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Chapter 4 - Drunk Megan.

Three weeks ago.

Twelfth of April. 10: 08pm Saturday

Megan and Roman were both laughing when she slumped onto the floor of the bar. Roman rushed to her side, hastily picking her up.  Smoke billowed and eddied around her and through the dark room echoed inebriated songs. She could barely even hear the sound of her own breathing.

Her throat felt dry and scratchy. There wasn't much she could remember. Except for the fact that she had a good time drinking with Roman. And often times than not he had tried to stop her from drinking. He apparently seemed to look way sober than her seeing as he was more organised and was able to effortlessly lift her up when she couldn't even balance properly on her two feet.

He asked her a few questions and she hazily recounted her home address and surrendered her purse to him. Barely few minutes later he paid for their tab and whisked her away from the bar. She was a light drinker, she wondered why she failed to mention that, but she did have too much to drink already...

And she felt bad for burdening the stranger she only met about an hour ago with the task of taking her home.

She felt strangely stupid.

And very irresponsible.

Megan was pretty docile as they drove to her house, and luckily her nosy neighbours weren’t home so she wouldn’t have to worry about them seeing she was piss drunk.

He scrambled out the car and carried her up all the way to her apartment; he managed to fish out her house keys from one of the many pockets on her  jacket and unlocked the door. They made their way clumsily upstairs and into Megan’s room. Unthinkingly Megan collapsed onto the bed with an exhausted sigh and began to doze off.

"Megan hold on, at least take off your shoes and jacket first."

He said sitting beside her and unzipping her coat. She groaned reluctantly and forced herself into a sitting position,

"If you wanted to see me naked all you have to do is ask."

She spoke unexpectedly clear and coherent, and raspier than usual.

"Trust me I don’t."

Roman answered calmly.

An obvious lie.

Megan flashed him one of her signature half smiles that Nick used to love and shifted closer to him,

"You smell so good," she paused to draw in his cologne.

"Really good."

Roman was trying very hard not to get sidetracked at their close proximity, but he couldn’t help it.

Megan Andrews was a beautiful woman, but he wouldn't take advantage of her, he was at least a bit sober and she was roaringly drunk.

He had trued to stop her from taking so many martinis but it was almost as if she was determined to get drunk.

"You’re drunk."

He said dismissing her statement as he reached down and undid her boots. She smiled and inclined in again, snuffling the crook of her neck.

"And you’re so warm," she rested her forehead on his shoulder and she felt his arms drape around her lower body.

She sighed deeply, her shoulders unfolding as she relaxed his entire body against him.

"You feel so nice."

Megan said, causing Roman to shudder at the softness of her voice against him. He bit down on his bottom lip gently, and removed her arms from around him.

"Megan, lay down, you need some sleep."

He insisted. Her smiled faded, her expression grew deep. Her eyes stared intently back at Roman, examining me; surveying him.  Her eyes travelled down to his lips; slowly Roman reached forward and pushed away loose strands of her hair.

She bit her lips slowly, loving the feel of his fingers grazing her face.

"I have to go."

Roman whispered and Megan broke out of her reverie.

She watched him stand up slowly and started walking towards the door. She looked around her empty room and she started to remember the events that happened in the afternoon.

She broke into a sob and Roman turned instinctively.

"Please don't go."

She whispered and that was all he needed to hear.

Present Day.

"You're free to go."

The Doctor said and Megan's eyes widened in shock.

"But... I don't remember anything yet. I can't leave now..."

"Yea... But everything is fine with you. The swelling on your head will go down and soon enough you'll remember what happened."

"How soon?"

Megan questioned and the doctor sighed in annoyance.

"Well... It depends. In most cases it could be in a few days. For some maybe a few weeks or some months."

"What?! Can't you give me something to help me remember or what?"

She groaned and the doctor shook his head.

"I can't help you with that. But your concussion doesn't seem that serious. You should be able to remember in a few days."

The doctor reassured her and Megan felt a bit calm. Her memory could come back in a few days, it just had to.

"In the meantime, I'll prescribe some drugs for you. And I'll also refer you to another doctor in the OB/GYN ward."

"You just have to sign a few papers and you're free to go."

The doctor said as he handed her a clipboard with a pen.

She signed it and the doctor smiled at her and left.

What now?

She asked herself as she looked around.

Now she was all on her own and alone. No Nick, no job and a baby added to the mix.

She decided as she walked to the bathroom to freshen up that the first person she was going to see was Nick.

She needed to know exactly why the broke up. Since it seemed nobody was going to helped her answer that.

And she also needed to know why she was fired. Did she do something wrong?

The first place Megan had decided to stop the minute she left the hospital was the place she worked, The Ink Co. She had originally wanted to go to Nick's but she was still angry that he had not reached out.

Maybe seeing him first wasn't such a good idea.

"Why can't I come in?"

She asked as she stood in from of the receptionist office with a frown on her face.

Martha the receptionist looked angry at her.

"Because you're not allowed in here that's why! Bosses orders!"

"Martha... But it's me... I work here remember? I just need to see Greg for a minute."

Megan said in dismay. Why was Martha trying to stop her? She knew she was fired but it didn't mean she couldn't stop by.

Martha sighed.

"And I'm telling you, you can't see him."

"After what you did... You should be happy he didn't do more than get you fired."

"What did I do?"

She asked innocently and Martha rolled her eyes.

"The nerve of you to ask me such a question."

She muttered underneath her breath and continued typing on her computer.


Megan pleaded but she didn't even as much as spare her a glance.

"Megan! What the hell are you doing here?"

Sarah her coworker whispered as she dragged her out of the hobby and into the hallway. Sarah looked appalled to see her.

"If Gregory sees you here.. He might call the police. You have to leave"

"Leave? I need your help Sarah, please."

Megan pleaded and Sarah looked around nervously before finally caving in.

"Come with me."

She muttered underneath her breath.

In the ladies bathroom, Megan was able to narrate what had happened to her in the past few weeks. She left the pregnancy bit out though.

"Wait... You can't remember anything?"

"Yes. Three weeks of my memory is gone."

Sarah chuckled.

"I think it's for the best. I mean... I'm pretty sure if you remembered you'd be horrified."

"But I came here to at least figure out what I did. Maybe Gregory will be able to give me my job back. Because I really need it now."

Sarah shook her head.

"Yea... I don't think that'll ever happen. But I can tell you what happened."

"Okay, please tell me."

Megan said eagerly and Sarah nodded.

"Okay, brace yourself. Some of the things I'm about to tell you sounds pretty much not like your evil doppelganger but trust me, it is you."

"Okay. I'm listening. "

Megan said bracing herself for the worst.

"Well... It was a Thursday, you came to work late and drunk."

Sarah sighed.

"The only issue was that Gregory's girlfriend was around waiting for him and you know how Sapphire can be, I don't know what she said to rattle you but you guys got into a pretty heated conversation and she poured coffee on you and you slapped her. Gregory walked in at that moment."

Megan's jaw dropped.

Everyone in the office knew Sapphire, Gregory's spoilt narcissistic girlfriend. For some reason she liked to come to the office and for an even weirder reason she liked to torment Megan's life.

Whatever happened to her between them, Megan was hundred percent sure Sapphire started it. But of course, Gregory was too blinded by love to see it.

"Well... As you can guess, Sapphire started the waterworks, threatening to sue and all, saying you threatened her and you kind of made it all worse when you got into a screaming match with Gregory."

"We were all rooting for you... But the boss was so angry and he said you were fired. After that we were all warned that you should never be let into the office again."

Megan shook her head wearily.

She was in a lot of mess.

"Do you know what happened after then?"

Sarah shrugged.

"I didn't. You were pretty pissed off, you didn't even leave with anything. You just walked out of the office."

"We had to mail your stuff back to your house with your severance check."

"What's going on with you Megan? Is this about Nick?"

She asked and Megan shrugged.

"I don't even know. Did I tell you what happened?"

Sarah shook her head.

"No, you didn't."

"Thank you Sarah."

Megan murmured.

Well, after finding out that she was the sole reason why she lost her Job, she was very concerned about her behaviour. She wasn't an alcoholic, no Megan didn't drink as much as normal people did. But for some reason, all everyone around her had been able to tell her about the last three weeks she couldn't remember was that she was drunk and erratic.

She had to talk to Nick.

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