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~Alexiana's POV~

The next morning, the sun was shining on my face, making me groan and waking me up. I sat up from my bed for a moment, yawning and rubbing my eyes.

I sighed and slowly got out of bed, dragging my feet to my bathroom to take a shower.

I turned the shower nozzle on to the warmest setting - not too hot and not too cold, letting the bathroom steam up a bit. While I was waiting for the water to warm up, I brushed my teeth, took off my PJs and hopped into the shower.

The warm water wetting my hair and body, feels very good and relaxing; it is one of the best ways to wake up in the morning.

While I was in my own thoughts, I realized today is Saturday and it's Carson's birthday; he turns eighteen today and he gets to find his mate.

You see, us werewolves do not shift and feel our wolves until we are fifteen years old.

If we were younger, our bodies would not be able to endure the excruciating pain of our bones breaking and realigning itself from our human bodies to our wolves.

Furthermore, we would not be able to find our mates until we turn eighteen years old because we are supposed to be more mentally mature to comprehend the importance of having a mate and the strength of the mate bond it can get.

Honestly, there is some that are just plain stupid and rejects their mate; breaking their bond without a care in the world and some with no remorse.

It is mainly the she-wolves that are being rejected.

Some she-wolves manage to find a way to move on with their lives and end up finding their second chance mates. However, the others commit suicide because the pain from the rejection gets too painful, especially when their destined mate is having an affair with another.

On top of that, the so-called destined mate feels the most excruciating pain ever from the bond severed completely; the pain is five times worse than shifting for the first time.

Now, if you do not know what a mate is, then I will explain it further.

A mate is short for soul mate and your other half; they are destined to be with you until death do you part.

You could tell if that person is your mate by their scent.

Your mate's scent is the most delicious scent you will ever smell because it is so intoxicating and you just cannot get enough. Their scent makes your wolf go wild and will try to take control to complete the mate bond.

The mate bond is the pull you feel for your mate; if you ignore the bond, it gets stronger. The mate bond will get stronger to the point where neither you nor your mate will be able resist each other.

Another thing about mates is that, your mate is supposed to love you, care for you, protect you and your future pups. Your mate is supposed to pick you back up if you fall and dry your tears away. Your mate is supposed to encourage you to be the best person you can ever be. Your mate is supposed to acknowledge you as their equal, not below them.

Anyways, after I was done in the shower, I got out, towel-dried my hair and body, I put on my black lacey bra and panty.

I walked out of my bathroom, head towards my walk-in closet and picked out a ripped jean shorts with a light pastel pink sleeveless crop top with the moon phases going in a semicircle and the words MOON CHILD in the middle and for shoes, I just put on my high top converse.

When I was finished getting dressed, I went back to the bathroom to blow-dry my hair and let my hair cascade down to the middle of my back.

As for my make-up, I just put on my eyeliner, mascara and my nude-colored matte lip-gloss. I did a quick look over, liking my outfit and make up.

I walked out of my bathroom for the second time, grabbing my phone from my nightstand, trotting out of my bedroom and down the stairs to the kitchen for breakfast.

As I walked into the kitchen, I saw my mom at the stove cooking some scrambled eggs with sausage links, hash browns, and chocolate chip pancakes.

The kitchen smells so good.

"Good morning sweetie, breakfast will be done shortly." Greeted my mom as she turned her head towards me and smiled.

I smiled back looking towards her and said "good morning mom, the food smells really good."

"Thank you, sweetie." My mom replied happily.

However, I noticed that my dad and Carson are not here in the kitchen or in the dining room; as if my mom could read my mind, she said, "Carson is in the office with your father, they'll be out shortly."

I just nodded and my mom went back to finish cooking breakfast. While my mom was at the stove, I helped her to set up the dining table.

I guess my mom did read my mind – well my thoughts because I left my mind-link open.

About fifteen minutes later, as my mom finished cooking breakfast, my dad walked into the kitchen, giving mom a brief kiss on her lips and said, "The food smells and looks wonderful honey."

"Thank you darling. Now go sit at the table and I'll bring your plate and a cup of coffee." My mom said with a smile and my dad nodded his head with a smile.

A couple of minutes later after dad sat at the table, my brother, Carson, came into the kitchen and greeted us.

Our mom quickly went up to him with a smile, gave him a big hug, and said: "happy birthday son, I love you."

"Thanks, mom, I love you too and the food looks and smells amazing." He said with a smile.

"Thank you, sweetheart. Now go sit at the table with your father while Lexi and I bring you and your father your plates." My brother nodded and went to sit at the table with our dad.

After my mom and I served my dad and Carson their plates with a cup of coffee, we sat down at the table with our plates and coffee.

"Happy Birthday Carson. Now that you are eighteen, you get to find your mate. Do you think your mate is in this pack?" I asked.

"Thanks, Lexi and to be honest, I don't know. She could be, but if not, then I will look for her in the neighboring packs. Of course, with the Alpha's permission." Said Carson with a hopeful look and determination in his eyes.

After breakfast, my dad had to leave because the Alpha mind-linked him to discuss important matters privately and Carson had a day off from Beta training.

Therefore, Carson and I helped our mom to clear the dining room table and clean the kitchen.

Once the kitchen was clean, Carson left the house to see if he could find his mate, while I went upstairs to my bedroom and sat on my bed, thinking.

I was thinking about our mate. Will my mate love and care for us? or will he reject us? Us meaning my wolf and I, but if our mate is anything like Kyle Greyson, our future Alpha, then I do not want him. My wolf, Midnight, might want him, but I do not.

'Don't say that, mate will love and care for us. Just think positive.' Said Midnight, pulling me out of my thoughts.

'Thank you love and I'll try to stay positive.' I said trying to stay positive because my birthday is in one and a half weeks and anything could happen.

'Midnight, what if our mate does reject us?' I asked curiously.

'If he does reject us, then he can go fuck himself because we're not going to let him or anybody break us and yes, the rejection will hurt, but it will make us stronger. I will always be there for you and I am not going to leave you either.' Said Midnight as tears started rolling down my cheeks by what she said is true.

'Thank you, I needed that. I love you Midnight!'

'You're welcome and I love you too Alex.'

After speaking to Midnight, I got up from my bed and went to my bathroom to wash my face because my mascara was mixed with my tears and streaming down my cheeks.

Once my face was clean, I reapplied my eyeliner and mascara. I stepped out of the bathroom, went back to sit on my bed and decided to text Brianna.

However, when I opened up my text-messaging app, I had about over forty messages from Bri, oops. I forgot to text her yesterday.

Brianna is going to kill me; goodbye world!

~Text conversation~

Hey Bri, what's up? -Alex



I am sorry Bri, I forgot. I lost track of time with homework, eating dinner and helping mom clean up. Then, I went out for a run with Carson and went to bed afterwards. -Alex

Fine, I forgive you and I am coming over. -Bri

Okay. -Alex

After I sent my reply, the doorbell rang. Damn, that was fast. I thought to myself.

I was about to go downstairs to open the door, but my mom beat me to it and let Brianna inside. "Hi Brianna, how are you darling? How is your mother?" Greeted my mom to Brianna with a smile.

"Hi Mrs. Cortez, I am good. Thank you for asking. My mom is doing well." Replied Brianna, reciprocating the smile back towards my mom.

"That's wonderful to hear and please, call me Darlene; Mrs. Cortez makes me feel older than I already am." Brianna nodded her head and was about to call her by her last name, but she corrected herself.

"Well, let me not keep you any longer; Lexi is upstairs in her bedroom." Said my mom as she turned around and walked back into the kitchen, while I met Bri at the top of the stairs.

After we went inside my bedroom, Bri went to sit on my bed and glared at me while I was standing in front of her. Why is she glaring at me? I asked myself, wishing I knew the answer.

"Okay, what is it? Why are glaring at me?" I had to ask.

"You really had to ask?" I cocked my right eyebrow and gave her a look as if I was saying 'um yeah, I do not know what you are talking about.'

"I had to come to your house to see for myself that you are still breathing and alive; I was really worried, you know." Awe, now I feel bad; I love this girl to bits.

"Bri, I told you I am sorry and I will make sure to send you a text next time." I said while giving her the sad puppy eyes.

"Fine, I'll let it slide for now and I forgive you. However, next time, I will make sure to kill you myself." Bri sighed and I just chuckled.

"I knew you were going to forgive me. You can't stay mad at me for longer than 10 minutes." Bri gave me a 'don't test me' look, and I started to laugh because she knows that I am right; Bri started to laugh along with me.

After Bri and I stopped laughing, we both heard the front door opening and closing. I wonder who was at the door. I said thinking to myself.

About five minutes later, we heard my mom shriek... from excitement? Now, I am definitely curious. Therefore, Brianna and I ran down the stairs to see what is going on and we both see my brother and our mom hugging an unknown girl.

"What's going on?" I asked as Bri and I walked closer to my brother.

"Lexi, I want you to meet my mate, Avery Jasmine Michaels." Said Carson, introducing me to his mate.

"Avery, this is my younger sister, Alexiana Marie Cortez and that is Brianna, Lexi's best friend." Carson introduced us with happiness glistening in his eyes. Then we all heard a low growl coming from Avery; Avery got a little possessive because she did not see any mark on Brianna nor does she know yet that Bri already has a mate.

Carson chuckled and grabbed Avery's face so she could look at him. "Avery, you don't need to worry about anything. Brianna already has her mate." He said calming both, Avery and her wolf down.

After Carson introduced Avery as his mate, they went to his bedroom to have some private time while Brianna and I went with my mom to the kitchen to help get dinner started and set the dining room table.

My mom went all out for dinner.

She cooked steak with grilled mixed vegetables, mashed potatoes and baked macaroni n' cheese. My mom also baked her famous apple pie and strawberry cheesecake.

During dinner, my dad told Carson that in 3 days, there is going to be a ceremony where my brother will introduce the pack to his mate and as future female Beta.

Then we spoke about other stuff with some banter here and there.

The rest of the evening went by smoothly; Brianna went back home at about half an hour after dinner and Avery is with Carson in his bedroom; I guess she is spending the night.

I stayed in the kitchen helping my mom wash the dishes and cleaning the countertops while she puts the food away while dad went to his office to do some last minute paperwork before he spend some relaxing time with mom.

When I was done in the kitchen, I went upstairs to my bedroom to change my clothes because I am going out for a run and of course, Midnight was excited; I could feel her tail wagging.

I trotted down the stairs towards the kitchen and through the back door. I jogged to one of the trees nearby, stripped naked and began shifting into my wolf form.

I could feel my bones breaking, my joints popping out of its' place and realigning itself to accommodate my body before I completely shift into my wolf.

My hands and feet turning into paws and my face are elongating to turn into a snout of a wolf. I could feel my spine stretching and hunched; my entire body forming and shaping into a giant wolf. I could see black fur sprouting through my skin; completely shifting into my wolf.

I quickly stretched, shook out my fur and I let Midnight take control for a bit.

'The wind blowing against my fur, feels so amazing and exhilarating.' Said Midnight happily and I could not agree more.

~Third person POV~

Midnight kept running through the forest, feeling the moist dirt underneath her paws, leaving track marks behind her, felt amazing.

The combination of the wind blowing against Midnight's fur and feeling the moist dirt underneath her paws was getting her more excited that she pushed herself to run even faster. Midnight stopped running and quickly jogged to the pond that she went with Tyson, Carson's wolf the night before.

She lapped the water, feeling the nice, cool liquid going down her throat, quenching her thirst.

When she was done, Midnight lied down on the ground and laid her head on her left paw to relax for a bit.

The cool evening breeze blew through her fur making her feel sleepy. However, a snap of a twig, disturbed Midnight's relaxation. Immediately her head shot up while her ears pointed straight up, listening to her surroundings.

Then another snap of a twig, Midnight quickly got up and looked around to find the threat.

When she looked to her right, she saw another wolf. The wolf was a male and his fur color was ash grey with light brown eyes. He was a beautiful wolf and his aura held power of an Alpha.

Then it dawned on her, that wolf is Kyle Greyson, future Alpha. Nevertheless, she did not want him to know that she was there, so she quickly and quietly stepped away without making any noise.

Once Midnight was in the clear, she ran back home and gave Alexiana back control.

~Alexiana's POV~

After Midnight gave me back control, I ran back to the tree where I left my clothes and shifted back to my human form.

I quickly got dressed, went inside the house and walked upstairs to my bedroom. I went to my bathroom, stripped naked while putting a shower cap on my head and took a quick ten-minute shower.

When I got out of the shower, I towel dried my body, put on my panty and my PJs. I walked out of my bathroom and went to bed.

After I laid my head on my pillow, sleep quickly took over and I was transported to the land of oblivion.

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