta go. Maybe I'll see you later?"

"Okay. Thank you so much."

"Yes. We have a lot to talk about. The doctor said he'll let you go after another check up. I'll call you. About the baby and all."

He murmured and Megan nodded.

"Yea. Sure."

She watched as Anthony walked out and she placed a shaky hand on her belly. If Anthony was at least the father of her baby, she didn't mind, he seemed to be a pretty nice and responsible guy.

But the other one, the rude one who called himself Roman, she could only imagine how stressful it would be co parenting with him.

A baby! She really couldn't wrap her head around the concept. A baby was the last thing on her mind. It didn't even have anything to do with relationships or any but she had never once before thought about the possibility of being  mother.

She looked at the bedside table which had her personal items and also the note her mother left her. She frowned again wondering just how selfish her mother was.

Leaving her in the middle of all the mess she was in to spend a week in bikinis with some surfer she met on a dating site barely a month ago.

"Well... At least now I have a reason to put her in a nursing home when she's old."

She murmured as she picked up the note. For a note that supposedly claimed that it would help her remember a few important things, it was brutally short.

With the whole mess and shenanigans going on in her life, she didn't expect it to be so short.

But of course it seemed like her mother had more pressing needs to attend to than going into details for her dearest and only child.

The note read:

Hey Sweetie, I know a lot of things on this note will come as a shock to you, but don't worry about it. You'll be fine. You and Nick broke up three weeks ago. And you lost your job shortly after that. And I also think your rent has expired. And by the way, Roman and Anthony both claim to be the father of your baby and I don't think you're sure who it is either, but I guess you were hoping to find out after a DNA test. Well, I have to go to Tahiti with Oliver. I know you'll come around soon enough. Love you.

"I can't believe it..."

She said as she muttered underneath her breath. She didn't know what to be angry about, the fact that she and Nick broke up or the fact that she lost her job. Why did she lose her job???

She was doing so great! And also waiting for her promotion!

How many things in her life did she screw up in just three weeks?!!!

She asked herself in dismay as the note dropped from her hands.

Three weeks later.

11th of April 8:42pm Saturday.

"Drink with me?"

Megan asked the tall dark and brooding stranger that was sitting next to her. He gave her a small smile as he watched her. Gods, he was handsome, Megan thought as she stared at his mesmerising blue eyes. She always loved blue eyes, too bad she had been cursed with unremarkable brown eyes that looked like the colour of poop. Her own mother had said that once.

"Sure, what are we drinking to?"

He replied as she scooted closer a bit. She loved the sound of his voice, so deep, so masculine, oh it was so sexy.

It was way too early for her to be fantasising about a guy she just met, at least not after what Nick just did.

But she didn't care. He was freaking hot and he was next to her drinking.

"I don't know. Life?"

She asked trying very hardly to avoid her breakup issue. She didn't want him to pity her.

"So, you look like a whisky man."

She added as she signalled the bartender. The man smiled.

"Isn't that a little too strong for you to be drinking?"

He asked pointing to her Gin Martini and Megan shrugged.

"I like it a little strong."

The man chuckled.

"Well... If you can't hold your drink down, it's going to knock you out pretty fast."

He warned but Megan ignored him. The bartender stood in front of them waiting for their order and Megan brought her drink to her lips and smiled. He was watching her every move and she revelled in his attention.

"Whisky on the rocks for the gentleman please."

She said in the most sultry voice she could soberly muster.

"Thank you."

"It's Roman by the way."

He said as he stretched his hand out and Megan took it in hers.


"Nice to meet you Roman."

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