Chapter VII: Into The Woods
Truth be told, my thighs and butt have never been so stiff and sore in my entire life. I was used to a similar feeling after a vigorous go with the bicycle, but after at least good five to six hours on the horse, it starts to make it's presence very well known.
However, I was still on the horse as we were journeying through a woody trek. I already scratched hunting from the possible list. A part of me thought they were taking me into the woods to get rid of me, but then why not simply do it at home? So I came to the conclusion that Dimitri and his brother were going to visit someone or something...either or, I hope it wasn't too far.
I took the time to look around, glancing at the dense thick brushes. I spotted a fawn once scamper off, and couldn't help but smile. I glanced to see Dimitri looking in the same direction. Evidently he had spotted it too, but returned his gaze back to the front. Eventually Damien rode past me and took his place next to Dimitri. Evidently growing bored of the quiet journey. However, I did not mind. Not being addressed, talked to, or required to speak made my life less complicated, and less likely for me to get into trouble.
We reached a darker, more dense part of the forest. My horse's ears flattened and I glanced around. This place was dark and creepy. I thought I heard a twig snap, but then it probably was my overactive imagination. The trees grew far more dense, and I noted we were walking in a dip. A river was roaring nearby and the birds started to sing a little louder. I looked up to see a dark patch up in the trees. For a moment, I could have sworn it appeared to be a human and I let out a small squeal.
"Keep that going and I'll cut off your tongue," Damien spoke to me. I looked at Dimitri who was staring at me, and my eyes led back to the dark figure. He seemed to follow my gaze, and my heart jumped as Dimitri snatched his gun and fired at the figure. A scream echoed and dropped down.
I guess it was a bloody person after all.
"Ambush! Dimitri yelled. Just then another figure leapt and pounced on Dimitri, causing him to fall off his horse. Mine bucked and I fell flat on my back. I was knocked out of breath for a few seconds, unable to move in all the commotion. Eventually, I forced myself to jump up, but two arms grabbed me and started dragging me way from Dimitri.
"You're gonna make a fine snack for us men tonight," the man whispered. I grunted. This was not Damien, nor was it Dimitri.
I guess it gave me freedom to fight back? I stomped my heel on his foot and the man howled. My elbow drove back into his stomach as he keeled over I struck his ears with my flat palms. He fell back, clutching his ears in extreme pain. I myself was thankful for the self-defence lessons my father had signed me up for. It may have been a different century, but some tricks still worked.
I bolted in the other direction, back towards Dimitri. The leaves slapping my face, and the noise of their fighting bertaying their location. However as I came into view, I saw the assailant was on top of Dimitri. He had the upper hand, and Damien was nowhere to be found. For a sudden split second, I came to the realization. This was my perfect opportunity to escape. No one would pursue me, and Dimitri was probably as good as dead.
But a deep thick weight filled in my heart. Dimitri did not let me die in the pit. I couldn't let him die here. I glanced around for a weapon, and found a heap of sharp rocks on the edge of tree. I grabbed one of them and made careful aim to the head of the assailant. I swung.
The assailant fell forward as the rock hit it's mark, and I saw Dimitri take control of the situation.
I then decided to run. Away. As far as my feet could take me.
My days of slavery were over...or that is what I hope at least.