In the beginning

The entire Kingdom of Scorch Crest filled the streets in celebration. Finally, after almost two hundred years of waiting the royal family was finally blessed with a child, this child was now the people's greatest hope for a peaceful future.

Two hundred years ago the great kingdoms were at war. A war that ended in a devastating curse for both lands. Cursed by the warlocks of Amar Eglir, the dragon Kingdom was cursed with no more royal children. This meant the royal Dragon line would end and no one would be strong enough to stand against the Warlock race.

The kingdom of Amar Eglir was ruled by an evil King. One who was bred into a family history that lusted for destruction and wished to rule over all races. The land was now covered in smoke and ash. The grounds were now so burnt and damaged from a dragon’s flame, there was no hope of being able to grow anything; even with their magic. As a result, the Warlock race relied on selling dark magic and exports to supply their kingdom. Many of the Warlock race had died off or fled to distant lands in search of a peaceful future.

In all of the people's history had they ever seen such a celebration. Dancers filled the streets and music was heard throughout the capital. The human shops were filled with the most delicious foods imaginable; some would say the capital never smelled so good. The Elvish people had the streets covered in lush green grass that as soft and cool under foot. Fruit trees of all kinds and bushes of wildflowers lined the streets.

The weaker and less common line of dragons filled the skies of course, flying around and setting off magical displays with their fire that had the children crying in delight. The few that remained were highly skilled in their wonderous shows.

Across the kingdom...

"I can't believe my sister has given the king a child!" fumed the lady Adara as she paced around her tiny apartment. A small invitation was in hand that was torn from her ruff handling. The sound of her heels clicked loudly and bounced off the walls to fill the room with their annoying sound. The long dark purple dress flowed behind her long, stressed strides.

"Mother why has this happened, our plan was so close to working. I want the throne you promised me!" screamed lady Adara's son Lycus. Such a spoiled child had no understanding of false promises.

"You will have all that was promised and more, my darling boy. Come now we don't want to be late for the naming ceremony." Her tone was clear that Adara did not want to attend this joyous day.

As the lady Adara and her young son Lycus made their way across the castle grounds, she thought about how she would never get over the sting of being placed so far away from the royal apartments. No matter the cost she would take over this Kingdom, it should have been hers to rule, her child being named Prince. And it would have been too, if only her sister never existed. There was a time many years ago that Adara loved her sister Acantha. However, that ended the day the king chose Acantha over Adara and she vowed she would never let that go.

"Introducing the lady Adara Cassius and the Lord Lycus Vehm DeLuca." Announced the doorman as they entered the king's Hall.

The Hall looked stunning, row upon row of benches covered with plush pillows and fresh roses filled the hall to accommodate all the guests. The sunlight was shining upon the room, as there was no roof to cover them. The air was so fresh and cool thanks to the magnificent waterfall that ran into a river and covered the one side of the hall. At the center of the room the golden Thrones gleamed in the sunlight.

The room as filled with the higher class of citizens. They all chatted away at each other as Adara made her way into the room. They all seemed to work so hard to ignore her presence, as no one truly liked those who lived with greedy hearts.

A deafening roar filled the air and caused everyone to move to their seats and the capital became silent. As lady Adara made her way to her seat, she was met with her lover. The king's most trusted advisor. Their relationship was now finally public, now that she has done away with her useless husband and free to remarry.

"My lady you are so stunning in this dress, no one will care about the new princess with you looking this way." Advisor Marcus said with the most seductive smirk Adara had ever seen. This man was always filling her up with kind words.

The signal horn blasted and the blower announced,

"All hail King Edmund Brightflame, Warrior of peace! And the Queen Acantha Brightflame, the pure fire in our hearts!"

A large pure black dragon landed swiftly by the raised platform that held the Golden Throne. He let out a roar as the Queen climbed down the dragon's back with an incredible ease as she cradled her beautiful daughter. By the time she could walk to the Golden Throne her King had shifted back to his human form and stood beside her. An attendant was ready with a golden robe to cover his nakedness.

"Welcome all who have come to rejoice in the birth of our princess, my beautiful child. With the curse finally lifted she will lead us into a new age of prosperity. She will defend all peoples from the greed of the Warlock Kingdom, should they ever cause a war again. Dragon, Elf and humankind will never again know the warlock’s devastation!" announced King Edmond with an intoxicating passion. The room erupted with the joyous cheers of the people.

"Welcome your princess and heir to the kingdom of Scorch Crest, she will forever be known as Princess Aurelia Brightflame; our greatest treasure!" announced Queen Acantha.

The hall was filled with such applause that Adara knew no one else would hear her whisper to Marcus,

"Steal that child away and I shall make you my king."

“It shall be done my love.”

And so it was, when the child was five years old the plan was executed; the Kingdom wept and was plunged into a new darkness.

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