Chapter I: Sold Like Cattle
Pain pulsed through my skinny breakable arms as the chains yanked me forward. I gritted my teeth and squinted as the sun beat on my face. My heart pulsed hard, I could feel it on my neck. I tried to flick my fiery red hair out of my face. Truth be told. It was box dyed. However, when I was literally kidnapped from the year 2020 and transported to this hell hole, it became permanent. Or that was what the Time Travellers said anyhow.
Now they were hearding about twenty of us to a certain stall, where we were to be sold like cattle. We started with fifty, but we were the only ones who survived the training. Which made us the cursed ones, apparently. That is also what the Time Travelers said. However, no pity or remorse shone in their eyes. Why would there be? We came from the past. We were non-relevant to the future. That stung me too. But not as much as the terror that the moment they took me, my life was officially and eternally over.
"My eyes hurt," the girl behind me whimpered. I didn't disagree. The sun's rays were sharp, and seemed to burn my skin. My fingers were chapped and scarfed as I lifted them up to shield me from the frightening rays. I could barely make out anything, including what was right in front of me. However, the place reeked of oils, cow-manure, cheese and hay. It was strange. Very much like the farmer's market's I used to visit.
As I finally was able to see, I took careful steps up the wooden platform. Someone was yammering numbers. An auction. Evidently. I guess humanity has lost their morals in the future. A few gasps echoed as soon as I was brought to the front. I guess it must be the hair. I stared at the audience, insconspicously of course. I wasn't allowed to meet their eyes. All of their hair was natural, brown, blondes and black. I must be unique. That was why the Time-Travelers took special care to keep me alive.
"Red-haired beauty, she shall be cast at a higher price of 40 thousand Endors..." the man stated.
"We've got a bidder! Anyone for 50? 50 it is? Ah...and here is our sixty!"
I swallowed hard as the numbers and the man droned on. My throat was parched and dry, and my stomach grumbled. I just wished this whole nightmare would end. But it didn't it wouldn't. Because none of this was a dream. I have been wishing to wake up the moment I was taken. Eventually over time, I knew I was stuck in this all-consuming nightmare.
"Sold! To our faithful returning customers, the Monroe family!"
I cursed internally. If they were always returning, it meant they had a reputation of killing their servants. I was doomed.
But no, I will survive this. I will find my way home, back to my family. Or at least, I would try.
The Time Master yanked my chain and pulled me off the sketchy creaking platform. My feet lightly landed on the muddy grass. I watched as he handed the chain and key to a woman. I glanced to observe her quickly. She had blonde tied up hair, wore a white jewelled dress, and wrinkled face. She pursed her lips disdainfully at me, before she motioned one of the men following her to take my chain.
I followed behind as nimbly as I could, but I gripped my hands tightly. Before I knew it, a whip came into contact with my hands and I squealed in pain. Blood started dripping from my fingers.
"Don't grip your hands...you might fight or hide something," the man hissed who was holding the whip. My eyes watered. And he struck me in the face. I gasped and looked at him.
"Madam hates crying...you would be wise to learn quick and fast...if you are to survive..." the man hissed at me again. He was built big, with a looped whip now at his side, and a gun in the other. I guess he must have been some kind of bodyguard? Either way, I immediately knew I hated him. And to steer clear of him as far as I could. My hand was bleeding and my face throbbed.
He led me into a carriege. Which was really strange. I only ever saw these things in the movies. A part of me wondered what had happened to cars and vehicles. However, my thoughts were cut short as I was slapped in the back of the head.
"Too slow!" the man snapped again.
"Mormen, I want her in one piece," Madam Monroe spoke. "Otherwise you'll have to deal with Dimitri."
The man I now came to learn as Mormen's face paled. "My deepest apology Madam. I had no idea she was meant for him."
My mind raced at this. Who the hell was Dimitri, and how terrifying was he if this Mormen guy paled at the mention of his name?
I guess I was destined to survive a week, if not less.
I savoured every sweet moment of peace I had while in the dark carriage. Albeit there were many bumps and cracks, and a sore lack of seatbelts, for the first time in weeks, I could actually just sit still. I rubbed my bleeding hands and closed my eyes. Everything was so dark. Bleak. I could not even wonder what my family was thinking. Because how on earth could they even think of rescuing me...if I was taken to the future? There was no hope in that matter. But I refused to let go of the thought that all was lost. I was the eternal optimist as a child, now I needed that optimissim more than ever. It was the only thing that would help me survive.
I took a deep breath, the leather scent coming in as a comfort. My face still throbbed, and I waited in dread and apprehension to meet my new master. I would have to apply all the training I had learned and fast. Luckily I was blessed with a good memory, and a good head on my shoulders. I opened my eyes and looked through the carriage window. Sure enough, we had arrived. I gawked at the large building looming ahead. It looked like a castle. I suppose it was. Tall towers erected, guards patrolling on the walls. Multiple windows peering out like savage eyes to a little lamb. It was going to be a nightmare to learn how to navigate through everything. But I will learn. I'd have to. getting lost could potentially cost me my life.
The carriage came to a halt, and the doors opened. I squinted at the sunlight again, but was sure to quickly jump out before they could tug me to the ground.
"We got a new one for ya," Mormen spoke. I looked up to see a dark, bald man staring at me. He lacked an eye, and scars riddled his open chest and back like a chopping board. He gave me one quick glance, before turning to Madam Monroe.
"She is for Dimitri...a gift to recompense for the last one," Madam spoke and I swallowed. What happened to the last one? However, a big part of me did not want to know.
"Where on this earth did you get a red-head, Madam?" the man asked.
"Nathan, that is my secret and my secret alone...besides, she cost a fortune and a half... Dimitri better be grateful...where is he?" Madam asked him.
Nathan glanced at me again then back at Madam. His deep voice rumbled as he said, "He went hunting. He should return soon."
"Well, get her ready and presentable for dinner," Madam motioned to me before strolling off with Mormen. I rubbed my hands together to stop it from shaking. I bit my lip till it hurt before glancing back at Nathan.
His face softened. "I am not going to ask for names...your kind does not last long here...on my behalf...I am very sorry."
I took a deep breath. I wanted to cry. These were the first kind words spoken to me since I had been snatched to the future. However, dreadful they may be. "I understand..." I whispered softly.
"Come, let's get you cleaned up...considering it's midday, I can get Jane to give you a tour..." Nathan motioned me to follow him, not even bothering to pick up my chain. I guess he knew that I wouldn't run. Which of course I wouldn't. Not yet any way. Physically I was too weak.
I followed him into what seemed to be a servant's quarters, but as soon as the sickly sweet smell of blood struck me, I wanted to gag. People were scurrying around, and Nathan lead me to a quieter room. There was a single solitary bath.
"Jane will get you a towel and your uniform...there is soap there, and make sure to scrub clean...Madam doesn't like dirty servants..."
"And Dimitri?" I asked numbly.
Nathan growled at me and I jumped. "His name is Master Monroe to you...and if you ever mention his name out loud like that again, I will have you flogged."
I nodded, biting my lip again. I guess even Nathan had his limits.
"Be ready in twenty minutes." He left the room, closed and locked the door. I walked to the bath tub, and to my delight, it looked normal. I turned on the taps, but to my dismay the water was freezing. I will have trouble during winter that was for sure. However, right now, I was happy just to be able to bath. The water soothed my aching muscles and snapped me into reality. I was really here, in a castle, as a servant. My thoughts wandered to the show Merlin and Downton Abbey. However, I'm sure a lot of it was romanticized and a real life situation was far more grim.
My life was most certainly not a fairy tale.